补全对话-7选5 适中0.65 引用1 组卷35
A: Hey, David! Have you finished your homework yet?
B: Yes, I have. 【小题1】
A: Good! Now may I ask you a question?
B: Of course. What is it?
A: 【小题2】
B: My classmate Cathy.
A: Oh? Why is she your hero? Is she cleverer than anyone else?
B: No, she isn’t. 【小题3】 For example, she has started a girls’ football team.
A: 【小题4】
B: At the age of twelve.
A: That’s cool! 【小题5】 I want to make friends with her.
B: No problem.
A.Who’s your hero?
B.Where was she born?
C.When did she start it?
D.I finished it half an hour ago.
E.Can you introduce her to me?
F.She’s very beautiful with big eyes.
G.But she has a strong will to do everything.
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