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Computer scientist Mary has an idea for a new robot to help her work with children. How should it look? The robot should have arms to be able to lift things. And if it is going to communicate with people, it will also need a face. Scientists believe that giving a robot a face can make it seem more friendly. Humans would also like to pay more attention to robots with faces. But what kind?

For Mary, she wants to make sure that her new robot doesn’t look too much like a human. She wants people to just treat it as a machine-person. If it looks more like a human than a machine, she thinks users might find it a bit creepy and feel afraid. Mary also believes that robot faces don’t need to look a lot like ours. Her research shows that we can enjoy communicating with robots whether or not they look like humans, because our brains are able to look for faces. Just put two circles on top of a robot’s body, and we will see a face.

Dave feels differently. He believes that although at first we might be afraid when seeing a robot with a lifelike face, we may soon get used to it. If robots are going to work closely with humans, they should look as much like us as possible. After all, faces are an important part of the way we communicate.

To make his robots look as much like real people as possible, Dave invented a special skin (皮肤) for their faces. With this skin, robots can show human-like expressions and appear to be angry, sad, happy or surprised. Dave’s robots are also programmed to copy expressions. How? Just imagine his robot is looking at you. The cameras in its eyes send pictures of your face to its central computer!

【小题1】Why do scientists think a robot needs a face?
A.It will become more beautiful.B.It can do better in lifting things.
C.It will pay more attention to children.D.It can better communicate with people.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “creepy” mean in paragraph 2?
A.Uncomfortable to look at.B.Impossible to touch.
C.Boring to talk to.D.Difficult to understand.
【小题3】Which of the following would Dave most probably agree with?
A.People should treat robots as humans.
B.Robots need to express their own feelings.
C.Robots shouldn't look too much like humans.
D.People can easily accept robots with a human face.
【小题4】What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To explain the reasons why robots should have faces.
B.To suggest what humans can do with robots with faces.
C.To share ideas on what kind of faces robots should have.
D.To show how scientists invent robots with different faces.
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Ever wondered why your virtual(虚拟的)home helper doesn't understand your questions? Or why your navigation app took you on the side street instead of the highway? In a study published April 21st in the journal iScience, Italian researchers, Arianna Pipitone and Antonio Chella, designed a robot that “thinks out loud”.

To explore how inner speech might influence a robot’s actions, the researchers built a robot called Pepper that speaks to itself. It has the ability to reason and think. They then asked people to set the dinner table with Pepper according to etiquette(礼仪)rules. In one experiment, the user asked Pepper to lay the napkin at the wrong place, going against the rules. Pepper started asking itself a series of self-directed questions and concluded that the user might be mistaken. To be sure, Pepper confirmed the user’s order, which led to further inner speech.

“Ehm, this situation troubles me. I would never break the rules, but I can’t make the user unhappy, so I’m doing what he wants,” Pepper said to itself, laying the napkin where it was required to be. Through Pepper’s inner voice, the user can learn Pepper was facing a difficult situation and solved it by prioritizing the user’s order.

Comparing Pepper’s actions with and without inner speech, Pipitone and Chella discovered the robot had a higher task-completion rate when having self-dialogue.

However, some people find the robot spends more time completing tasks when it talks to itself. The robot’s inner speech is also limited to the knowledge that researchers gave it. Pepper’s designers still say their work provides a framework(构架)to further explore how self-dialogue can help robots focus, plan, and learn. “In some ways, we are creating a generational(世代的)robot that likes to chat. From navigation apps and the camera on your phone to medical robots in the operation rooms, machines and computers alike can take advantage of this chatty feature,” says Chella.

【小题1】Why does the writer ask two questions at the very beginning of the passage?
A.To draw the reader’s attention to the topic.
B.To show the writer likes electronic products.
C.To tell the reader about the history of robots.
D.To prove the writer often faces trouble in life.
【小题2】Why was Pepper asked to lay the napkin at the wrong place?
A.To see how much time Pepper spent laying the napkin.
B.To confirm how popular Pepper was among its users.
C.To test how many etiquette rules Pepper remembered.
D.To study how self-dialogue might influence Pepper’s actions.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “prioritizing” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.repeatingB.dealing with… firstC.going againstD.complaining about
【小题4】What can we infer from the passage?
A.The designers are proud of their work about Pepper.
B.Pepper has already been in use in the operation rooms.
C.Pepper’s inner speech depends on its user’s communication skills.
D.With or without inner speech, Pepper could complete a task equally well.

Before we upload a photo of ourselves to social media, like WeChat, we’ll use an app to smooth our skin, make our eyes look bigger, and give us longer eyelashes and fuller lips. With a couple of touches on our mobile phone, we’re able to present the best pictures of ourselves to others. However, the problem is, when we simply edit our imperfections(瑕疵) away, we’re also changing the way we look at our ourselves. ①_________

Last month, researchers from the US Boston University published an article Selfies —Living in the Era of Filtered(滤镜) Photographs. The article listed the bad effects of photo editing on people and the possibility to cause appearance worries. ②_________ The researchers think that these apps make it difficult to tell between reality and fantasy(虚幻). “These apps allow one to change his or her appearance in minutes and follow an unrealistic standard of beauty,” the article says. ③_________

In the past, people might compare their looks to those who were famous that time. But for today’s young people, beauty standards are most likely set by what they see on social media. “From birth, they are born into an age of social platforms, and their feelings are connected to how good they look,” a British doctor Escho said.

④________ “Now you’ve got the comparison of your real self to fake self that you present on social media,” Renee Engeln, a professor at Northwestern University, told the Huff Post website. He further pointed out that when people spend too much time comparing with others, they may become “beauty sick” and find it difficult to accept what they actually look like.

So when we look in a real mirror, we shouldn’t think to ourselves, “Do I look as good as myself in the Beauty Cam(美颜)?” Instead, we should think, “I feel good, I have my health.”

【小题1】What may people do before they present the best of themselves on social media?
A.Wearing false eyelashes.
B.Redding their lips before going out.
C.Using apps to edit photos.
D.Smoothing their skin in the morning.
【小题2】Where should we put the sentence “This is why many young people suffer an appearance worries when it comes to how they really look.”?
【小题3】Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A.Everybody looks as good as himself in the Beauty Cam.
B.These apps make it easy to tell between reality and fantasy.
C.The article listed the bad and good effects of photo editing on people.
D.People today pay more attention on how good they look than in the past.
【小题4】What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To call on people to care more about appearance.
B.To call on people not to use apps on mobile phones.
C.To call on people to spend too much time comparing with others.
D.To call on people to learn something more important than appearance.
【小题5】Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?
