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Grace doesn’t feel well today. She goes to the doctor. She tells the doctor that she thinks there is something wrong with her stomach(胃).

The doctor examines her carefully, then she says, “ Well, do you eat regularly(有规律地) every day?”

“Sure! I have good eating habits!”

“Then what do you usually eat for your three meals every day?”

“I usually have an apple and a piece of bread for breakfast. For lunch I usually have hamburgers, meat and orange juice. I know dinner is very important, so I have a big dinner every day! I always have fish, vegetables, eggs, sausages, cheese, chicken, rice and cakes. Sometimes I eat ice-creams and puddings(布丁). You know, I like my dinner.”

The doctor smiles and says, “I’m afraid you are not right. Dinner is important, but you shouldn’t eat too much. You must eat less in the evening. And your breakfast is really not good enough. In fact, breakfast is the most important meal! We need it most! We don’t eat anything when we are sleeping. But we need to start a day’s work, so please have a nice breakfast!”

“What should I eat then?”

“First, you can drink some milk every morning. Then you may have different choices(选择) every day. You may choose eggs, bread, sandwiches, noodles, vegetables and fruit. I think you’ll get better soon.”

【小题1】Grace usually has ________ for breakfast.
A.fish, vegetables and eggsB.an apple and a piece of bread
C.hamburgers, meat and orange juiceD.chicken, rice and cakes
【小题2】Sometimes Grace eats ice-creams and puddings for______.
A.breakfastB.lunchC.dinnerD.tea break
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT true (不正确的) according to the passage?
A.Grace has a stomachache because she doesn’t have breakfast.
B.The doctor examines Grace carefully.
C.The doctor tells Grace to have a nice breakfast.
D.Grace eats too much for her dinner.
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【小题1】 Linda always feels stressed. She has so many things to do but she doesn’t have enough time. She’s always worried she can’t finish the work every day.
【小题2】 It’s strange that in winter people often get hungry easily. John often eats more and puts on weight in winter. The colder it is, the hungrier he feels.
【小题3】 The flu is usually serious. Many people around Li Hua have the flu. He’s so afraid of catching the flu. Some time she never gets in touch with anyone that has the flu.
【小题4】 In winter, Sam always feels sad for no reason. He doesn’t have interest in doing anything when it is grey. How could he change the bad feeling?
【小题5】 Lily has trouble sleeping. She often has many dreams. Sometimes there are several bad dreams at one night. She is even afraid to sleep at night.
A. Get enough sleep. If you don’t have enough sleep, you will not think clearly. So you need to have a good sleeping habit and go to bed earlier.
B. Eat healthily. Avoid eating too much. If you get hungry easily, you can have more small meals, and you can eat more fruit and vegetables.
C. Keep healthy. You can do exercise. If you don’t like doing sports outside, you can do some sports at home. The best way is to receive the flu vaccine (疫苗).
D. Relax yourself. The more nervous you are, the unhealthier you will be. Do something relaxing to make sure your brain is peaceful.
E. Get out. We usually feel sad because we get less sunlight in winter. Getting more sunlight each day can help you feel better.
F. Let your stress go. Make sure you have some quiet time to yourself. Don’t be so busy, or you may do anything wrong.
G. Take this medicine. It can make you feel better and your stomach will not ache any more.
