任务型阅读-多任务混合 较难0.4 引用2 组卷79

How fast do you walk? Most people walk between 4 and 6.5 kilometers per hour. But with the Moonwalkers, a pair of walking devices, you can increase your speed by up to 250 percent. These amazing devices can allow you to walk up to 11 kilometers per hour!

The Moonwalkers were invented by a company called Shift Robotics. A pair of the Moonwalkers looks like the lower part of a pair of roller skates. The walking devices can be fastened to the bottoms of regular shoes. But you don’t skate with the Moonwalkers. You can just walk with them the way you do with regular shoes.

The Moonwalkers are very special. Each Moonwalker weighs about 1.9 kilograms. The motor in it powers eight wheels. There is also a gearbox (变速箱) and a few sensors in each Moonwalker. These sensors collect data about the wearer’s walking. The gearbox then uses the data to help change the speed of the Moonwalkers. When it is necessary, the gearbox will slow down the shoes to prevent accidents. And when the wearer has to take the stairs, he or she can lock the wheels to safely go up and down the stairs.

“The Moonwalkers are the world's fastest walking shoes,” says Xunjie Zang, CEO of Shift Robotics. “You don’t need to learn how to use them, but instead they’ll learn from you.” The first batch (批次) of Moonwalkers will ship this summer. Are you looking forward to trying them out?

【小题1】The Moonwalkers are a pair of ________________ and they can help you walk faster.
【小题2】What does a pair of the Moonwalkers look like?
【小题3】Why will the gearbox slow down the shoes when necessary?
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Do you know how blueberries(蓝莓) grow? They grow on bushes(灌木), Each blueberry is small and round. Many blueberries can grow on bush. At first, the blueberries are green. You can't eat the green blueberries. They need a lot of sun and rain to help them become fat and sweet. When the blueberries turn blue, people can pick them. Some farmers grow blueberries in big fields. The people who live nearby like to help pick the blueberries, the farmers will give them some money. They work fast so they want to make as much money as they can. When they are picking the blueberries, their fingers are blue from the juice of the blueberries

What will people do after they pick the blueberries? They put the blueberries into boxes and send to the stores. Many people go to the stores to buy the blueberries. Some people like to cook with blueberries. They use blueberries to make cakes and jam().

【小题1】What can help blueberries become fat and sweet?
【小题2】People’s hand become ______________________________ when they pick blueberries.
【小题3】People like to pick blueberries in the fields, because they can take some home.       

Many scientists believe our love of sugar may actually be an addiction (上瘾). When we eat or drink sugary foods, the sugar goes into our blood and influences the parts of our brain that make us feel good. Then the good feeling goes away, I caving us wanting more. All tasty foods do this, but sugar has an especially strong influence. In this way, it is an addictive drug (药) that doctors advise we cut down on.

“It seems like every time I study an illness and follow a way to the first cause, I find my way back to sugar,” says scientist Richard Thomson. One-third of adults worldwide have high blood pressure, and up to 347 million have diabetes (糖尿病). Why? “Sugar, we believe, is one of the causes, if not the major cause.” says Johnson.

Our bodies are designed to live on very little sugar. Fairly humans often had very little food. So our bodies learned to be very experienced in storing sugar as fat. In this way, we had energy stored for when there was no food. But today, most people have more than enough. So the very thing that once saved us may now be killing us.

So what is the solution? It’s clear that we need to eat less sugar. The trouble is, in today’s world, it’s pretty difficult to avoid. From breakfast cereals (谷物) to after-dinner desserts, our foods are increasingly filled with it. Some producers even use lots of sugar in foods that are advertised as low in fat. So, while the foods appear to be healthier, plenty of sugar are often added.

But some people are fighting back against sugar and trying to create a healthier environment. Many schools are replacing sugary desserts with healthier choices, like fruit. Other schools are trying to encourage exercise by building facilities (设施), so students and others in the community can exercise. The war has not yet been lost.

【小题1】Why do scientists advise us to cut down on sugar?
【小题2】请从文中找出与“A great number of schools are offering healthier foods, fruit, for example, instead of sugary desserts.”意思相近的句子。
【小题3】Please design ONE slogan (标语) to encourage people to use less sugar.
【小题4】根据短文内容填空。   (每空不超过三个单词)
Scientists say sugar is one of the reasons that lead to ________ and diabetes. Actually, our bodies need ________ than we take. But it is hard to ________ the problem because it is in many foods. Still we are encouraged to ________ in the community to win!

Q: The idiom “banjin baliang”(半斤八两) means “six of one and half a dozen of the other”. Are banjin and baliang the same?

A: Yes, they share the same meaning. “Banjin baliang” is usually used to show that two parties have the same abilities.

In the traditional Chinese weight measuring system, one jin (500 grams) was divided into 16 liang (one liang is 31.25 grams). So banjin was eight liang at the time.

In ancient times, people took honesty very seriously. To make sure everyone was trading fairly, there were 16 gradations (秤星) on the arm of a steelyard (杆枰), which was used for weighing things. Each gradation was said to stand for one star. The 16 marks therefore stood for 16 stars — the Big Dipper (北斗七星), Sagittarius (南斗六星)and the stars of fortune, prosperity and longevity (福禄寿).

When trading, if you were not honest about how much something weighed, you would not receive the blessing (护佑) of those stars. If you gave one liang less, you would lose the blessing from the star of fortune; two liang less, you would lose prosperity; three liang less, and you would lose longevity. It was hoped that with this rule, people would be more honest when trading.

However, as China started to do more international business, this type of measuring system was no longer convenient to use. So after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, 16 liang for one jin was changed to 10 liang (one liang is 50 grams) for one jin.

However, some people in Hong Kong and Taiwan still use the traditional system. Keeping traders honest and fair.

【小题1】In what kind of situation can we use the idiom“半斤八两”?
【小题2】Where does the idiom “半斤八两” come from?
【小题3】What were the 16 gradations on the steelyard’s arm used for?
【小题4】What did each gradation stand for?
【小题5】What was believed to happen if people were not honest when trading?
