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Street-ball is a city game. People play it on playgrounds and in gyms around the world.

Usually only one side of the court is used in the street-ball, but the rules of the game are almost the same as basketball games. The number of players in a game maybe only 2, and it is called one-to-one. Sometimes there are also two teams of five players each. It is easy for you to join a street-ball game. You only need to go to an outdoor court. If there are some teams playing, and they agree to let you take part in, then you have a chance to join any team.

Street-ball is a very popular game in the world, and it is very popular with young people. Some cities in the United States even have street-ball programs on TV. It is said that this is a good way for young people to keep away from troubles such as crimes(犯罪) and drugs(毒品).

【小题1】Where do people usually play street-ball?
A.On the hill.B.In the classroom.C.In the water.D.On the playground.
【小题2】The rules of street-ballgames are almost the same as          games.
【小题3】The underlined word “troubles” means “         ” in Chinese.
【小题4】Why do people say the street-ballgame is good for young people?
A.Because it is very popular.
B.Because it can keep them away from some troubles.
C.Because it can make them strong.
D.Because it can be played by two people.
【小题5】What can we know from the passage?
A.It’s not easy to join a street-ballgame.
B.The street-ballgame is only for good players.
C.The street-ball is very popular with young people.
D.There are many programs on TV about the street-ballgame all over the world.
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Many teenagers (青少年) don’t care about their health these days. Li Lin is one of them. She doesn’t have breakfast and only eats fast food for lunch. It has become her habit. Sometimes she eats too much fast food and skips dinner. So, she gets hungry and eats something late at night.

Li Lin doesn’t exercise. She doesn’t like to go outside to play, either. She always stays at home and watches TV. She also likes to eat potato chips while she is watching TV. Her school is very close to her house, but she never walks to school because her dad has a car and he always gives her a ride in the morning.

Li Lin is a typical teenager. Today, too many teenagers eat unbalanced meals and exercise too little. Their bodies are going through a lot of changes as they grow. If they want to become healthy adults, they need to eat healthy food and do regular exercise. They need to care about their health. They can start with making small changes in their daily lives.

Here are some pieces of advice to help teenagers stay healthy.

●Try to have breakfast every morning.

●Stay away from fast food. Eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables.

●Don’t watch TV too much and do more outdoor activities.

●Walk as often as possible.

【小题1】How does Li Lin go to school?
A.By bus.B.By car.C.On foot.D.By bike.
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Li Lin likes to go outside to play very much.
B.Teenagers can enjoy more fast food.
C.No one can change his or her unbalanced meals.
D.Teenagers should walk as often as possible.
【小题3】The passage is for ________.
A.old peopleB.parentsC.teenagersD.teachers

As we all know, if a person isn’t in good health, he or she can’t study or work well, or live comfortably. Staying healthy is one of the most important goals in everyone’s life.

During the past three years, the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the worrying new variant—Omicron, has led many people to pay more attention to their health. Exercising is an excellent way to keep healthy. So what are the most popular activities? What are different people’s favourites? And what are some factors(因素)holding people back from physical fitness? Here’s the result of a recent survey on people’s exercise.

Top 6 popular activitiesDifferent favouritesWhat’s stopping people from exercise

Running 57.3%
Walking 51.5%
Cycling 36.6%
Ball games 25.8%
Swimming 25.0%
Hiking 21.6%

Born after 2000
Ball games

Born in 1990s
No professional training 42.9%

No time 33.2%

Not exercise facilities 23.9%

Born in 1980s

Born in 1970s

【小题1】According to the survey, what is the most popular activity?
【小题2】What kind of activity may a 15-year-old student probably like best?
A.Ball games.B.Swimming.C.Walking.D.Yoga.
【小题3】If 1, 000 people took part in the survey, how many people would think “No time” is the main factor in stopping them from exercise?
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Exercise is one of the most important goals in everyone’s life.
B.Playing ball games is much more popular than walking.
C.The top factor to stop people from exercise is without facilities.
D.People’s exercising favourites will change with different ages.
