完形填空 适中0.65 引用1 组卷39

A little boy was trying to move a big wooden box out of his yard. The box was much _______ than the boy. He tried his best to move it, but the box would not move at all. After _______ for a glass of water, the boy tried to move it once more. This time, he pushed harder, but he still _______ move the box a bit. He was quite tired and lost heart.

The boy’s father was coming home from work around this time. He stopped to watch his son’s _______ efforts. The father didn’t help him, _______ instead asked, “Son, have you tried your best? I mean, are you doing _______ you can?”

“Yes, I am!” the boy cried.

“No,” his father said calmly, “you’re not. You have not asked me to _______ you.”

Asking for help is not a weakness. Many people need help, and _______ the best of us need help. It is _______ to know when to ask for help and understand why you need it. Never be afraid to ask others for help when you’re in ________.

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A mother and her daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bit tired, so they took a ________ on the bench. When the daughter saw someone selling apples, she asked her mother to buy her an apple.

Her mother didn’t bring much ________ with her, but it was enough for two apples. So she did, and ________ both of them to her daughter, smiling.

The daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand. Then the mother asked her if she could ________ one of the apples with her. When the girl heard this, she ________ took a bite from one apple. And before her mother could speak, she also took a bite from the second apple.

The mother was ________. She wondered what mistake she had made caused her daughter to act in such a greedy way. She was lost in thought. Perhaps she was just thinking too much. Her daughter was too ________ to understand about sharing and giving. The smile disappeared from her face.

Suddenly, her daughter with an apple in her left hand said, “Mom, have this one! It is juicier and ________.” Her mother was speechless. She felt ________ about making the judgment so quickly about a small child. But her smile ________ knowing why his daughter took a bite from each apple. Always spare some more time to understand things better.

A.went awayB.ended upC.ran awayD.came back

Once there was a famous master. He lived in a temple(庙宇)with his students. He taught well and many of his students _________ to become great masters.

One day, one of the students was caught stealing from his classmates. The other students _________ him to the master. However, the master took no action against the boy. They were very _________. A few days later, the boy stole again. And again, the master did nothing to _________ him. This made the other students even angrier. They asked the master to take it _________. They said if the boy was allowed to stay in the temple, they would leave.

The master called a meeting. When all the students sat down, he said, “If you leave, you’ll have no _________ going to other schools, because you are good students. You’ve already known what’s right and what’s _________. What about him? He even doesn’t know anything about his _________. Who’ll teach him if I don’t? I can’t ask him to go even if it means losing all of you.”

Hearing that, the boy realised his _________. He felt quite ashamed and never stole again. He worked hard and made great achievements(成就)in his later life. And he ____________ his honesty(诚实)too.

No one is perfect. We must treat everyone around us with a kind heart and let them feel warm.

A.put upB.set upC.gave upD.grew up
A.was afraid ofB.was good atC.was famous forD.was busy with

Years ago, a farmer and a baker(面包师) were neighbors. Each week, the farmer would sell a kilo of butter to the baker. And at the same time, the baker would sell the farmer a kilo of _______. This kind of relationship _______ for some time.

One day, the baker decided to _______ the butter that the farmer sold him. _______, he found that the butter was not a full kilo. The baker was quite _______ with this because he _______ the full price for it. He thought the farmer cheated(欺骗) him and he took the farmer to the judge(法官).

The judge asked the farmer if he weighted the butter _______ and properly(恰当地). The farmer answered, “Your honor, I not only weight my butter but also weight my bread seriously.”

“What do you mean, farmer?” the judge _______.

“Your honor, every time I buy bread from him, I take it home and put it on my scale(天平). Then I sell him the same weight in butter. So if _______ is cheating, it is him not me,” the farmer answered.

From the story, we learned that we should treat others as ________ we want to be treated like, or we should not be surprised when we are cheated by ourselves.

A.went onB.turn onC.put on
