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In many people’s eyes, plants are quiet. They can’t talk. They can’t walk. And they can’t think like us.

A new BBC documentary series, The Green Planet, gives us a new look at plants. It tells us the wonderful ways that plants behave.

“The Green Planet tells us the secret lives of plants. It is in the same way The Blue Planet opened our eyes to the oceans,” editor Elle Hunt wrote in New Scientist.

Plants compete against each other to live. Each has its own ways. In rainforests, different kinds of plants race for sunlight because only two percent of the sunlight goes through the rainforests. Some plants spread their big leaves to reach light. But some vines(藤蔓)try to catch them to take a ride. Finally, they are both beaten by balsa wood, one of the fastest growing trees. As the tree has slippery hairs on its leaves, the vine can’t get a hold.

Plants also help each other and even communicate. In deserts, the roots(根)of Euphrates poplar(胡杨), a kind of tall straight tree with soft wood, are connected. If a tree finds water, it will share it with others through the roots. Studies also show that plants use fungus(真菌)in the soil as a way to “talk” with each other. It’s kind of like how Wi-Fi works. If a tomato plant gets a leaf disease, it can tell nearby plants about it through fungus.

The show not only lets us know about the plant world but pushes us to understand that plants are important. Plants are the basis of all life, including ourselves. We depend on them for food that we eat and air that we breathe. It’s time to look after wild plants just as carefully as our houseplants.

【小题1】What is the show The Green Planet about?
【小题2】The underlined word “slippery” probably means “________” in the text.
【小题3】How can tomato plants communicate with each other?
A.By insects.B.By wind.
C.By using strong roots.D.By using fungus in the soil.
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You are walking alone down the street. Suddenly, you hear footsteps (脚步声). Is someone following you? How do you know the footsteps are someone else’s and not your own?

You can tell because your brain (大脑) has the ability to ignore (忽略) certain sounds, according to a study from New York University in the US. Because of this, we often ignore our own footsteps. But we may easily hear others’ footsteps.

Scientists tested this on mice. They found that when mice became familiar (熟悉) with the sound of their own footsteps, they developed a “sensory filter (感觉过滤器)”, according to David Schneider, one of the lead authors of the study. This allowed the mice to ignore the sounds of their own footsteps. They could more easily notice the sounds of their environment.

“For mice, this is really important.” Schneider told Science Daily. “They need to listen to a cat getting close to them, even when they’re walking and making noise.”

Our brains don’t just ignore our footsteps. We also ignore some other sounds that we make ourselves, including the sound of eating, breathing heavily and typing on a keyboard. Being able to ignore these unimportant noises lets us pay attention to more important and dangerous ones. For example, we are quick to notice the sound of a baby crying. So we can rush to make sure they are okay and keep them alive. The same idea applies to humans screaming. When we hear this sound, we can quickly go to help the screaming person.

【小题1】What help(s) mice ignore the sounds of their own footsteps?
A.The environment.B.Their sensory filters.
C.Cats’ footsteps.D.Scientists.
【小题2】What do human brains normally ignore?
A.Others’ footsteps.B.Self-made sounds.
C.A baby crying.D.Screaming.
【小题3】Being able to ignore some sounds helps humans ________.
A.give attention to more important thingsB.stay calm
C.stay healthy and strongD.do dangerous things
【小题4】What can we learn from the article?
A.Human brains don’t have the ability to ignore footsteps.
B.Mice can’t ignore the sounds of their own footsteps.
C.Ignoring certain sounds helps mice survive.
D.Water flowing and baby laughing are annoying noises.

The AI (人工智能) has changed our lives. There are four useful AI inventions here.


The AI can remember 300,000 Chinese poems clearly. What’s more, it can write a poem in a very short time. In a CCTV show, Jiuge beat three great poem fans from a famous college.


The ping-pong robot can play in an easy way with a beginner and a difficult way with a better player. What’s more, it not only encourages players with words like “Good job!” but also gives some good advice to improve their skills.

Self-driving AI

It can drive the car more safely than humans. It doesn’t drink wine and never feels tired. It can do what we humans do. For example, if a car with this AI has passed a bus, it will flash(闪) two white lights side to side to show thanks to the bus.

Facial Recognition(人脸识别)

It is used a lot in the world such as ACS. ACS won’t let a stranger in without the house owner’s permission(允许). Paying by facial recognition is common now. The police in Hangzhou even caught a criminal(罪犯) at a concert with its help.

【小题1】Why is Jiuge special?
A.Because it can play the violin.B.Because it’s good at poems.
C.Because it was on CCTV.
【小题2】What will Forpheus do while playing?
A.It will guess what job the player is.B.It will say “What a shame!” to the player.
C.It will change its way of playing according to different players.
【小题3】When does the Self-driving AI car flash two white lights side to side?
A.When it has passed other vehicles.B.When the car is ready to speed up.
C.When the car has to stop.
【小题4】Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.No one can beat Forpheus.
B.Facial Recognition helped the police catch a criminal.
C.Self-driving AI can make subway trains safer.
