阅读理解-单选 适中0.65 引用1 组卷32

Have fun running and cycling when you sign up (报名) for a Duathlon event.

Get your running shoes and get ready to jump on your bike. A duathlon is an exciting sporting event where you take part in a run, then a cycle and then finish with another run. This may sound tiring but it’s a lot of fun and there are duathlon clubs and games for all age ranges and abilities.

Duathlons can be set across any distance (距离) —there is no fixed rules. The youngest age you can join is usually eight. For this age group, a typical game will begin with a 400-metre run, followed by a cycle of 1.5 kilometres (almost a mile) and finally a 200-metre rush.

For older children, the distances may increase to running 1.5 kilometres, cycling 4.5 kilometres (2.8 miles) and finishing with a 500-metre run. Generally, the second running is half the distance of the first.

The action of changing from running to cycling, and getting on and off your bike, is called a “transition”. Your whole duathlon time includes (包括) the time it takes you to do these transitions—so a speedy and quick changeover is important.

Duathlon games take place in safe places such as a park or running track. The cycling race will often be marked out around a track and sometimes on closed public roads if it’s ad bigger game.

【小题1】According to Paragraph 2, a “duathlon” has ________ different sports.
【小题2】Generally, we can know from the passage that for older children, the distance of the second running is ________ of the first.
【小题3】Which one of the following is TRUE from the text?
A.There are two runs in a duathlon.B.The duathlon clubs are only for people aged at least 8.
C.There are fixed rules.D.Duathlon games take place on open public roads.
【小题4】What kinds of people can join a duathlon club and take part in a duathlon?
① 14 years old but cannot carry;       ②8 years old but cannot run;        ③ 20 years old but cannot swim
【小题5】In which section can you read this passage in a newspaper?
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