阅读理解-单选 适中0.65 引用1 组卷44

This is a sad and true event, the day after September 16th at 4 pm, a heartbreaking traffic accident occurred in Zigong, Sichuan. Two little girls rushed out of the road on a bicycle, was knocked down by a car, one girl died on the spot. She’s not even 12 years old . Her parents did not see her on the last moment and the other girl lost her life in hospital rescue. They are all the only child in the family. I was deeply shocked when I heard this event.

Schools, society, and families have always emphasized the importance of safety. What should we do? As middle school students, we must always keep traffic safety in mind, especially after leaving school, it is strictly prohibited to ride three vehicles, shared bicycles, electric bicycles, and motorcycles. Safety is no small matter, don’t take it lightly. I hope we can grow safely, healthily, and happily.

【小题1】The traffic accident happened on ________.
A.September 15thB.September 16thC.September 17thD.September 18th
【小题2】How many students died in this accident?
【小题3】When do we remember traffic safety?
A.After school.B.Before school.C.During schoolD.At any moment.
【小题4】What’s the meaning of “prohibited” in Chinese?
【小题5】Safety is ________.
A.not a big dealB.a small matterC.an important thingD.nothing
知识点:事故安全守则记叙文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
This sad story happened on a cold winter evening. It was so cold and snow was falling so heavily that the roads were covered with ice and a strong wind was blowing. Being outside in such weather was very unwise. However, Peter Lee had to walk home from work. Peter walked with difficulty along a country road, the cold wind beating against his chest. He thought, “If I wear my coat backwards, maybe, it will be a little bit warmer for me.” He stopped walking, took off his coat, and put it on backwards. “That’s much better,” he said to himself happily. Walking on through the thickly falling snow, he was thinking about drinking a cup of warm coffee by the burning fireplace.
A few minutes later, a car knocked down Peter. The driver hadn’t seen him soon enough. When he tried his best to put on the brakes (刹车), the car skidded (打滑) on the icy road. The frightened driver got out of the car and ran to see how the poor man was.
After a while, a police car arrived. A policeman went up to see Mr Lee who was lying on the ground. He told the driver, “I’m afraid he’s dead.”
The driver was so surprised. “This can’t be the case, because I hardly touched him. Check my car carefully. There’s not a mark on it.”
The policeman said, “I’m sure he’s dead.”
“It’s impossible,” the driver said anxiously. “As soon as I hit him, I ran to help him. He was lying on the road, but he was breathing and there was no blood.”
“Did you touch him?” the policeman asked.
“Yes, but only to turn his head around the right way,” the driver answered.
【小题1】Why did the writer say this story was a sad one?
A.It was rather cold that day.
B.Snow was falling heavily that day.
C.The man in the story was made dead by mistake.
D.An accident happened on the road.
【小题2】According to the writer, Peter Lee _______ .
A.was wise
B.didn’t need to walk home in such bad weather
C.was in bad need of going home
D.had difficulty in finding the road leading to his home
【小题3】Peter Lee wore his coat backwards _______.
A.to keep himself a little bit warmer
B.to help walk forward more easily
C.not to let others know him
D.not to let the cold wind blow
【小题4】The driver failed to see Peter Lee soon enough, ______.
A.so the car skidded on the icy road
B.so he tried his best to put on the brakes
C.and he had to get out of the car
D.so his car knocked him down
【小题5】What did the driver do to make Peter Lee die?
A.He touched him carefully.
B.He turned his head around the right way.
C.He helped him to sit up.
D.He turned him over gently.

I saw a car accident(事故)when I went to school yesterday. It was early in the morning, about twenty to eight. I was on my way to school on Zhongshan Road when I heard the sound (声音) of a car. Then, I saw a little boy fall down from his bike. The car driver didn’t stop, and he drove away quickly. The car ran so fast that I couldn’t see it clearly. I only remembered that it was a red car and dirty.

Then I ran to the boy. Luckily, he was not serious(严重的), but he couldn’t walk. He told me that the car hit him. Then I called 120 and 110. Soon the police car arrived. I told the policeman what I saw. He asked me to describe what the car looked like and the car number. I felt sorry because I didn’t see the car number. Then an ambulance(救护车)came and they took the boy to hospital.

I think the driver should stop his car and make sure if(是否)the boy was OK.

【小题1】The car accident happened (发生) at ________ yesterday morning.
【小题2】Why couldn’t the writer see the car number?
A.Because it was dark.B.Because the car ran very fast.
C.Because the weather was really bad.D.Because the car didn’t have its number.
【小题3】What did the car look like?
A.Red and clean.B.Black and clean.C.Black and dirty.D.Red and dirty.
【小题4】What’s the Chinese meaning(意思) of “hit”?
【小题5】What’s the best title (标题) of this passage?
A.An unlucky boy.B.Riding a bike.C.A car accident.D.A car driver.

On the night of Oct 29, during Halloween celebrations, a deadly (致命的) stampede (踩踏事故) happened in Seoul, South Korea. 【小题1】 And 151 others were hurt.

【小题2】 On that night, about 100,000 people got together in Seoul’s Itaewon district (梨泰院地区) for the country’s biggest no-mask outdoor Halloween event.

Yoon Hee-keun, head of South Korea’s National Police Agency, said he feels a heavy responsibility for the event.【小题3】 South Korean Prime Minister Han Duck-soo said on Nov 1 that even if more police officers were sent to Itaewon, it would have been hard to control the huge crowd as the country had incomplete rules on crowd management. 【小题4】 He also called for the use of drones (无人机) to develop a proper crowd-control way. The government will soon review national safety rules, People’s Daily reported.


·Do not shout.

·Do not push against the crowd.

·Lift your hands up to your chest (胸口). It gives you space and protects your chest.

A.It has been the country’s deadliest event since 2014.
B.How to help people in a stampede during a festival?
C.It killed at least 156 people, including four Chinese.
D.Some police officers failed to deal with them properly.
E.How to stay safe in a stampede while celebrating a festival?
F.He promised to improve rules to stop similar disasters (灾难) from happening again.
