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The International Day of Mathematics (数学), held every year on March 14, is a worldwide celebration in which all countries join. Do you know that March 14 has been already celebrated in many countries as Pi Day (圆周率日)? Yes, it is because this date is written as 3/14, and “Pi” in mathematics is about 3.14. So, this day is all about mathematics!

The International Day of Mathematics is an international day that celebrates mathematics. It is held around the world to educate people about the important role of mathematics in science and technology, improve the quality (质量) of life, give women and girls more control over their own lives, and help with more and more development. This was created just a couple of years ago.

As the International Day of Mathematics, March 14, was passed in November 2019. Later, the world celebrated its first International Day of Mathematics on March 14, 2020, with the theme (主题) “Mathematics Is Everywhere”.

The International Day of Mathematics is to improve understanding among the general public of the importance of mathematics in education, and raise awareness of the role of math in modern society, science, and disaster (灾难) management and more, which helps people know math better and better.

Each year, there is a new theme for the celebration of the International Day of Mathematics. In 2021, the theme for this day was “Mathematics for a Better World”.

Mathematics is an interesting subject, and everyone needs to get used to it. So, let’s learn math, enjoy math, and celebrate math with all our hearts and brains!

【小题1】Why is the International Day of Mathematics on March 14?
A.Because March 14 or 3/14 has something to do with the first three numbers of π.
B.Because all countries like joining in math activities on March 14.
C.Because mathematics is becoming more and more important.
【小题2】What is the main idea of Paragraph 4?
A.To list the advantages of the International Day of Mathematics.
B.To tell us that the International Day of Mathematics is an international day.
C.To explain what the purpose of the International Day of Mathematics is.
【小题3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The theme of the second International Day of Mathematics is “Mathematics for a Better World”.
B.The International Day of Mathematics has a long history.
C.Women and girls can't control their own lives at all if they don’t learn mathematics.
【小题4】The underlined word “awareness” in the passage means ________ in Chinese.
【小题5】In the writer’s opinion (观点), mathematics is ________.
A.difficult and creative
B.helpful and surprising
C.interesting and important
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It is hard to be a farmer. Cold weather can kill your crops. Bugs can eat your crops. Weeds(杂草) can hurt your crops. Your crops may need more rain than they get. Fruits and vegetables can go bad before they are sold. Some people say farmers can fix all of this with GM food.

What is GM food? All living things have DNA. DNA tells living things how to grow. These days, people can change the DNA that tells food how to grow. When people change the DNA of food, it is called GM food.

Some GM food can grow in cold weather. GM food can stop bugs from eating it. GM fruits and vegetables can stay good longer. One day, GM food may be able to grow in dry land in Africa. It will feed people who do not have much food.

But there is a lot we do not know about GM food. Will GM companies help poor people grow food? Or do GM companies just want to get rich? Does GM food kill bugs we need, like butterflies? Does GM food make birds sick? Does GM food make people sick? We do not know. There have not been many tests on GM food.

Do you think farmers should grow GM food?

【小题1】What can bugs do that make it hard to be a farmer?
A.They make your crops too dry.B.They make your food go bad.
C.They can eat your crops.D.They can make your food GM.
【小题2】What is DNA?
A.Something that is only in GM food.
B.It is something everyone needs to change.
C.Something about life that cannot be changed.
D.DNA is the part of every living thing that tells it how to grow.
【小题3】According to the passage, what is something that GM food can NOT do?
A.It can make food grow in cold weather.B.It can make food grow faster.
C.It might help grow food in dry parts of Africa.D.Some GM food can stay good longer.
【小题4】What is the main reason why we do not know enough about GM food?
A.Farmers don’t like GM food.B.Companies just want to get rich.
C.Scientists need to do more testing to understand GM food.D.GM food can kill bugs we need.

You probably think the music that your parents like is old and boring, and the songs on your playlist are much cooler. 【小题1】 So it is likely that your own musical preference will follow a similar way to your parents’.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge got data (数据) from more than 250,000 people over the past 10 years. 【小题2】 There are three musical periods (时期): “exciting”, “popular” and “sophisticated (高雅时髦的)”.

The first period comes in the teenage years. 【小题3】 But as people move into early adulthood, they hope to build close relationships with others. As a result, they become fonder of popular music, such as pop and R&B, which are usually danceable. When middle age comes, things have settled down (安定下来) for most people. 【小题4】 For example, they prefer jazz and classical music, as well as catchy music like country music and blues. Because they need relaxing and emotive (激起感情的) music under the strong pressure of life.

But you must be thinking: “Aren’t there old people who are still into rock music?” Of course there are. But a research member explained that their reasons for listening to rock music may be wanting to remind themselves of their youth at that time.

A.Then they will like more “sophisticated” music better.
B.They noticed that as people grow, their musical taste changes.
C.But here is what scientists found: People’s musical taste changes with their ages.
D.People prefer exciting music such as rock, because teenagers are always active.
E.People only stick to one kind of music.

What do you do when you feel unhappy? Do you listen to music? Do you talk to a friend?

Maybe next time you feel sad, you should try going outside if it is sunny. Doctors know that how much sunlight we get can change how we feel. Scientists learned this by interviewing (采访) people who live in different parts of the world. In the far north, in Alaska of Finland, for example, the days are very short in winter. People living in these places say that they are unhappy in winter. The reason is the amount (数量) of sunlight these people get each day. Sunlight changes the chemicals (化学物) in our bodies, and these chemicals can change the way we feel. Several hours of strong sunlight can help your body make the chemicals. These chemicals can make us feel happy.

Another way to feel happier is to get some exercise. Just like sunlight, regular (规律的) exercise helps our bodies make certain chemicals, which make us feel happier. What’s more, exercise helps people sleep better. Enough sleep often makes people feel happy. Exercise also helps you get rid of stress (压力). When you are angry or upset about something, exercise is a way to get those bad feelings out of you.

【小题1】How does the writer begin the text?
A.By asking questions.B.By telling stories.C.By sending messages.D.By showing examples.
【小题2】Why do people in the far north feel unhappy more often than people in the south?
A.Because the summer is too short.B.Because they get less sunlight.
C.Because the weather is too cold.D.Because they can’t go outside.
【小题3】What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Southern people like winter.B.Northern people often feel unhappy.
C.The south is very beautiful.D.More sunlight can make us happier.
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “get rid of” mean?
【小题5】________ will probably NOT make you feel happier according to the passage.
A.Living in different placesB.Getting more sunlight
C.Regular exerciseD.Getting enough sleep
