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The Story of the White Snake Qing was showed on 20 the May 2021. It is a movie of Cantonese opera(粤剧). On the first day of the movie, a grandma _________ herself in hanfu. And people liked her very much and called her “Hanfa Grandma”.

The “Hanfu Grandma” is 92-year-old Grandma Li. At first, she just wanted to watch a movie of Cantonese opera with her friends in hanfu. But to _________ surprise, the video of her went online and got many likes on the Internet.

Grandma Li was a Cantonese opera performer _________ she was young. She started to study Cantonese opera at the age of 13 and spent her life performing _________ on the stage. Now she hardly wears the costume (戏服). However, hanfu can bring back the _________ of performing. What’s more, it also gives her a much _________ experience.

“I can’t wear the costume out of the stage but I am able to wear hanfu in my daily life. _________ exciting it is!” said Grandma Li.

Grandma Li hopes to tell more young people _________ hanfu. She thinks hanfu is _________ important part of traditional Chinese culture. And she wants the whole world __________ it. Thanks to Grandma Li, more and more young people become interested in hanfu now.

A.dressB.dressedC.will dress
A.What anB.WhatC.How
A.understandB.understandingC.to understand
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阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15 各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。

What might life be like if you looked very different from others? _______, most of us are born with “normal” faces. _______ there is also someone that is “not normal”. The movie Wonder shows us that beauty is not only from appearance but also from our heart and mind.

Based on one of the _______ selling novels, the movie is about a boy called Auggie. He has an abnormal face. He _______ most of his life learning at home since his childhood. But as he enters middle school, his parents decide to send him to _______ private school. There, Auggie _______ face the unfriendly comments from his classmates and learn to accept himself as an uncommon boy.

In western countries, most kids _______ that it is OK to be different. People don’t laugh _______ someone who is being different. They celebrate it. They are _______ willing to make friends with them.

But some kids have ________ accepting differences. It is easy for them ________down upon someone who is not normal, especially if you have your own problems to solve. There is ________ central topic from the movie—even the kids who make fun of Auggie have their own trouble

As Auggie’s classmates start ________ him better, they find that he’s a nice kid with great sense of humour. They start to change ________ opinions. In real life, it takes longer to see such changes happen. But ________ we give people a chance, their hearts and minds may change in the end.

A.spendsB.spentC.has spentD.was spending
A.has toB.ought toC.canD.should
A.teachB.taughtC.are taughtD.were taught
A.difficultB.difficultyC.difficultlyD.more difficult
A.lookB.lookedC.to lookD.looking
A.otherB.anotherC.the otherD.the others

On Saturday I watched a film called Arrival. My friend Lucy _________ to take me to the movie theatre. She was very interested in the movie. She said that a film about aliens (外星人) sounded very _________.

Amy Adams played Louise Banks, a linguistics professor (语言学教授) in the US. Jeremy Renner played Ian Donnelly. Ian was a physicist (物理学家) and he worked with Louise as a team. They needed _________ with the aliens to find out why they came to _________ earth. Louise was a strong-minded woman in the film. _________ going through many difficulties, she managed to understand the aliens’ language in the end. Using this new language, she was able to see into the future. She worked together with Ian and _________ stopped a war against the aliens.

The movie made _________ my friend and me think. It _________ us a lot of ideas to talk about after the movie. In my opinion, the movie tells us that it is important for people to communicate with others, not only people around us but also people _________ different countries. We __________ believe each other and work together. I think it is a truly great movie.

A.offerB.offersC.offeredD.will offer
A.talkB.to talkC.talkedD.talking
