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People around the world have great fun doing sports because sports bring them health and happiness(幸福). Different people play different kinds of sports. Some sports are very interesting and many people all over the world enjoy them. Soccer is popular in most countries. Swimming is popular in warm places. Skiing(滑雪) is popular in cold countries, like Canada and Ireland.

Some sports or games have a long history, like riding and Chinese Kongfu. But soccer and volleyball(排球) are very young. They are only about one hundred years old.

People can learn from each other well in sports. Many players make friends after they have a game. Other people relax themselves(他们自己) by watching games on TV. Sports also help people to work hard. It is good for all of us.

【小题1】Sports can bring people to keep ________ and ________.
A.health; happyB.health; happiness
C.healthy; happyD.healthy; happiness
【小题2】________ is popular in most countries.
【小题3】Which sport do most people prefer in Hainan?
A.Swimming.B.Skating.C.Volleyball.D.Table tennis.
【小题4】Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Many people in Canada like skiing in winter.
B.Soccer has a history of over two hundred years.
C.People can make new friends from sports.
D.Watching football games on TV can help us relax ourselves.
【小题5】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Sports are good for us.B.Sports help people keep fit.
C.Sports bring people happiness.D.It’s interesting to do sports.
知识点:健康与运动说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Orienteering (定向越野赛跑) is a sport which began in Europe in 1918. It is very popular in Scandinavia (斯堪的纳维亚). In Sweden, a five-day orienteering event attracts over 15,000 orienteers every year.

To orient yourself means to work out where you are. In orienteering, people run or walk around a course, using a compass and a map to find their way.

Orienteering is known as the “O sport”, because orienteers need to think about where the controls might be and when they should run.

Another name for orienteering is “cunning (灵巧的) running”, because you must think about the best way to go. Which route should you choose? Should you run down the long track(小路) or climb over the bit hill?

How do you do it?

Runners use a compass and a map to find red and white markers in the bush. The markers are called controls. Each runner chooses a course. There are simple courses for beginners. There are harder courses for runners or walkers who have done orienteering before. And there are the hardest courses for the best runners.

Who does it?

Orienteering is popular with people of all ages, in many parts of the world. Orienteering began in Australia in 1969. In 1985, the world championships were held in the country. They ran in the bush near Bendigo, in Victoria. Orienteers came from Scandinavia, France, China, Japan, the USA, New Zealand and many other countries.

【小题1】Orienteering is a very popular sport which began in Europe.
【小题2】The orienteering event last for six days every year in Sweden.
【小题3】Orienteers can find their way in the bush by using a compass and a map.
【小题4】People don’t need to think about how to climb over the bit hill.
【小题5】People of all ages from many parts of the countries prefer the orienteering.

Fred had something important to tell his family. Everyone in his family was asked to sit at the dinner table and listen.

“I’m going to take part in the Olympics.” he said.

“Can a fourth-grader do that?” asked Anna, his younger sister.

“I’m not going now. I’ll go when I’m a little older. “Fred shook his head. “I’ve studied how the athletes(运动员) become the best. That is practice. If I practice hard enough, I can’t fail.”

“Sounds like a big challenge,” said Dad. “Which sport will you take up?”

“I haven’t made up my mind yet,” said Fred.

After a month’s practice, Fred got hurt again and again when he tried to find out which sport was for him. He tried different kinds of sport, such as running, jumping, badminton and so on. But at last he stopped practicing. “It’s too difficult. I don’t think I can find a sport right for me,” Fred talked to himself.

The following Sunday, the family sat down for dinner as usual.

“I’ve decided not to play a sport,”said Fred.

Everyone was surprised.

“You’re giving up on your Olympic dream?” said Anna.

“I didn’t say I was giving up,” said Fred. “I’m still going to the Olympics.”

Anna looked puzzled. “How can you go if you don’t do a sport?”

Fred held up a book titled Is Sports Medicine the Career for You? “Over the past few weeks, I’ve discovered that athletes need much medical help. So I am going to become a sports doctor. I’ll still go to the Olympics—but as a doctor, not an athlete.”

Fred answered confidently.

“Now that is another challenge, Fred!” said Dad. “I’m sure you would do as well as you can to realize your dream.”

【小题1】After a month’s practice, Fred felt ________ about choosing a right sport.
【小题2】Fred wanted to be a sports doctor at last because ________.
A.he loved reading on sports medicineB.his sister asked him to give up practicing
C.his family encouraged him to be a doctorD.he discovered athletes’ need from a book
【小题3】Fred’s story mainly tells us that ________.
A.keeping trying helps us realize our dreamB.discussing with family makes a difference
C.reading books can make us feel happyD.doing sports is good for our health

Why play sports? You might say “to get exercise” and you’d be right. To have fun? That’s true, too. But there’s more. In fact, there are at least 5 more reasons. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.

Girls who play sports do better in school. You might think that athletics will take up all your study time. 【小题1】 Exercise improves learning, memory and concentration(专注力), which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.

Girls who play sports learn team work and goal-setting skills. 【小题2】 When you work with coaches, trainers and teammates to win games and achieve goals, you’re learning how to be successful. Those skills will serve you well at work and in family life.

【小题3】 Regular(规律的)exercise helps girls keep fit and a healthy weight. Also, girls who play sports seldom smoke. And later in life, girls who exercise don’t get osteoporosis(骨质疏松症)easily.

Playing sports improves self-confidence. 【小题4】 Why? It builds confidence when you know you can practice, improve and achieve your goals. Sports are also a feel—good activity because they help girls get in shape, keep a healthy weight and make new friends.

【小题5】 Playing sports can help you feel less stressed and a little happier. How? The brain chemicals released(释放)during exercise improve a person’s mood.

A.Exercise cuts the pressure.
B.Sports teach valuable life skills.
C.Sports are good for a girl’s health.
D.But research shows quite different results.
E.Girls who exercise feel better about themselves.
