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I was walking my dog near my home in San Francisco last week when I saw a white dog. It was wearing a blue collar (颈圈), but I didn’t see its ________ anywhere. I waited for a while, but nobody came. Then I asked the dog ________ it wanted to come home with me or not. I was only joking, but it ran to me and stood by my side, ready to leave. I knew that this was a ________ dog.

On the dog’s collar, there was a tag (标牌) ________ a phone number. I called the number. Its owners, Tina and Dan, were surprised to hear from me. They said the dog’s name was Banjo and that they lived in Chicago, over 2,000 miles away. Banjo had been lost for over a year. And they had no idea how Banjo ________ it all the way across the country. They also had no idea how to get it ________ because they had a baby at home and couldn’t make the long trip to San Francisco.

I asked for ________ online. Lots of people wanted to help Banjo to get home. Then Banjo started its trip home. It ________ 20 drivers four days to send Banjo home. Banjo was ________ to meet the new baby and to be back home. ________ owners were excited to have it back, too.

Banjo’s story shows what people can achieve when they all work together.

知识点:志愿服务人与动植物叙事忆旧 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
When I was young, my father told me that little acts of kindness may give one great happiness. Since then I have always tried to help people in _______.
One hot summer afternoon, I was _______ down the highway to New York when another car suddenly _______ into my lane (车道). My car was in the far right lane, so it ran onto the roadside. As a(n) _______ driver, I moved my car quickly and skillfully back onto the highway without causing any accident.
I was _______ with that driver, but I thought that he just did not pay attention to the lane change, and he _______ did not do that on purpose (故意). The car ran away _______ after cutting me off. Very soon it disappeared from sight. After a while, I came around a curve(弯道) and found the _______ car. The driver was walking along the roadside. He was an elderly man and looked _______. With no telephone nearby and the nearest services twenty miles away. I decided to ________ and see what the problem was.
The man’s car had a flat tire (瘪胎). Although he had a spare tire, he had nothing to work with. I decided to ________ him. I changed the tire for him and allowed him to sit in my air-conditioned car while I did it. Fifteen minutes later, I ________ the work. I was hot and tired, but I really felt ________ after an act of kindness to the man who had earlier ________ my car run off the road.
You can really enjoy great ________ from kindness acts, so always lend your hands to others in trouble.【小题1】

On a hot summer day, my friend and I drove to our friend's house. After two hours' driving, we stopped before a parking lot(停车场)to _______ something to eat there. “It’s _______ treat(款待)," I said, trying to find my wallet in the back seat, but it wasn't there! I _______ the car, but nothing was found. At first, I didn't know _______ I put it.   Then I remembered I left it in the Dunkin Donuts parking lot.

“Oh, thank goodness,” a worker in the parking lot said when I called. "_______ found your wallet lying in the parking lot. We were going through(检查)your _______, trying to find a way to reach you." I told him my address and he sent it back to me without accepting any kind of thanks.

A few years later, my car broke down on a winter night, _______ I had to walk home. Before I left my car, my wallet was still in my pocket. But when I got home, I found it wasn't there. I _______ my wallet again! I was afraid that my good _______ might not go on.

However, good news came the next morning. "Is that Heidi Grosch? We found your wallet in the street." Everything was there and the finder didn't accept any thanks.

I will always be _______ to those who are kind to return my wallet. In return, I will always be ready to lend a hand whenever someone is in trouble.

A.fell offB.looked aroundC.pointed atD.looked after

Helping others make you happy. How do you feel when you help people in need?

You may see people in need on the TV news after an earthquake or other disasters (灾难). Perhaps you are walking past ________ people who are living on the streets. Or maybe you are going to an old people’s home and want to do ________ helpful to the old there. So what can we do to help people who are in trouble? The answer is—volunteering.

Volunteering means ________ some of your free time helping others. You may ________ to help others. And you can also volunteer ________ animals, the environment, or any other thing. Volunteering helps others, and it can help you, too.

Volunteering can let you see your own life ________ new ways. Sometimes it’s easy to worry about things like grades or get angry ________ you don’t have the newest computer game. Volunteering lets you spend some time on others for a while.

Many people find that they really enjoy volunteering. Volunteer experiences often put you in a different place. And you will make a ________ in the world. You’ll know that, thanks to you, some kids have warm coats, hats and shoes. I believe you’ll feel happy.

A.to protectB.protectingC.protects
