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We can enjoy a two-day weekend every week. Maybe two days are too short, but we can try to plan the time well. 【小题1】

★ Get up early. The weekend is not only a time to sleep in. 【小题2】 That’s too bad. We can have more free time if we get up early.

【小题3】 We usually have much homework to do. We can feel better if we do our homework early. We can do it on Friday evening or Saturday morning. And then we can play happily for one or two days. I often do my homework on Friday evening, so 【小题4】

★ Go out for fun. Think about what we like to do. 【小题5】 We can also visit a museum, a zoo or a park.

A.Do the homework early.
B.I don’t have to worry about it on Saturday or Sunday.
C.We have many ways to spend our weekends.
D.Some of us wake up late and just get up for lunch.
E.Plan a sport like playing football in the park.
F.Here are some ideas.
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My friend Mary lives in the middle of our city, but her family has lots of hives full of bees (满是蜜蜂的蜂箱) behind their house. Last Saturday she invited me for a visit.

Mary’s dad took us through a door in an old fence (围栏). He told us, “The neighbors live nearby. We have to make sure that the bees don’t bother (给……造成麻烦) them and that they don’t bother the bees. So we put the hives behind a tall fence. The bees have to fly over it, far above the neighbors’ heads.”

Then Mary’s dad led us close to a bee hive. “We come to see our bees every day,” Mary said, “but we only harvest (收获) honey once a year. We don’t take it all, though. They need to eat, too.”

Mary took some honey with a spoon. “Want to try some?” she asked. I put my finger in. When I was going to taste the honey on my finger, a bee flew to me and landed on my hand! “Stay still!” Mary said. “Don’t worry. It eats honey, too.”

“So I’m feeding it!” I laughed.

Before I went home, Mary gave me some honey and a candle she made from the bees’ wax (蜡). I put the candle in my bookcase to remember my day with the bees!

【小题1】What does the fence look like?
A.Tall and new.B.Short but new.C.Tall but old.
【小题2】How often does Mary’s family harvest honey?
A.Once a week.B.Once a month.C.Once a year.
【小题3】Why did a bee fly to the writer?
A.To get food.B.To offer help.C.To play with her.
【小题4】Where did the writer put the candle from Mary?
A.On her desk.B.In her bookcase.C.On the dinner table.
【小题5】Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.A helpful fenceB.Delicious honeyC.A day with the bees
