阅读理解-单选 适中0.65 引用1 组卷24


Pay attention to how you lead your life most of the time. A healthy lifestyle is one that doesn’t take extremes (极端) as a way of life. Be moderate in what you do.

Eat well

It is important to pay attention to both what you eat and how you eat. As Socrates said: “You should eat to live ;not live to eat.” A different diet (饮食) with vegetables and fresh fruits is good for the brain. Also take time off for meals.


Students must know the value of exercise because it plays a necessary part in counterbalancing (抵消)the stress(压力)responses produced in our bodies by having to meet exams.


Students are getting less and less of sleep which might lead to more stress. The hours of sleep before midnight are thought to be the most helpful. For this reason students must re-regulate their body clock and go to bed and get up at regular time.

Express yourself

The way students feel about their work and other issues in their life plays a huge part in how they deal with stress. It is advisable that students should be realistic whatever happens in their lives.

To sum up, studies are really very important, but never at the expense(代价)of students’ physical and mental well-being. Besides, if students feel well they will be ready to face the challenges(挑战) of exams alive and kicking.

【小题1】What food is good for the brain according to paragraph two?
A.Vegetables and fruits.B.Hamburgers and meat.
C.Rice and noodles.D.Cake and fruits
【小题2】When is the best time for a student to go to sleep?
A.At 7:00 pm.B.At 10:00 pm.C.At 1:00 am.D.At 7:00 am
【小题3】Where can we most probably read this article?
A.In a tour guide.B.On a web page for tips.C.In a daily newspaper.D.In a story
【小题4】What’s the best title of the reading?
A.Stress in part of students’ livesB.A healthy mind in a healthy body
C.Prepare for your exams with a healthy body and mindD.A different diet
知识点:方法/策略健康饮食健康与运动说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Tips on how to save money

It’s important for you teenagers to know how to save money. If you think it’s a difficult task and don’t know how to do it, please do as the following.


Make it a habit to write down all that you have spent. And when you find out the total(总的) number that you have paid at the end of the month, you will realize the importance of saving money.


If you have gone to a shop to buy something and get back some changes(零钱), then you can save them in your money jar. And you’ll be surprised at the large number of money after days.


Maybe you enjoy hosting parties. Invite your friends over to your house instead of a restaurant. You can have a barbecue or play games. It’s a great way to have fun, but it is much cheaper.


Do you like drinking cola or coffee very much? Instead of buying cola, coffee or other drinks with a meal, drink water. Water is better for your health, and drinking it saves you money, too.


Do you have the habit of not leaving a store without buying anything? The only way to stop that is carrying less money around with you, which will not even help you buy a drink.

Follow these tips above, make small changes(改变) in your life, and watch your money grow.

A.Eat at home
B.Go to the bank often
C.Carry less money
D.Keep a record(记录) of money
E.Choose water first
F.Save your money

Have you ever been stuck in a long lunch line, or struggled with a difficult project at school? If so, you have probably felt impatient, too. 【小题1】 Practicing these strategies will help you feel calmer and happier and be more understanding.

【小题2】 The next time you feel impatient, take a moment to notice what you are thinking and how your body feels. Maybe your hands are tightening up, or your breaths are getting shorter. You may even feel angry. These are just a few signs of impatience.

【小题3】 Once you have spotted the signs, try to ask yourself, “Why am I feeling this way?” Maybe you are in a situation that is not like what you planned. For example, maybe you are very hungry. You thought you could get lunch in the cafeteria quickly, but there is a longer line than you expected. Now you have to wait.

【小题4】 Close your eyes and hold your breath for a second and let the air out slowly. You will feel your body calm down. Doing this also forces you to pause before you say or do anything you may later regret.

【小题5】 Most situations that make you feel impatient cannot easily be changed. Instead, think about something you can change. Ask yourself, “How can I make this situation better?” Try to find one positive thing about the situation you are in.

A.Take deep breaths.
B.Shift your outlook.
C.Figure out what’s causing your impatience.
D.Notice your thoughts and physical feelings.
E.However, you can learn ways to control your impatient feelings.

Before you make friends, you have to decide who you choose to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do the same kinds of thing as they do. Think about your favorite things and try talking to your classmates about your hobbies.

The quickest way to make a friend is to smile (微笑). If you do so, people think you are friendly. At first, it may not be easy to smile. However, remember that nobody likes an angry face.

One easy way to talk with people is to say something nice about them. For example, you could talk about one’s great answer to a teacher’s question, or someone’s beautiful shirt, etc.

Ask your new friends questions about themselves. Who’s their favorite singer? Where do they live? Who are their teachers? What do they do after school? What are their hobbies (爱好)? These are all good questions to start talking.

After making some friends with the same interests, it’s always fun to play or do some other things together. And this is the right way to make your friendship closer.

【小题1】What kind of friends do most people have?
A.Friends are different from them.B.Friends have different hobbies.
C.Friends aren’t as good as them.D.Friends have the same hobbies.
【小题2】How can you make friends quickly?
A.By smiling.B.By talking.
C.By singing.D.By shopping.
【小题3】Which one of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.It’s good to ask a new friend about their favorite singer.
B.It’s not always fun to play or do things together with friends.
C.To say something nice to people is an easy way to talk with people.
D.When you smile to people, they think you are friendly.
【小题4】Which is not mentioned (提及) as a good question in the passage (文章)?
A.What do you do after school?B.What’s your hobby?
C.Where do you live?D.Who is your best friend?
