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Suzhou, a cultural city with a history of more than 2500 years, is in East China’s Jiangsu Province. Sixty-nine classical Chinese gardens are kept in good condition in the city, nine of which are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Suzhou is located in the Taihu Lake basin, in the lower reach of the Yangtze River, where the geographical conditions are perfect for building gardens. As a classic representative of Chinese classical gardens, Suzhou gardens have a long history, which dates back to the Western Zhou dynasty. During the Tang and Song dynasties, Suzhou became prosperous(繁荣)and many celebrities and rich businessmen came here to build their own gardens. And those private gardens continued to appear and prosper throughout the following dynasties.

Taihu Lake basin is rich in strangely shaped stones, known as Taihu Lake Stone, which are excellent materials for gardens and courtyard arrangements. Chinese garden designers are good at making use of the limited space. By adding basic elements like Taihu Lake Stone, ponds and pavilions, the designers seek to create views that look like a painting from every angle.

When you walk in the gardens, you will have a feeling of travelling through time and space, as if you were wandering in a Chinese landscape painting.

【小题1】How many classical gardens of Suzhou are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List?
【小题2】What makes Suzhou gardens world-famous? Please give two reasons.
【小题3】Besides the gardens, what else in Suzhou would you like to recommend to foreign visitors? And why?
知识点:说明文景点/建筑 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

【1】Everyone has his own hobby. Some students in our class like to collect some interesting things. And they love their collections very much.

【2】Snow globes are Tony’s favorite. He has collected them for seven years. Now he has 366 of them. His mom says he has to stop, because he has run out of room to store them. He even has them stored in lots of boxes under his bed.

【3】Mary likes collecting snow globes, too. But she only gets 100 now. Luckily, her birthday is coming. And Tony decides to give her one as her birthday .

【4】Ken usually shells. He thinks they are beautiful. He lives with his grandparents on the beach. And he always plays there.

【5】Lucy loves stamps a lot. She has got many stamps different countries. She has collected stamps for four years.

【6】Jimmy has lots of soft toys. They are cute. He has collected many kinds of them in his bedroom, such as bears, monkeys and so on.

【小题1】How many students are there in this passage? (No more than 4 words)
【小题2】How long has Tony been collecting snow globes? (No more than 7 words)
【小题3】What is Jimmy’s hobby? (No more than 6 words)
【小题4】Fill in each blank in the passage with a proper word.
_________ _________ _________
【小题5】Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.
【小题6】What does the passage mainly talk about?

We live in a world where good health is usually related to a certain kind of appearance. But it doesn’t mean it is necessary for good health. How can you tell if you are healthy? Here are some to look out for.

You eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. This simple behavior is a symbol of healthy eating. “It sounds really silly, but many of us can’t do it,” said Geyer. Besides, you should eat a varied diet rich in whole foods. Natural food is much better than processed food. What’s more, eating enough is very important.

Experts suggest 150 minutes’ proper activities every week is good for our health, like quick walking. “Going quickly up two flights of stairs without stopping and feeling good suggests that your body can perform high intensity (高强度的) activity!”

You can face different kinds of emotions. Emotional health is as important as physical heat, and Geyer has a simple way of measuring (测量) it. “I think emotional well-being is facing various emotions and understanding that they’re all normal,” Geyer said. “And remember that no one of them is going to be permanent (长久的).”

You can wake up without an alarm clock. It is not surprising that no enough sleeping is terrible for your health. Lack of (缺乏) sleep increases the risk of illness. That’s why it’s important to sleep for eight hours a night.

You have the energy to do the things you want to do. Geyer said that there was one word that kept coming to her mind when she thought of good heath—energy. “Having the energy to do the things you want to do is usually a very good sign of good health,” she said.

Anyhow, remember that heath is individualized (因人而异的). If you’re worried you’re not healthy or you’re just curious about where you stand, you can go to see your doctor.

【小题1】How many health signs are mentioned in the passage?


【小题2】What is the symbol of healthy eating?


【小题3】According to experts’ suggestions, how long should we do exercise every week?


【小题4】Why do we need a good sleep every night? Please describe another sign of health.


If you dropped a piece of fruit on your computer keyboard, would you think about eating it again? What if you dropped it in the toilet? Bacteria can live everywhere, even in some unexpected places.

If you eat in front of your computer, sneeze on your keyboard, or sit down to surf the Internet without first washing your hands, your keyboard will be bad for your health. According to the US National Research Center, the average computer carries 400 times more bacteria than a toilet bowl does.

Could one of the dirtiest things in your home be right in your hand? Yes, the TV remote control (遥控器). It is dropped on the floor, put on the sofa and everyone in the house holds it. Scientists found that about half of the tested remote controls carry the cold virus.

Don’t forget your toothbrush. Do you put it in the bathroom? Studies show that flushing the toilet releases(释放)bacteria in the air. Bacteria can remain in the air for at least two hours. They may pollute your toothbrush.

At home

The kitchen is one of the places with the most bacteria more than the bathroom. Dishcloths(抹布)and kitchen sponges(海绵)are great places for bacteria since they are always wet after being used. Try to make them dry.

At school

When you put your schoolbag on the floor or on the bus, many bacteria can live on the bottom of it. Try to clean your schoolbag often.

In public places

Escalator handrails(电梯扶手), shopping cart handles and public books and magazines are top bacteria carriers. That’s why the first thing to do when getting home is wash your hands.

Yes, bacteria are everywhere. But don’t be too afraid to touch those things. Most bacteria are harmless. Just remember to wash your hands regularly. It is the most useful way to protect yourself from bacteria and viruses.

【小题1】Where can bacteria live?
They can live _________________.
【小题2】Why are the dishcloths and kitchen sponges great places for bacteria?
Because _________________ after being used.
【小题3】What does “it” in the fourth paragraph refer to?
It refers to “________________
【小题4】How can you protect yourself from bacteria and viruses?
We can protect ourselves by _________________.
【小题5】Which word means “细菌” in the passage?
The word is “________________”.
