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Tony loved basketball. One afternoon on his ________ to a basketball game, he was walking and dreaming about playing college basketball the next year. Just then a car hit him and he was sent to ________.

Tony’s doctor told him that ________ his legs were broken. When he heard that he knew his college basketball dreams ________ came true. Tony did what the doctors told him. But it didn’t work when he left the hospital, Tony was sent to a recovery(康复)center.

A week after he arrived there, he met Sunny Chen. Though he couldn’t move his legs, Sunny became a coach of a basketball team called the Sun. It was a on-wheelchair basketball team, because ________ on the team played from a wheelchair. Sunny invited Tony to ________ the game. Tony played badly, but for the first time since the accident, he ________ feeling sorry for himself.

After becoming a part of the Suns, Tony improved quickly. Playing basketball was like ________ for him. Tony was much better than before. When Tony became sad or angry, Sunny was there to help him. The day before Tony ________ the center, he had dinner with Sunny. He asked Sunny how he could be so happy, even with his broken legs. Sunny smiled and said, “It’s really quite ________.” When you keep your face to the sun, the shadows(影子)fall behind.

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Katy Sullivan is an actress, an athlete, and a person who also refuses to accept the words “no” or “I can’t”. She was born without the lower half of her legs and has worn prosthetic(假体) all her life. She grew up in Alabama, the US and had a(n)_______ childhood. She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and the swimming pool. She feels lucky because her family treats her in just the same way _______ the other members.

When a person is born without legs, there are plenty of things that are difficult to do. But Katy believed she could _______ anything. So she chose two jobs that are difficult, even with both legs. As a teenager, she once saw a good movie. Before the movie was _______, Katy had made her mind up to be a(n)_______. After that, she went to study in a theatre school and successfully graduated from it. Then she moved to Los Angeles where she has played different kinds of _______ in theater, television and movies. She always faces challenges and difficulties bravely in life. She thinks that if you believe you can do something, you should try your best to _______ it. So when Katy’s friend asked her _______ she’d like to try running, she said “yes”. She was given a pair of running legs and she started her new life.

Katy was the first person in the world with two prosthetic legs to _______ running as a competitive sport. She entered the final of the 100 meters in the 2012 London Paralympics.

Katy’s family, friends, and fans look up to her as an ________ of someone who has overcome her difficulty and achieved her dreams.

A.depend onB.go forC.get used toD.look after
A.fix upB.show upC.take upD.set up

Peng Lanxi, from Hunan, lost his legs when he was only 19 months old. But the accident did not _______ him from following his dreams. The 18-year-old boy has _______ his dream college—Hunan University of Science and Technology. He is learning robot engineering there. His next dream is to make prostheses (义肢) better and cheaper _______ every disabled person can afford them.

After losing his legs, Peng learned to “walk” _______ his hands. In this way, he enjoys his life _______ the teenagers around him. In Junior High School, Peng’s classroom was on the fifth _______. It meant 88 stairs in one single trip. When his classmates wanted to help him, Peng would say “_______”.

“I don’t need special care. All I want is to be _______ as a common student,” said Peng. “I believe that _______ are there to be challenged. Someone says life is like a mirror, and we get the _______ results when we smile at it.”

In his classmates’ eyes, Peng has a strong will. He is a hard-working student and always _______ to help others. Peng is also good at _______. In his wheelchair, he plays basketball and badminton. He has also _______ the driver’s license exam that is for those disabled people.

“Don’t worry about me. I am confident that I can _______ myself and realize my dreams step by step,” said the big boy. He hopes to use _______ he is learning at the university to help people like him.

A.so thatB.becauseC.thoughD.unless
A.as much asB.as wisely asC.as hard asD.as sadly as
A.pay attention toB.bring peace toC.be different fromD.take care of

Lillian Hanson, a college student, will graduate(毕业) in about two years. Mrs. Hanson is not _________ her classmates because of her age. She is 73 years old!

After graduating from high school, Mrs. Hanson went to a _________ to borrow some money for further education. Unluckily, the banker didn’t agree. He didn’t think that a country girl like her should go to college. He thought she should be at home doing _________ or should work on the farm. Lillian could do nothing but go home and later _________ a family of nine children, one after another, for many years.

_________, Mrs. Hanson didn’t forget the dream of getting higher education. When all of her children _________, she tried again and succeeded. On her first day in class, when Mrs. Hanson _________ herself and told her classmates about her dream, all the other students stood up and gave a warm _________ to her.

Mrs. Hanson found that it was _________ to sit in class for a long time at her age. But she said “I will keep trying and __________ give up.”

Mrs. Hanson set a good example of “never too old to learn” to us.

A.the same asB.come fromC.popular withD.similar to
A.took care ofB.took upC.took downD.took part in
A.got upB.grew upC.dressed upD.made up
