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My name is Alston. When I was alone at home, I was more excited than afraid. My parents had gone for an invitation and left me behind. I was feeling free like a bird. I had some snacks, then sat on the sofa and began reading a storybook.

About an hour later, I decided to take a break. It was7:30 p.m. My favourite TV show would start in half an hour. Having found something to eat in the kitchen, I returned to the living room, where I became a couch potato and started watching my favourite show on time. As I was watching excitedly, the lights went off. “What bad luck!” I thought to myself. Gradually, I felt a bit afraid in darkness.

Suddenly I heard a loud knock on the door. My heart skipped (跳) a beat. I nervously looked out of the peephole (窥视孔), but could not see anyone. Then again another loud knock! I immediately phoned my best friend who lived on the first floor. At the same time, I tried to calm down and decided to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, something ran into the room quickly. It looked like some kind of animal, maybe one or two. I ran downstairs to call my friend and was relieved (放心的) to see him climbing up the stairs.

We both entered the room cautiously (小心翼翼) and heard some noise in the kitchen. We looked inside slowly and saw two creatures (生物) sitting on the kitchen table. They were monkeys. Not knowing what to do, we decided to call 911.

Soon, the power (电) came back on and the police arrived, along with the workers from the zoo. When the workers were catching monkeys, one of them ran away from the window.

My parents hurried back at about ten, and when they heard the whole story, they were happy to see that I was safe.

【小题1】How did Alston feel when he was alone at home at first?
【小题2】What happened when Alston was watching his favourite show?
【小题3】Why did Alston called his best friend who lived on the first floor?
【小题4】What did Alston and his friend find in the kitchen?
【小题5】Finally, who arrived and took the monkeys away?
知识点:记叙文叙事忆旧个人经历 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Tom and Becky walked into the cave. They held their candles high and saw names and dates which were written on the walls by other people. Suddenly they were in a part of the (A) ________ without any writing on the walls. They used candle smoke to write their own names on the rock and then (B) walked on. Soon they came to a little stream of water. The cave wall looked like a frozen waterfall. Tom went behind the stone waterfall and found an opening in the rock. They (C) began to walk down into the earth. They went deeper and deeper into the cave. Tom and Becky made many candle smoke marks on the walls to show the way back.(D)那着实令人兴奋

They soon found themselves in a huge open space that was full of bats. There were thousands of them. The light from their candles woke up the bats, and they flew at the candle flames. (E) Tom knew this was dangerous. Without any hesitation(犹豫) he took Becky’s hand to hurry her away, but one of the bats followed and put out Becky’s candle with its wings. The bats followed them for a (F) ________ time, but Tom and Becky ran into every new passage that they came to, and at last they got away from the bats.

________; ________
________; ________
Tom knew ________ they ________ in danger.
________; ________

When Sean Aiken bought a bike helmet (头盔), he never thought it would help him so soon. Only a week later, it saved his life. He was hit by a car while riding home from school in Tucson, Arizona. His bike was broken into pieces in the accident. But Sean was alive. His helmet protected him from serious head injury (伤). “I used to think helmets were unnecessary. I thought I would never get hurt,” Sean said. “But it can and will happen to you if you’re not careful.” Sean later spoke before the Tucson City Council (委员会) about the need of bike-helmet laws. This led to a new Arizona law that requires people under the age of 18 to wear a bike helmet while cycling.

Fifteen-year-old Mike Jones of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, knows about safety. Two years ago, he was seriously hurt in a car accident. Mike hurt his head badly when he was thrown from a van. “I don’t know why I didn’t wear a safety belt that day. Now I always wear it,” Mike said. Today, he can still think of that experience. “I used to love sports, but I can’t do them anymore. I can’t risk getting another serious injury,” he said.

Like Mike, many people around the US are becoming more safety-wise. “Parents can’t watch kids every minute. Kids must know how to be safe. It’s their control and power,” says Susan Gallagher, the director of the Safety Network.

New technology is also helping to prevent injuries. More people than ever before use products such as fire alarms in their houses and seat belts in their cars. Most cyclists know that they should use bike helmets. New laws, such as the bike-helmet law Sean Aiken helped pass are also making more people use these products. The number of serious injuries caused by car accidents and fires has gone down over the years.

Kids are taking actions to help prevent injuries. Like Sean Aiken and Mike Jones, they know that safety works.

【小题1】Sean Aiken ________ while riding home from school.
【小题2】A new law requires people ________ while cycling.
【小题3】Mike doesn’t know why ________ that day.
【小题4】More people than ever before use products such as ________.
【小题5】The number of serious injuries ________ has gone down over the years.

Li Jun is a student from the first middle school of Yongzhou. His parents have gone to work in Shanghai. Now he is living with his grandparents. Today is May the 5th, 2022. It is the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s 9:00 a.m and Li Jun’s grandmother and his aunt are making zongzi. His grandfather and his uncle are watching the boat races on TV. The dragon boat race is held in Yongzhou this year. Daozhou team will do its best in the race.

It’s 11:30 now. Li Jun’s family are eating zongzi. Li Jun misses his parents very much. He’s talking on the phone to them. His parents miss the family very much, too. They wish to eat the delicious zongzi with them. They say there’s “no place like home”.

After lunch the family go to the first bridge over the Xiangjing River. There’s a boat race there. It is raining hard, but still there are many people there. It is not easy to watch the boat races, but the family shout “Come on! Come on!” together with others. All of the people know the Dragon Boat Festival is in honor of Quyuan(纪念屈原). He is an ancient poet(古代诗人). He loved his country and died for his country.

【小题1】Who is Quyuan?
【小题2】What festival is it today?
【小题3】Do the family eat zongzi for lunch?
【小题4】Where is the dragon boat race held this year?
【小题5】What are Li Jun’s grandmother and his aunt doing?
