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When I was eleven years old, my life changed forever when I got a serious disease. My life was _______ with operations and treatments. I felt stressed because I was really uncertain _______ everything that was happening.

One day, I was receiving my thirteenth operation in the hospital. Being away from my friends and school was causing me almost as much _______ as the operation itself.

During that hospital stay, I received a card from a volunteer. That simple _______ meant much to me and gave me hope again during my time of need. I’ll never _______ the way I felt after that small act of kindness. I started creating an organization called Cards for Hospitalized (住院的) Kids.

The charity began with a simple dream of giving _______, joy and magic to those kids. It later _______ a national organization that sent cards to over 5000 sick kids at more than 50 hospitals across the country.

It is hard to believe that an act as simple as a card can do so much good, _______ it does. Seeing a picture of a child _______ one of our cards with a huge smile makes us keep this wonderful charity alive.

________ might provide medicine for these sick kids, but we provide that little bit of hope and magic that’ll go a long way.

A.looked upB.gave upC.broke intoD.turned into
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When Ariella Pacheco of California was still a little girl, her parents let her pick out an American Girl doll(娃娃). She _______ one that had the same hair color and style as her. “She _______ me and I felt there was a piece of me in her,” Pacheco said. “You see _______ in a doll and it’s really special to have that connection(联系).”

But what about the children with special illnesses who don’t look like _______ else? One day in January this year, Pacheco read a story about doll designer(设计师)Amy Jandrisevits. Her   “A Doll Like Me” _______ makes look-alike dolls for children with disabilities. Pacheco wanted to make similar dolls.

Over the past several months, Pacheco has designed and made cloth dolls for four local kids who have birthmarks, surgical scars ( 手术疤痕), or other special physical features. Pacheco asked the kids about     _______ favorite sports and hobbies. She also watched doll-making videos.

After she got her own sewing(缝纫)machine, she taught herself to sew clothes for the dolls.

She designed her own patterns and figured out how to recreate the children’s different appearances. It was _______ to her that the children knew themselves in the dolls. _______, their differences were not the clearest feature.

“I really _______ the beauty in little things,” Pacheco said. “Each of these kids is so special. I hope ________ these dolls they can see themselves in a new light and really appreciate their beauty. This is really what I want to do.”

A.looked likeB.looked atC.looked for
通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中选出一个最佳选项。

Chelsea Phaire is changing the world, one art kit (美术套件) at a time. The high-energy 14-year-old girl is the founder of Chelsea’s Charity (慈善). Its ________ is to give art kits to kids in all states in the US and, in the future, to kids in other countries. So far, Chelsea’s Charity has ________ thousands of kits.

Chelsea was only 8 years old when she ________ to start the charity. “My mother and I had a conversation about the fact that not everyone had chances ________ art materials,” Chelsea says, “and that made me so ________.” But it took her parents some time to agree with her about the charity. They wanted her to wait ________ she was a little older.

In 2019, Chelsea could ________ start her charity. She told her friends not to buy her presents for her 10th birthday. ________, she asked them to give her art kits for her charity. The girl also ________ money by helping out at her dad’s barbershop (理发店) to buy art kits. The art kits Chelsea puts together often go to ________ kids.

Art is an important part of Chelsea’s life. “Art has helped me ________ hard times,” she says. “I use it to express ________ and make myself feel better when bad things happen.” This is why she feels it’s so important to make sure everyone has ________ to learn art.

Chelsea says ________ is also a great way to release (释放) bad feelings. “If everyone knows how to change bad feelings and thoughts into art, then we can solve problems in a(n) ________ way,” she adds. “You never know unless you try.”

A.put downB.given awayC.taken offD.fixed up
A.to makeB.to sellC.to getD.to borrow

Jiang Danni is a 24-year-old volunteer from East China. She has volunteered in countries in Africa. And her videos about her experience have caught many people’s ________.

After graduating from university in 2020, Danni chose to work in Africa for a year and then took a trip to seven countries. A primary school in Africa stopped her. She had a (n) ________ time getting to know the polite and energetic children at the school. She taught children in Grades One to Four. Danni set up different kinds of ________ for her students, including Chinese language learning and crafts (手工艺). Danni also ________ to care for the students. While staying at the school in Africa, she usually went to a town that was far away from school to buy delicious food for the students.

In 2022, Danni arrived in Lebanon (黎巴嫩) in Asia and ________ a volunteer teacher at a school. This time, she taught arts and crafts to her students. She included some interesting activities in her teaching. Her students could learn paper cutting in class. They felt ________ enough to enjoy the creative activities.

Danni ________ beautiful relationships with children. Every time Danni arrived at the school, they would run to give her a hug or small gifts ________ candy. And after school, they would ________ invite her to their homes.

“I enjoyed spending beautiful moments with them. I really believe that their smiling faces gave me ________ and encouraged me to find meaning in volunteer work in different places,” Danni said. She has decided to further develop her dream to help others as a lifetime career (终身事业).

A.according toB.instead ofC.such asD.because of
