读写综合 适中0.65 引用1 组卷33
Dear Li Hua,

How are you doing? I flew back to London last Friday. I really had a good time in Tokyo with my sister Lucy. We visited many places of interest and tried lots of delicious Japanese food. When we had dinner at a famous restaurant in Tokyo, we made a mistake. In England, we tip (给小费) when the service is good, or when we like the person who is providing that service. So we gave a kind-hearted waiter a tip when we paid the bill (账单) because he provided us with good service. To our surprise, he was a little angry. After knowing that in Japan tipping was actually considered to be impolite, we explained the culture of tipping in our country and said sorry to him.

You know, I’m interested in Chinese customs. I will fly to Beijing next month. So I want to ask you about how to behave properly when a Chinese friend invites me to his house for dinner.

First, should I arrive at his house on time? Second, am I supposed to bring any gifts? Last, after dinner, can I stay for a while or should I leave his house at once? I’m sure your advice will be of great help.

Looking forward to your reply!



【小题1】When did Andy fly back to London?
【小题2】What’s the name of Andy’s sister?
【小题3】Why did Andy give a tip to the waiter when paying the bill?
【小题4】Where will Andy go next month?
【小题5】How many questions does Andy ask Li Hua?
A1.欢迎 Andy来中国;
A2.语句连贯,词数 80个左右。邮件的格式已为你写好,不计入总词数。
Dear Andy,


Li Hua

知识点:文化差异应用文叙事忆旧意见/建议礼仪与习俗 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Almost all cultures celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another in some way. Different cultures celebrate the beginning of a new year in different ways, and at different times on the calendar.

In Western countries, people usually celebrate New Year at midnight on December 31st. People may go to parties, sometimes dressed in formal (正式的) clothes, and they may drink champagne (香槟) at midnight. During the first minutes of the new year, people cheer and wish each other happiness for the year ahead. But some cultures prefer to celebrate the new year by waking up early to watch the sunrise. They welcome the new year with the first light of the sunrise.

Many cultures also do special things to get rid of (摆脱) bad luck at the beginning of a new year. For example, in Ecuador, families make a big doll from old clothes. The doll is filled with old newspapers and firecrackers. At midnight, these dolls are burned to show the bad things from the past year are gone and the new year can start afresh (重新). Other common traditions to keep away bad luck in a new year include throwing things into rivers or the ocean, or saving special things on the first day of the new year.

Other New Year traditions are followed to bring good luck in the new year. One widespread Spanish tradition for good luck is to eat grapes on New Year's Day. The more grapes a person eats, the more good luck the person will have in the year. In France, people eat pancakes for good luck at New Year. In the United States, some people eat black-­eyed peas for good luck—but to get good luck for a whole year you have to eat 365 of them!

【小题1】When do people in western countries usually celebrate New Year?
【小题2】What do people in western countries drink to celebrate New Year?
【小题3】Why do people in Ecuador burn the dolls at midnight?
【小题4】Which fruit means good luck in Spain?
【小题5】How many black-eyed peas do Americans have to eat to get good luck for a year?


(1) 介绍端午节的日期、地位(农历五月初五);
(2) 介绍端午节的习俗(传统食物、传统活动等) ;
(3) 谈谈你对端午节的感受。
(1) 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。
(2) 语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:农历……:…of the Chinese lunar calendar
Dear Jim,

I am glad to receive your email. I heard you are interested in our traditional festival. Let me tell you something about the Dragon Boat Festival. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


When I was a student in France, a local friend invited me to have lunch at her home. During the meal, I found all her family had their hands on the table, except me. Later I learned that it’s impolite to put your hands under the table.


When I was a student in the UK, I went to a pub with two local friends. We all had a drink and I drank mine quickly. My friends still had half-full glasses so I bought another drink, just for myself. My friends said, “You can’t do that. When in a pub in the UK, you should buy drinks for you and your friends.” I was so embarrassed (尴尬的) .


I spent a year studying in Germany. I was shocked the first time I went to a lecture (讲座) .At the end of the lecture, all the students started knocking on their desks. How strange! A student told me that in Germany, students don’t clap their hands (拍手) to show they like something. They knock on their desks instead.


I love making birthday cards. One day, when I was a student in South Korea, I made a birthday card for a local friend. But when I gave the card to her, she cried, “My name is written in red ink (墨水) !” She said in South Korea, a name written in red ink means that the person has died.


【小题1】What didn’t Tom do when having lunch at his French friend’s home?
【小题2】Who went to the pub with Henry?
【小题3】How long did Lily stay in Germany?
【小题4】How do students in Germany show they like something?
【小题5】Why did Mary’s friend cry when she saw her name was written in red ink?
B. 书面表达。
(1) 第一次见面时应该和不应该做的事情;
(2) 去朋友家做客时应该和不应该做的事情;
(3) 就餐时应该和不应该做的事情。
(1) 可适当使用本学期所学的be supposed/expected to do sth.和it is adj. to do sth.结构;参考词汇:shake hands, bring/take a gift, have dinner, on time.
(2) 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实校名、地点和考生的真实姓名;
(3) 语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Nancy,

How is everything going? I’m glad to hear that you are coming to China. Let me tell you some customs in China. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I hope that the advice is helpful. Please feel free to ask me if you want to know more.


Li Hua


At midnight on New Year’s Eve (除夕), people in Rome, Italy, throw out all the things they no longer want. The streets are filled with old chairs, beds, clothes and dishes. In Madrid, Spain, the New Year comes in more quietly. People get together in the centre of the city. Each holds a bag of grapes. As the clock strikes (敲) twelve, the people eat the grapes—one for each strike.

In Tokyo, people eat noodles on New Year’s Eve. This food is said to bring long life. Early the next morning, some Japanese families climb Mount Fuji. There they watch the first sunrise of the new year.

In Norway, people hide their brooms on New Year’s Eve because they believe witches (巫婆) can travel by riding brooms. Without brooms, witches won’t come and ride them to travel in the world.

【小题1】What do people in Rome do at midnight on New Year’s Eve?
【小题2】What fruit do people in Madrid eat as the clock strikes twelve?
【小题3】What food do people in Tokyo eat on New Year’s Eve?
【小题4】What do people in Norway do in the New Year?
【小题5】How many countries are mentioned in the passage?

你觉得你的校园生活安全吗?请你写一篇题为“How to Keep Safe in School”的英语短文,谈谈你的看法。

1. 描述一件发生在你身上或你看到的发生在校园的意外事件(经过与结果);
2. 提出解决这种校园意外事件的建议(至少两条);
3. 呼吁每个学生要注意校园安全。
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。
2. 语句连贯,词数80左右。信的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

How to Keep Safe in School

Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? For example,

