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Every one of us should have at least one or two good friends. Your friends will listen to you when you speak, will look after you when you don’t feel well, and will always be together with you in your life. Everyone needs friends. Friendship(友谊) can make us happier. How can we find a good friend and get on well with each other? Here is some advice.

★Make friends with a person who is easy to get on with.

★You should make friends with a person who has something in common with you.

★Give your friend a hand when he or she has problems. Friends should always help each other.

★Believe in(相信) each other. This is the most important thing in a friendship.

★Even the best friends may have a quarrel sometimes. And you may say something bad to hurt(伤害) him or her. If this happens, don’t let your quarrel last too long. Try to make up with your friends soon.

Friendship is a kind of treasure(财富) in our life. It is like a bottle(瓶) of wine(酒). The longer it is kept, the better it will be.

【小题1】What should you do when your friend has problems?
A.You should help him/ her.
B.You should hurt with him/ her.
C.You should laugh at him/ her.
【小题2】What is the most important thing in a friendship according to the passage?
A.Stay with him/ her.B.Believe in each other.C.Help each other.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “quarrel” mean in Chinese?
【小题4】How many pieces of advice does the writer give us?
【小题5】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.FriendshipB.All Kinds of FriendsC.How to Find a Good Friend
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I have depression. I always miss my old self. Every time I think of her, I can’t control my tears. Can you help me find her?


Dear Lisa,

It hurts to know that you’re in pain. I want to tell you how I got through this. One year ago, my grandfather passed away. Since then, I have drowned (沉浸) in sorrow. But one day, my father took me out to my grandpa’s vegetable garden. With his green and lively plants around me, I felt like my grandpa was encouraging me to be happier.

After that, I often go camping and watch the sunrise with my parents. When I walk out into the world, I find that my past confusion (困惑) has disappeared. If you’re in pain, go out to find something amazing.

And above all, never be afraid to seek a doctor’s help. With a professional’s (专业人士的) advice, you’ll be fine soon.


Dear Lisa,

I’m very sorry to hear about your situation (情况). Depression is one of the hardest things that a person can go through. I’ll do what I can to help you.

First of all, have you talked to anyone about it? I know it can be difficult. Your friends or even parents might just think you’re “a little sad”. But it really helps a lot to talk to someone, even if they have no advice to give. Just listening is enough.

If your sadness is troubling you in ways that make your life difficult (sleepless nights, loss of interest in hobbies), then you need to see a doctor. They can help you. It’s necessary to remember that depression is not a personal failure and you are not doing anything wrong. If you can’t get professional help, at least try to find comfort in a friend or family member.


【小题1】If someone is in depression, he or she is probably in a state of ________.
A.feeling angry all the timeB.being a little sad sometimes
C.feeling unhappy all the timeD.being interested in many things
【小题2】How did Lin get through her pain?
A.Her grandpa encouraged her to be happier.
B.She always asked her friends and parents for advice.
C.She found some green and lively plants in a garden.
D.She walked out and found something amazing in the world.
【小题3】Both Lin and Mike advise Lisa to ________.
A.watch the sunriseB.talk to someoneC.seek a doctor’s helpD.find comfort in a friend
【小题4】In which section of a newspaper would you possibly read the above passage?
A.Education.B.Feelings.C.Fashion.D.Local News.

A school is more than a place for students to learn knowledge—it is also an environment for students to learn some social skills. When it comes to making friends with your classmates, you may have some problems. 【小题1】

Be partners with your classmates.

You may be good at one subject while your classmates may be good at another. You can be partners with them. 【小题2】 And if you need some help with your own studies, ask them for help in return.

Offer to talk to them.

If you want to make friends with your classmates, don’t wait for them to talk to you. You can offer to talk to them. It’s very simple. 【小题3】 Remember that your classmates also want some new friends. They will be happy if you talk to them.

Offer help to others.

【小题4】 If someone forgets to take the dictionary, offer to lend yours to them. If someone is feeling sad, try to make them happy. They will be happy if you are there for them when they are in need.


Offer to join a study group or take part in other class activities. It can provide you with chances to know your classmates better. It’s very likely that you can make friends with your classmates who have the same interests as you.

A.Take part in activities.
B.Everyone may need help.
C.Here are some suggestions for you.
D.If they need help with their studies, help them.
E.Spend more time with your classmates after school.
F.You can start a talk by saying “hello” or talking about the weather.

Name: Bruce Smith
Job: A teacher
Trouble: He thinks he is too old to have four classes every day. He has a sore throat.
Advice: Don’t talk too much. Drink a lot of water.

Name: David King
Job: A programmer(程序员)
Trouble: He spends six hours on the computer every day. He has a pain in his neck.
Advice: Do some exercise.Take some medicine.

Name: John Hill
Job: A worker
Trouble: He often complains(抱怨)about the noise around him. He has a headache.
Advice: Wear good earplugs.

Name: Rose Pan
Job: A policewoman
Trouble: She stands outside too long. Bad air makes her cough a lot.
Advice: Go to see a doctor and take some medicine.
【小题1】What’s the matter with Bruce Smith?
A.He has a sore back.B.He has a sore throat.C.He has a fever.D.He has a sore neck.
【小题2】What causes David King’s trouble?
A.Spending too much time on the computer.B.Too much stress.
C.Standing too long.D.Too much noise.
【小题3】What’s the advice for John Hill?
A.Too keep away from the noise.B.To wear thick clothes.
C.To wear good earplugs.D.To take two days off.
【小题4】What troubles Rose Pan?
A.Noise around her.B.Studying too long.C.Talking too much.D.Having a cough.
【小题5】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Bruce Smith has three classes every day.
B.There is something wrong with David King’s head.
C.John Hill doesn’t care about the noice around him.
D.Rose Pan should see a doctor.
