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Kate came to China with her parents at a young age. Her experience in China was an important influence on her choice to become a ________.

“I have wonderful teachers in China. They open the door for my growth and chances. My parents ________ to China when I was 5 years old. They ________ told me that China was a good place. People came here to chase their ________. At a very young age, I was told that the way to achieve dreams was through a college education. When I first started school in China, I knew very ________ Chinese and had no friends. But with the help of my teachers, I was able to learn and keep up with other students. I wanted to do the same for my country. I thought, through teaching, I could ________ the lives of many students. They experienced ________ problems as I did. I would help them just teachers did in China. ”

At 22, Kate returned to her hometown. She says, “To this day, I know that every student should get a ________ education like any other student in the country. My love for learning and teaching continues to ________ me to become a better teacher and to spread the value of life-long learning in others. ”

Now Kate ________ as the headmistress(女校长)in a primary school. She often helps students practice Chinese so that they’re also able to go to China for education.

A.worksB.thinksC.is treatedD.is described
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Several days ago, some students from the US visited our school. When we talked, I found ________ differences in school life between the US and China. For example, each class ________ fifty minutes in the US. It is a little ________ than that in China. We usually have forty-minute classes. Another difference is that they have less break time between ________. Although most schools in both countries finish their ________ classes at 12 o’clock, the students in the US only have an hour-long break, which means they ________ eat lunch quickly. Their afternoon classes begin at 1:00 pm and school is over at ________ 3:00 pm. Then they take part in club activities or play sports.

Besides, many Chinese students don’t work during their high school years, while the US students like to find a ________ job in their free time. They don’t have a dream job in mind. They think ________ is no difference between jobs. Working is a useful experience for them and they ________ at the same time. Some of them even take one-year full-time jobs after leaving high school and then go to college.

A.can’tB.don’t need toC.mustD.are able to
A.make senseB.make moneyC.make plansD.make bed

As we all know, the Internet has become part of teenagers’ life. A new report on 3,375 students aged     _______10 to 18 in seven Chinese cities _______ that 38 percent of them used the Internet very often.

Most of them get _______ information and use the Internet_______ in their studies, but some are not using it _______ a right way. Many are _______ online games too much. _______ even visit websites they should not browse(浏览). A teacher from a middle school says that bad things can happen _______ young people spend too much time on the Internet. She had a student who _______ good at school. ________ later he started visiting unhealthy websites. He lost his conscience(良知), did something illegally(违法地) and ________ away by the police.

In order to help young people use the Internet in a good way, a textbook ________ good Internet behavior(行为) has started to be used in some middle schools this term. The book uses real examples to teach students about good ways of ________ the Internet. The book gives useful advice such as reading news or finding helpful information to study. Teachers and parents all think the book is great.

The book will be a guide for teens to use the Internet. We believe ________ will keep students away from bad websites, and teach students ________ to do the right things in the online world.

A.useB.usefulC.usefullyD.more useful
A.helpB.helpedC.helpingD.to help
A.playB.playedC.playingD.to play
A.LittleB.A littleC.A fewD.Few
A.use toB.used toC.used to beD.use to be
A.OrB.In additionC.ButD.And
A.takesB.tookC.is takenD.was taken
A.useB.usedC.usingD.to use

Stand in front of a mirror and look at it. How much do you really know about the person _________ it?

It’s not an _________ job to know ourselves. To help students do this important task, schools across China let students have more classes and activities on self-knowledge.

Liu Yue, a _________ from Chengdu Yucai Middle School, gave her students a useful tool. “It’s called the Johari Window, developed by two US psychologists (心理学家),” said Liu. “It has _________ areas (区域) about one’s self: open area (that everyone knows about), hidden (隐藏) area (that only you know), blind spot (盲区) (that everyone knows but you)   _________ unknown area (that nobody knows). Using this tool, students did a good job seeing themselves through a new lens (透镜).”

“I want to know more about my blind spot,” said an eighth-grader Yang Manfei. “_________ I did a survey with my friends.” The results showed that Yang easily gets anxious (焦虑的) and impatient because of procrastination (拖延). “That’s a bad habit but I didn’t see that before!” Yang said.

“I think the unknown area is the most exciting,” said Sun Boyin. “It means everyone has lots of potential (潜力).” When Sun started middle school, he _________ not good at math. “But I set a goal and did lots of math exercises. Now I’m much   _________ at math. The unknown part of my math ability is getting clearer!” Sun said.

When it came to the hidden area, most students kept silent. “I’m scared to show my secrets deep down,” said Li Yixuan. “Then one classmate _________ and said his favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry. He has the courage (勇气) to be __________.”

“Show yourself and make yourself better,” Li said.

A.stood upB.stood byC.stood for
