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Whenever the exam season comes, stress may come along. Here are some ways that have helped me and my friends through this season.

When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk. I usually borrow my neighbors’ dogs and walk for about fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose to run for a while, or play ball games. Having some sports drives away your stress easily most of the time.

And if you find music helpful, give it a go. Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you happy. The best thing about this is that you don’t have to go anywhere.

But if you are a book lover just like me, read a book you like for half an hour. Reading can take you to places you’ve never been to. Putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit.

For sure, laughing is the best medicine. It can really keep worry off your mind! Very often I call my best friend and we talk about our good time or something funny, and I’m feeling better than before.

Remember many others also face the problems of stress just like you, and it is not something that cannot be dealt with.

【小题1】 of Going through the Exam Season

【小题2】 sports※Take a walk; ※Run; ※Play ball games.
Listening to music※It will make you happy.
※And there is no need for you to go 【小题3】.
Reading books※It can take you to places you’ve never been to.
※It helps you 【小题4】 your stress in this world for a little bit.
Laughing※Nothing is 【小题5】 than laughing .
※Call your best friend and talk about your good time or something funny.
Face the problems of stress bravely and you can know how to deal with them .
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Many of us don’t pay much attention to the importance of eye care. It is said that if you take care of your body, then you can surely be healthy. That is why we should give a lot of care to our eyes. Natural eye care should be put into the most important place.

There are several causes leading to poor eyesight. Televisions, computers and reading are also the causes of having poor eyesight. If you work in front of the computer, you can do some exercise at the work place. Something dirty can cause redness and they will make you feel uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes, too. If this happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. Too much sun lights are bad for our eyes. For example, sunglasses are not just for fashion but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eyesight from ultraviolet rays. All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep eyes healthy.

【小题1】p________ to be away from the danger, injury, or damage
【小题2】f________ the latest and most admired style in clothes
【小题3】It is said that if you take care of your body, then you can surely be healthy.
It is said that if your body ________ ________ care of by you, then you can surely be healthy.
【小题4】What should be put into the most important place?
【小题5】If you work in front of the computer for a long time, where can you do some exercise?
【小题6】How many natural ways of eye care are there to help us keep healthy eyes?

Everyone wants to succeed in their life, don’t they? Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life. It really isn’t so hard. Here are some steps that help you have a successful teenage life.

Do well in school.

No matter how boring it is now, education will help you in society. Try your best at school, listen to teachers, do your homework, and get good grades. Doing so will help you get into a better college/university, which will help you to get a great job in the future.

Volunteer in your free time.

Volunteering can improve your experience; it can also make you happier. Find volunteer opportunities that interest you. For example, if you love animals, volunteer at an animal center. If you like helping people, volunteer at a soup kitchen. If you love helping the environment, plant trees or pick up litter. When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself. Having lots of volunteer hours will make you more experienced before you get into the society.

Find out your goals in life and wok towards them.

Start thinking about jobs you would like to get, and make a good choice according to your interests. Challenge yourself and you’ll be surprised at what you can do after you finish a hard job!

Get active!

Join a sports team at school or out of school. Just exercise! Studies show that people who get active in their teen years will be more active when they’re adults, so start getting active now.

【小题1】How many pieces of advice are mentioned in it?
【小题2】Why does the writer advise teenagers to volunteer on their spare time?
Because it can both improve their experience and ___________.
【小题3】What should teenagers find out and work towards?
They should find out their ___________ and work towards them.
【小题4】How can teenagers start getting active at school or out of school?
They can start getting active by ___________.
【小题5】What does the passage mainly talk about?
It talks about how to ___________.

Imagine you wake up one day and decide to build yourself a house. Then how would you begin the task which seems very difficult? Just go for it without any ideas in mind? Or make a plan carefully, and take action according to it?

If the thought of starting without a plan sounds ridiculous(荒谬的), you’re right. Many people have goals, but without a plan for achieving them, 92% of them will finally fail. The 8% who succeed understand, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Planning prevents you from wasting your time on unnecessary work. It helps you pay attention to the work at hand, which helps you feel more in control. Once you have a plan, you’ll be surprised at how much you’re able to finish in a certain time and you start to understand yourself more clearly.

Then here comes the most important question: How can we make a plan? Generally there are several steps along the process of making a plan. First, you have to write down your goal. It gives you the basic information of what you are going to do. Second, you can begin by picturing your goal. You may see it in your mind...feel it, try it. Now capture(捕捉) it in as much as possible. Record your progress during achieving your goal.

Do you have the skills you need to reach your goal? If not, can you achieve them? When will you complete your goal? Setting a final time drives you to act now, before it’s too late.

【小题1】Planning can keep us from wasting our time on _________________.
【小题2】92% of people who have goals but ____________ for achieving the goals will finally fail.
【小题3】What is the advantage of setting a final time of achieving our goals?
