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It’s necessary for us to have enough sleep. But some people like staying up late to watch TV. Some play and don’t go to bed until 11:00 or 12:00 p.m. All these can cause lack(缺乏) of sleep.

The next day, they would feel sleepy(困倦的) when they work. And they even don’t feel like eating anything. It can also make them ill in bed.

Sometimes it’s not easy for some people to fall asleep(睡着的). If you want to sleep easily(容易地) at night, you had better do more exercise during the day. For example, playing basketball or table tennis can help you fall asleep quickly. You’d better not drink coffee before going to bed. Follow my advice, enjoy a good night.

【小题1】All people like staying up late.
【小题2】It’s important for us to get enough sleep.
【小题3】If you want to sleep easily, you’d better do some sports at night.
【小题4】It’s a good idea to drink a cup of warm coffee before you go to bed.
【小题5】It’s helpful to do enough exercise during the day.
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For many people, Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) is one of the top sites for tips on beauty, fashion, travel, food and education. For others, it is also a perfect place to share one’s life experiences. But for a growing number of young people, the site is a place to look not for friends, but dazi, or “activity partner”.

The word dazi became especially common earlier this year, with many people in search of those with similar interests. Unlike friendships, the relationships between dazi is not long or deep. The idea is simple—people come together to join in an activity they all enjoy.

Finding dazi circles is becoming popular for two reasons. First, the Internet has made it easy for young people to connect with one another. Second, young people, especially students,usually have smaller social circles.“For students, their friends are mostly their schoolmates. So, it can be difficult to find someone who shares a similar interest. Going online to find dazi to do something they like is more practical” says Xu Shijin, an organizer of dazi groups on Xiaohongshu.

▲     Bu Yu, a 35-year-old who lives in Shanghai, decided to form a dazi group after finding that many mothers wanted their children to play together. She created a group in late March, and organized at our of the Shanghai Firefighting Museum in April with other families that have children of similar ages. “The experience was great,” says Bu.

“We humans like doing things together. This is why young people are crazy about finding dazi circles these days,” says Yu Hai, a professor at Fudan University. It’s also good for young people to take part in more gatherings to practice their social skills.

【小题1】What is the purpose of finding dazi?
A.To make friends.
B.To get advice on fashion and travel.
C.To share life experiences with each other.
D.To join in an activity with people with similar interests.
【小题2】Why is finding dazi becoming popular with young people?
A.Because they have bigger social circles.
B.Because they can’t get along well with people around.
C.Because it is easy for them to connect with people online.
D.Because it is impossible to find someone with similar interests in school.
【小题3】Which of the following is the best sentence to put in in Paragraph 4?
A.Students are crazy about it.
B.Visiting museums is good for children.
C.Even people in their mid-30s welcome it.
D.People use dazi circle to practice their social skills.
【小题4】In which section(版) of a newspaper can we find this passage?

There are many natural mysteries and wonders in the world, here are some of them.

Fossil (化石) footprints

About 11,000 years ago, some ancient humans went for a muddy walk in Africa. They left more than 400 footprints, which became fossils. It’s the largest collection of ancient African footprints ever found. Scientists have studied all the footprints. And they have learned more about the people who left them. All of the footprints came from feet. Scientists found the footprints of 17 people who probably walked together. The footprints were all traveling in the same direction and at the same speed. From the size of the footprints, scientists think the group was mostly adult women. They may have been out gathering food together.

Snakes stick together

Can snakes be friends? Some scientists recently found the answer by closely watching 40 young garter snakes. These small, harmless snakes are common in North America. Scientists divided the snakes into 10 groups. Then they put each group into a small space together for eight days. They found that snakes do seem to have friends. Each snake liked to stay together with certain snakes more than others. Even when scientists moved them around, the snakes often went back to their same friends. Snakes are known for being unfriendly — but it’s not always true, scientists say.

How koalas get water

All living things need water. But they get it in different ways. You drink water from a glass. Plants take it in with their roots (根). Koalas get water from eucalyptus (桉树) leaves they eat. But scientists have discovered that koalas have another way to get water: They lick (舔) trees. People noticed the surprising behavior while watching wild koalas in Australia. During rainstorms or right after, rainwater dropped down from tree trunks. Some koalas got the running water while they sat in the trees. One koala was so thirsty that it kept licking a wet tree trunk for more than 30 minutes without stopping.

【小题1】What is the structure of this passage?
【小题2】Who left the fossil footprints?
【小题3】What will happen if people move snakes around?
A.They will fight with each other.
B.They will move away quickly.
C.They will go back to other snakes.
【小题4】How do koalas mainly get water?
A.From the lakes and rivers.B.From the roots and trunks.C.From the leaves and rain drops.

Long ago, as people got older, there was something wrong with their teeth and they would have a toothache. 【小题1】

Later people learned that cleaning their teeth was important, but they didn’t have toothpaste (牙膏)at that time. 【小题2】

About 100 years ago someone finally invented a kind of cream to clean teeth. Not long after that, the toothpaste tube (管子) was invented, so people could press the toothpaste right onto the toothbrush! 【小题3】The army gave toothbrushes and toothpaste to all the soldiers, and they learned to brush teeth twice a day. At that time toothpaste tubes were made of metal (金属 ). 【小题4】

Today there are plenty of toothpaste choices: lots of colors and tastes to choose from, and some kinds of toothpaste are made just for children. When you are choosing a kind of toothpaste, make sure it has fluoride ( 氟化物). 【小题5】When you brush your teeth, you don’t need a lot of toothpaste: just press out a bit.

Teeth are a very important part of our body. We will lose them forever once they are broken. So we must protect them.

A.They used lemon juice, salt or other things to clean their teeth.
B.Tooth brushing became popular during World War I.
C.Fluoride makes your teeth strong and healthy.
D.Today they are made of soft plastic (塑料)and are much easier to use!
E.To stop toothache, they had their teeth pulled out.
