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Nicanor Quinteros, a 12-year-old boy from Argentina, is just like any boy of his age. The only thing that makes him ________ is that he has his own school!

Nicanor came up with the idea of starting a ________ when he saw some of his classmates drop out of school because they didn’t have the money for the bus ride or the shoes to wear to school. Nicanor asked his grandma if he could ________ a school next to their house. She ________ agreed to his idea and together they began to carry it out. In the backyard of his house, Nicanor and his grandmother used canvases (帆布) and sticks to build the classrooms and fruit boxes to be as chairs.

Nicanor’s ________ did not end there. He travels 4 kilometers by bicycle every day from school to teach the children in his own school. Sometimes he even has classes at night for those who cannot ________ in the daytime.

Four years has passed since then, and with the help of neighbors and kind people, Nicanor has been able to build two more ________ and a small library. He even has his own headmaster’s office. This community school now has 36 ________. All of them love it and study very hard. The city leader also came to help when he ________ what Nicanor did. He said, “I am so ________ that we have a hero of our own!” And he is right. Nicanor has encouraged (鼓舞) many people, not just in Argentina, but around the world.

A.made sureB.found outC.looked atD.thought of
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One sunny Sunday, I decided to go for a walk with my husband. I was wearing a special diamond ring that day. It was my first birthday gift from my grandmother.

As we were walking in the park, I looked down at my hand and found the ________ on my ring was missing. I was really ________, so I went back to look for it. I knew how small the chance was of finding it, but I still wanted to have a try.

As I was fixing my eyes on the ground, I ________ an old gentleman by accident.

“What’s the matter, love?” he asked nicely.

“Sorry that I ran into you,” I said. “________ I lost something. I’m really worried.” I explained about the missing diamond.

“That’s not going to be ________ to find it,” he said. “I take a walk here every day. I will keep my eyes open for it.” I thanked him, expecting ________. However, a few days later, my husband and I met the old man again in the park.

“Guess what,” he said. “I found your diamond!”

I couldn’t believe ________ I saw when the gentleman handed the diamond back to me. The old man could have easily kept the diamond or ________ it, as it’s worth several thousand dollars. But he didn’t.

Now thanks to this man, I’ll spend more time trying to do something equally nice for ________ people. All I have to do is to look ________ my ring and remind myself that there are still kind and generous souls out there.

A.ran intoB.ran afterC.ran awayD.ran out
A.otherB.anotherC.the otherD.others

For some people, a job is only a way to make money. But Carole Cassidy and Russ Cassidy are ________. They worked as teachers with interest and got lots of fun. Now they are retired (退休的) and luck is still with them.

“We just didn’t want to be sitting and do ________ ,” Carole said. “We tried a few things, ________ they were not for us.” Soon, they ________ the Princeton Public Library’s Children’s Storytime program and wanted to join in it. “We were lucky. They accepted us and ________ us to come to help,” Rebecca Marrs, the librarian there said. Marrs said the kids loved the retired ________. Marrs started to take up the Children’s Storytime program about eight years ago. The Book Babies program, for newborns to 3-year-old kids, is held on Thursdays and the Preschool program is held on Fridays.

Marrs and the two teachers said that they didn’t ask the children to sit ________ during the storytime. They understand that children can listen while ________. “I love kids and love being with them. I enjoy watching kids playing together and ________ their imagination (想象力) most,” Carole said. “For example, I ask them why they make a robot with bricks (积木) and they tell their ________ to me. Their imagination is so good.”


Among all the festivals, Christmas is my favorite. Ten years _____ since that thing happened. I was only _____ years old at that time. It was December 24th, just the day before Christmas Day. That evening, my dad said to us, “Tomorrow is Christmas Day. My kids, I think you should _____ to love others.” He went on, “Therefore, we are going to help out at an orphanage(孤儿院)”. I couldn’t believe _____ I heard. My heart began to sink(下沉). So we wouldn’t enjoy our own Christmas dinner at home? Why so? I didn’t want to spend such a holiday! The holiday ______ a Christmas dinner wasn’t the one I expected.

The next morning, we ______ early. After breakfast, we set out on our long journey to the orphanage. As soon as we arrived there, we started to work. We had ______ much to do, such as preparing for the dinner, setting the tables, and organizing the kids to come in, that we had no time to have a rest. However, all I could think about was the Christmas dinner I couldn’t enjoy. How ______ I was! But the thought(想法)quickly disappeared. Over the next few hours, I watched the kids sitting around the tables and enjoying the dinner happily. For the kids, it was an unusual Christmas dinner ______ they would never forget. The kids were so happy. Laughter filled the orphanage.

Now I am a 19-year-old college student and I still remember that Christmas Day. Through the ______ I have learned a lot. Although I didn’t enjoy the Christmas dinner at home, I got much more pleasure.

A.passedB.has passedC.passingD.have passed
A.picked upB.took upC.got upD.cheered up
