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An international student, Doris, at Beijing International Studies University said she started to learn Chinese in Grade One at her primary school in Panama(巴拿马). “China is developing very fast, and being able to speak Chinese will give me more chances around the world,” she said.

More than 70 countries have included Chinese as part of their national education system(体系), and it has become one of the official languages of the United Nations World Tourism Organization(联合国世界旅游组织).

To meet some learners need, Chinese-language teachers are using different kinds of new ways such as the Global Chinese Learning Platform(平台). The platform has already had more than 2.1 million users from 170 countries since it was started in 2019.

The platform has developed a mobile app that supports Chinese, English, Russian, Japanese, Korean and Thai. In the future, it will support more languages. What interests most learners is that it offers an immersive(沉浸式虚拟现实的) learning experience.

It’s said that about 40 million(百万) students around the world have taken Chinese-language exams over the years.

Chinese-language Learning Going Global(全球)
The time when Doris started to learn ChineseIn the 【小题1】 grade at her primary school in Panama(巴拿马)
One of the official languages of the United Nations World Tourism OrganizationChinese-part of the 【小题2】 education system in more than 70 countries
The ways used by Chinese-language teachers to meet some learners’ need【小题3】 kinds of new ways such as the Global Chinese Learning Platform(平台)
What most learners are 【小题4】 inAn immersive(沉浸式虚拟现实的) learning experience offered by the platform
The 【小题5】 of the students who have taken Chinese-language exams over the years40 million
知识点:语言与文化中华文化说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

In the world, more and more people are studying Chinese as a second language and the situation is developing increasingly. Chinese is too hard to learn, right? There is no doubt that written Chinese is difficult to learn. However, the spoken language is a different kettle of fish. Many people in the world ask their children to learn how to speak Chinese at first. A famous quote (语录) says, “When you have children, you should be sure to teach them Chinese. Chinese is going to be the most important language in their lifetime.

Why do more and more people want to learn Chinese? The first reason is that Chinese is the language spoken by the largest number of people in the world. Learn to speak Chinese and you can speak with millions of people around the world. More reasons:

       Culture — With thousands of years of history, Chinese culture is very fascinating. Whether your interests are in history, art, music, or food, a knowledge of Chinese will improve your understanding of Chinese culture.

       Travel — China offers exciting travel opportunities. Getting around is much easier if you can speak Chinese.

       Business — China is becoming more and more powerful. Business people who speak Chinese have a huge advantage in developing the Chinese market. It is much easier to develop all-important relationships if you can speak Chinese.

【小题1】What do the people in the world study Chinese as?
【小题2】What does the words “a different kettle of fish” in Paragraph2 probably mean?
【小题3】How many reasons for learning Chinese are given in the passage?
【小题4】Why do businessmen study Chinese?
【小题5】What does the passage mainly talk about?

“How are you?” is a nice question. It’s a friendly way to greet other people. But when a person says “How are you?”, they might expect to hear “Fine” in response, even if the other person isn’t actually fine. The reason is that “How are you?” isn’t really a question and “fine” isn’t really an answer. They are common(常见的)ways of saying “Hello” and “Hi”.

Sometimes people don’t say exactly(确切的)what they mean. For example, when someone asks, “Do you agree?” the other person might be thinking, “No, I don’t agree. I think you are wrong.” This doesn’t sound very polite, so they might say, “I’m not so sure.” It’s a nicer way to say that you don’t agree with someone.

It’s interesting when people want to finish talking. For example, when someone wants to finish talking with another person on the phone, they may say “I have to go now.” Sometimes they might give an excuse(借口), such as “Someone is at the door” or “I left something on the stove”. The excuse might be real, or it might not. It’s a polite way to stop a conversation and it doesn’t hurt others’ feelings. People don’t always say exactly what they are thinking. That’s just part of the game of language.

【小题1】“How are you” and “Fine” are common ways of ________________.
【小题2】What is a polite way to say “I don’t agree”?
【小题3】Why do people find excuses when they want to finish talking?

How different can cultures be?

People from different cultures can eat different kinds of foods and live in different kinds of houses. They probably speak different languages and have different beliefs and customs. But guess what! They can also be similar in ways you might not expect. The similarities between cultures connect people and help them communicate.

We sometimes call these ways of communication universal (全世界的) languages. Strictly speaking, they’re not languages but ways of sharing thoughts and ideas. And same of them allow people of different backgrounds to communicate and share emotions and feelings.

For example, some people believe music is a universal language. There must be some scientific support for this idea, too. Experts have learned that across cultures, people can notice three common emotions (情绪) in music, happiness, sadness and fear.

Music may even be able to bridge the differences not only between people of different cultures but also between people and other living things. Music has proved to have a good influence on all kinds of animals.

Some people believe dance is also a universal language. Along with music, dancing seems to be a common interest shared by people all over the world. Do you think you could see a dance from another culture and make some reasonable guesses about the ideas and emotions behind it? Of course, you could!

Another universal language that you might not think of is math! If you think about it now, it just makes sense. The value of pi (圆周率) is around 3. 14159, no matter where you are on the Earth!

【小题1】How does the writer start the passage?
The writer starts the passage by ________.
【小题2】How many kinds of universal languages are mentioned in the passage?
________ universal languages are mentioned in the passage.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “them” strictly refer to?
“them” strictly refers to ________ instead of languages
【小题4】What common emotions can people notice in music?
The three common emotions that people can notice in music are ________.
【小题5】What title can you make for the passage in no more than eight words using “magic, universal, languages”?
The title can be: “ ________”.
