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Here is some “breaking” news: the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has added breaking(地板舞) into the 2024 Paris Olympic Games!

Breaking might be one of the very strange sports to be added to the Games, as it is seen as an art.

The dance style first appeared on the streets of New York in the 1970s. In the 1980s, breaking swept around the world when it was adopted (采用) by pop stars such as Michael Jackson. Young people worldwide were crazy about such kind of dance style.

Over the past few years, there has been a talk that the Olympic Games have become less interesting to young people. The IOC is trying to make the Games more “youthful”, with sports that young people do in their spare time. “We want to take sport to the youth, ”said IOC President Thomas Bach.

To be added to the Olympics, a sport must be practised by men in at least 75 countries on four continents (洲) and by women in no fewer than 40 countries on three continents. Also, it should be competitive and requires training just like other sports. Dancers need to have strong upper body and core strength. “It’s great that it gives us more recognition as a sport,” said British breakdancer Karam .

【小题1】What has been added into the 2024 Paris Olympic Games?
【小题2】Why is breaking one of the very strange sports to be added to the Games?
【小题3】When did the dance style first appear?
【小题4】Weren’t young people worldwide crazy about breaking in the 1980s?
【小题5】What do dancers need to practise breaking?
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Beijing Winter Olympic Games open on Feb. 4th and end on Feb. 20th. Let’s have a look at some important moments about these games.

July 31, 2015

Beijing became the host city. It is the first city in the world to hold both the Summer and Winter Olympics.

September 17, 2019

Bing Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩)became the mascots (吉祥物)for Beijing Winter Olympics.

June, 2021

The Winter Olympic Village(冬奥村)was finished and put to use.

September 17, 2021

The official motto(官方口号)of the Games was ready:“Together for a Shared Future”. It asks humans to work together in the face of difficulties.

October 18, 2021

The Olympics flame(圣火)for the Beijing Winter Games was lit in Olympia, Greece. What’s more, because of the COVID-19, people outside China cannot buy the tickets, and all the players need to have daily tests. That makes 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games so different from the former ones.

Beijing is ready for the Olympics! Let’s enjoy the exciting games all together!

【小题1】Is Beijing the first city to hold both the Summer and Winter Olympics?
【小题2】What is the official motto of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games?
【小题3】What makes Beijing Winter Olympic Games so different during the COVID-19?
【小题4】Do you want to be a volunteer(志愿者)at the Winter Olympic Village? Why or why not?
