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We are all busy talking about and using the internet. But how many of us know the history of the internet?
Many people are surprised when they find that the internet was set up in the 1960’. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks didn’t work well if one computer in the network broke down. Then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If one part of the network was not working , information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system could keep on working all the time.
At first the internet was only used it, too. However, computers were still very expensive and the internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990’s, computers were still very expensive and the internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990’s, computers had become cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing “ the internet more convenient.
Today it is easy to get online and it is said that millions of people use the internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students. The internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.
【小题1】The Internet has a history of more than        years.
【小题2】A new network system was set up to        .
A.make computers cheaper
B.make computers expensive
C.make itself keep on working all the time
D.make computers large
【小题3】At first the Internet was only used by        .
A.the governmentB.universitiesC.hospitalsD.schools
【小题4】What does “convenient” mean in the passage?
【小题5】Today        than before.
A.fewer people are using computers
B.it is more difficult to get online
C.sending e-mail is more popular
D.computers are more expensive
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Every year in Bath, England, there is a special festival. People dress up in period clothes and have concerts and balls. They are celebrating the lane Austen Festival.

Jane Austen is an English writer. Born in Steventon, England, 1775, Austen was mostly educated at home, where she teamed how to play the piano, draw and write creatively. She read a lot and later came to enjoy social events such as parties, dances and balls. She disliked the busy life of towns and preferred the country life, where she took to taking long walks
In 1801, Jane, her parents and sister moved to Bath. Four years later, her father passed away and the family soon became poor. Austen and her family moved several times until finally settling(安顿)into a small house in Chawton. It was in this house that she wrote most of her works.
In March of 1817, Austen got serious health problems and was sent to Winchester for a cure so she had to stop writing. She died in July of the same year, at the age of only 4l.
Austen was famous for her humorous words and clever ideas. Most of her novels are about women in I8`h century England. At that time, if a woman wanted to have a happy life, she had to marry a rich man. But Austen said that a woman should marry for love, riot for money or social status(地位).So her characters were often strong women.
Pride and Prejudice(偏见),published in 1813, is the most famous novel by Austen. It tells of a romantic story between a young woman Elizabeth and a tall, rich, and handsome man, Mr. Darcy. It has been changed into films, televisions and musicals
【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE about Austen?
A.She loved reading and taking long walks.
B.She received education in college.
C.She hated parties, balls and dances.
D.She preferred the city life
【小题2】Where did Austen write most of her works?
A.In a small house in Winchester.
B.In a small house in Chawton
C.In Steventon, England.
D.In the countryside of Bath.
【小题3】What's the correct order of the following events?
a. Jane Austen, her parents and sister moved to Bath.
b. Jane Austen got seriously ill and stopped writing.
c. Jane Austen learned how to play the piano, draw and write creatively.
d. Jane Austen wrote and published her most famous novel Pride and Prejudice.

During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), there was an official named Zhang Guaiya who worked in Chongyang county (县) , in today’s Hubei. Theft was common, even money from the county’s vault (钱库) was stolen.

One day, Zhang saw a low-ranking official (小吏) come out of the vault in a panic (慌张) . Zhang stopped him and asked, “Why are you in such a hurry?” “No reason,” said the official.

Zhang remembered the things stolen from the vault. So he asked the guards to search the official. They found a copper (铜) coin in his headband (头巾) .

Zhang asked him how much more money he had stolen. The official refused to admit (承认) that he stole anything else. Zhang ordered the guards to beat him.

The official didn’t give in. He said, “I only stole a copper coin. You can’t kill me just because of that!”

Zhang was very angry. He wrote in a red pen, “If you steal a coin every day, there will be a thousand coins after a thousand days. Constant dripping wears away a stone (水滴石穿) .”

【小题1】Zhang Guaiya was an official in Chongyang county during the Song Dynasty.
【小题2】One day, Zhang saw a low-ranking official steal a coin from the vault.
【小题3】The low-ranking official admited he had stolen a copper coin.
【小题4】It turned out that the low-ranking official stole a coin every day.
【小题5】Constant dripping wears away a stone means “small acts have big effect”.
Margaret Thatcher

Thatcher had a big influence on the man's world-politics (政治). She was Britain's first leading lady and served as the UK's prime minister from 1979 to 1990-the first prime minister to do so in over 160 years.

Thatcher managed to make her country stronger. She took a tough (强硬的) position against the Soviet Union (苏联) and led a war against Argentina. Although many people disliked her, she stuck to her rules and was successful in the end. Her toughness won her a name "The Iron Lady".

Lived: 1925-2013
Country: UK
Known as: Britain's first female prime minister
"If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman."

Billie Holiday

Holiday is often described as a talent. Her voice not only moved listeners, but also shook American society. During her time, American society was still segregated (种族隔离的). As an African-American, Holiday lived a difficult life. But this also brought inspiration to her singing.

Holiday worked with white bands in the 1930s, which was ground-breaking (开拓性的) at that time. She recorded a song calledStrange Fruitthat was about the great pain of African-Americans. Holiday taught Americans to question their segregated society.

Lived: 1915-1959
Country: US
Known as: world-famous jazz singer
"If I'm going to sing like someone else, then I don't need to sing at all."

Tu Youyou

Tu is a chemist who studies traditional Chinese medicine. She started to look for something that can treat malaria (疟疾) in the 1960s. At that time, almost half of the world's population was at risk of having the illness. Getting inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine, Tu found artemisinin (青蒿素) in a plant in197l that could treat malaria. In 2015, Tu received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. She is the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize.

Lived: 1930-present
Country: China
Known as: Nobel Prize-winning chemist
"Every scientist dreams of doing something that can help the world."

【小题1】For the three women, what is in common?
A.They all got their fame in the twentieth century.
B.They all have a great influence in their own fields.
C.They all tried their best to show women could do better than men.
【小题2】What is true about Margaret Thatcher?
A.She ruled her country cruelly.
B.She believed that action speaks louder than words.
C.At the age of 66, she was still the UK's prime minister.
【小题3】Billie Holiday ________ with her songs.
A.showed she was different from white people
B.taught Americans to ask their society for help
C.described how hard African-Americans lived at that time
【小题4】From the passage about Tu Youyou, we can know ________.
A.it took her 44 years to find artemisinin
B.she won a Nobel Prize as soon as she found artemisinin
C.traditional Chinese medicine played a great role in finding artemisinin
【小题5】What is the best title for the three passages together?
A.Women who make a difference
B.Women who won some great prizes
C.Women who are world-wide popular
