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In Pontevedra, Spain, people don’t shout. Since cars are not allowed in the city, there are no horns(喇叭)or noises from car engines. People don’t have to try hard to make themselves heard. What you hear in the street, instead, is the singing of birds.

“Listen,” says Miguel Lores, the mayor(市长), opening the windows of his office. From the street below rises the sound of human voices. “More than 14,000 cars used to pass along this street every day. There were more cars passing through the city in a day than people living here.

Lores became mayor in 1999. He spent months walking around the city. “The historical city is dead,” he said one day. “It is full of cars. It is heavily polluted. There are a lot of traffic accidents. The elderly and children aren’t able to use the streets because of cars. People who had a chance to leave have done so.”

At first, Lores thought of improving traffic conditions. However, he couldn’t come up with a good plan. After lots of discussions, the government finally decided to get rid of(清除)cars.

The change has brought Pontevedra many benefits. Traffic accidents are now rare(罕见的). CO2 emissions(排放物)are down by 70%. Many people are moving to the city, making it lively again.

Most local people like the change. Ramiro Armesto, a mother of two young children, said, “In the past, the first thing to see in the morning was traffic jams. Now, the city is cleaner, quieter and safer.” Raquel Garcia, another parent, said she had stayed in many cities around the world. However, she had never lived in a city as “easy to live in” as Pontevedra. “Even if it’s raining, I walk everywhere. The feeling is wonderful,” she added.

【小题1】From Paragraph 1, we know Pontevedra is a(n) ________ city in Spain.
【小题2】For Lores, what was the city Pontevedra’s main problem?
A.The historical city was dead.B.There were lots of traffic accidents.
C.Many people were leaving the city.D.There were too many cars in the city.
【小题3】The underlined word “benefits” probably means “________” in English.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To show how people like the change.B.To let more cities follow the change.
C.To explain what people think of the city.D.To tell why people like living in Pontevedra.
【小题5】What is the best title of the passage?
A.A city without cars.B.The path to a city’s progress.
C.A good plan for a city.D.The changes of Pontevedra.
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How do you get to school? Do you walk or take a bus? You could try a new way to go around Ningbo City from May, 2014.
That is Ningbo Rail Transit. It is about 247.5 kilometers in all.
The Line 1(1号线) started construction(建造) in June, 2009 and people could take the first half of Line 1 in May,2014. It is between Gaoqiao and Ningbo East New Town. And the second half opened in 2015. There are also other five lines to connect (连接) Haishu, Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Beilun and Yinzhou after Line1.
The logo of Ningbo Rail Transit is a dynamic(有活力的) “Yong”. It is another name for Ningbo.
It says the traffic in Ningbo is active and fast. And the color of the logo is blue because Ningbo is a sea city.
On the wall of six rail transit stops, there are a lot of beautiful pictures.
They are about Ningbo culture. For example, at the Ximenkou Stop, it paints Tianyige Museum and many books. And it draws Moon Lake on the wall of Drum-tower Stop. All these pictures tell people the history of Ningbo.
【小题1】There are ________ lines in all in Ningbo?
【小题2】When could people in Ningbo start to try the subway?
A.In June,2009.B.In May,2014.
C.In May, 2015.D.In July,2014.
【小题3】What is the picture about at Drum-tower Stop?
A.Tianyige MuseumB.Books.
C.Moon Lake.D.A drum.
【小题4】Why are the pictures painted on the wall of some stops?
A.Because they are beautiful.
B.Because they are maps.
C.Because people can know the culture and history of Ningbo from the pictures.
D.Because Ningbo is a sea city with active and fast traffic.

I come from the city of Kolkata. It is in the east of India. And it’s one of the largest cities in the country, Kolkata is an important cultural center of India. It is known as the “City of Joy.”

Are you looking for entertainment? 【小题1】 The best time to visit the city is during the Durga Puja Festival (杜尔迦女神节). It is held in autumn. During this time of the year, Kolkati shines for its many celebrations and performing arts. Her beauty attracts everyone.

Besides, there are more than 30 museums in the city and nearby towns. 【小题2】 Kolkata Zoo, for example, is one of the most famous sites. And Nicco Park is very popular among children.

【小题3】 Most of our people speaking Bengali, Hindi and English. We are cultured in art, music and literature. And we are very friendly and welcoming to tourists and locals alike (同样地). What’s more, the city is home to many great people in history. Among them, my favorite role model is the poet and writer Rabindranath Tagore. Kolkata gave birth to them and raised them to reach their true potential (潜力). I’m very proud of my city. 【小题4】

A.It is a colorful place full of energy.
B.The festivals held here won’t let you down (让你失望).
C.We also have many other tourist attractions.
D.It’s a good idea to pay a visit to an amusement park.
E.Here in Kolkata, people of different races (种族) live in harmony (和谐地).
F.You can see many things displayed in these museums.
