任务型阅读-多任务混合 适中0.65 引用1 组卷33

Who’s working while you are asleep?

Police officers Some police officers answer calls every night at the station. Others go around the town and city on foot or in cars. 因为他们辛勤工作,你才能安然入睡

Firefighters (消防队员) Even at night, firefighters are ready to help. Whenever they get a call, they will go at once to fight fires and help people.

Doctors If you get sick or hurt at night, doctors can take care of you at the hospital. The doctor will examine (检查) you, give you medicine and even do an operation (手术) on you.

Bakers (糕饼师傅) You may never think that bakers often start the day (1)_______ you are still asleep. They prepare all the things they need for the day and then start working. Bakers want their bread and cakes (2)_______ fresh and delicious every day.

In fact, many other people work at night. Let’s thank them (3)_______ everything they do for us.

【小题1】How many kinds of things can the doctor do at night?
【小题2】What do bakers prepare before they start working?
It’s true that a lot of people as well as these people work at night.
(1) ________ (2) ________ (3) _________
知识点:工作与职业说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

How would you like to live in space someday? Some people already do--on a space station. The station circles the Earth 2230 miles above us. It moves around our planet at over 17,000 miles per hour.

Astronauts from different countries have called the space station home since the year 2000. Groups of three people take turns living on the station. They travel between their space home and the Earth on the space shuttle(航天飞机). What's it like to live on the space station? “It's like taking a four-month camping trip--in space!" says John Charles, a NASA scientist. The members of the station crew (工作人员) eat dried food, bathe with wet cloths and sleep in sleeping bags. They have to tie the sleeping bags to a wall before they sleep. If they don't do that, they will float(漂浮)around all night.

The weightlessness (失重) of space can be fun. The crew members like to jump up and down.

They also like to play catch in slow motion.

There's work to be done, too. The space station is a busy place. The station's crew members do science experiments. They also spend a lot of their time adding new parts to the station. The space shuttle brings the parts. The astronauts sometimes make space walks outside the station to connect the new parts. Building a house can take less than a year. Building the space station will take at least eight years!

【小题1】What have astronauts called the space station since 2000?
【小题2】What is John Charles?
【小题3】Why do the crew members have to tie the sleeping bags to a wall before they sleep?
【小题4】Can the astronauts take showers on the space station?
【小题5】How long will it take to build the space station?

There is an unusual coffee shop in Shanghai. It is the first coffee shop that runs by blind people in China. Twin brothers Yin Tianbao and Yin Tianyou serve as baristas (咖啡师) there. Tianbao is also the manager of the shop.

The brothers were born blind, but it has never stopped them from enjoying their life. They like playing football and they are skilled skate boarders and marathon runners. Their latest effort to challenge themselves is running the coffee shop.

Tianbao began learning to make coffee in late 2021. It was no easy task for him. He practiced making over 100 cups of coffee every day. “There is no other way but to practice over and over again,” Tianbao said. Latte art was the most challenging part for him. “The milk foam (泡沫) is so light that it’s hard for me to know whether the coffee cup is almost full by the sound. What I can do is try by feeling slowly,” he said.

Tianbao’s hard work has paid off. Now he can make a great cup of coffee in two minutes. “Making coffee makes me full of hope for the future. If I can succeed in this, maybe I can succeed in many other things,” Tianbao said. It also encouraged his brother Tianyou to follow in his footsteps and become a barista.

The shop is specially designed (设计) to meet the brothers’ needs. It uses different materials in different work areas. For example, wood is used at the checkout and steel in the cleaning area. The coffee machine has buttons (按钮) in different shapes to help the brothers make different kinds of coffee. From overcoming physical challenges to running a coffee shop, the brothers are trying to make the impossible possible.

【小题1】Why is the coffee shop in Shanghai unusual?
【小题2】Though the brothers were born blind, what do they do to enjoy their life?
【小题3】从文中找出与 “It was a difficult job for him.” 意思相近的句子。
【小题4】Why does making coffee make Tianbao full of hope for the future?

This summer vacation, 14-year-old Wen Jiayi made a good friend. He is not a person, but a giant panda! His name is Jingke. We spent three days with him, learning how he ate, slept and played.

        Wen worked as a volunteer(志愿者) at China Giant Panda Garden in Sichuan this summer. Every year, volunteers go to the garden to take care of its pandas. People aged 12 to 65 can apply(申请) for the job. Each volunteer works for at least one day.
        Wen is a student from Yucai Middle School in Sichuan. Wen cleaned the panda’s home every morning. “We have to collect the pandas’ feces(粪便), as it can tell us what the pandas have been eating and whether(是否) they are healthy or not,” she said. “The panda keepers analyze(分析) the feces every day.”
        Wen got to do this as well. She carefully analyzed the feces. “We check to see what is in the feces and what color it is. If it is green, it means the panda has been eating bamboo leaves,” she said.
        The experience also helped the volunteers better understand pandas. When Wen fed Jingke, she touched its fur. “It was not soft, but hard. It was like touching needles(针)!” Wen said.
【小题1】Who can apply for the job to take care of pandas in China Giant Panda Garden?
【小题2】What can we know from pandas’ feces?
【小题3】Do you want to be a volunteer like Wen? Why or why not?
