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A. 回答问题

There are three new characters(角色) in our daily life. I’m the main character COVID-19 vaccine(新冠疫苗), you are my partner nucleic acid test(核酸检测). We have an enemy. Its name is COVID-19(新型冠状病毒).

Nowadays, COVID-19 is spreading around the world. It is very small but harmful, so people can't see it with their eyes. It can spread from one person to another easily and quickly. People are very afraid because it can make them sick and have a fever. That's why people stay at home and hide from it.

Then I'm coming. I am COVID-19 vaccine. Everyone needs me because there is no special medicine to treat COVID-19. I can help people to stay away from the virus(病毒). People can get me for free in China. If they get me twice, they will have green health codes(健康码). Now people are supposed to get me a third time in the hospital. This can lower(降低) the risk of getting viruses. With the third vaccine, people's green health codes put on a shield(盾牌), and it's also a passport to enter public places. It is the best way to prevent COVID-19.

The nucleic acid test is my best partner. People just need to stand there and open their mouths to take it. Doctors and nurses are working so hard to check whether people have COVID-19 or not. They all think taking the nucleic acid test is the most useful way to find out who has got COVID-19.

So far, the nucleic acid test and I have performed pretty well on this stage. Thanks to our strong country, we will pull together to make sure people can live a normal and safe life.

【小题1】How many new characters are there in our daily life?
【小题2】Why can’t people see COVID-19 with their eyes?
【小题3】What will people have if they get the vaccine twice?
【小题4】What is the most useful way to find out who has got COVID-19?
【小题5】Who is COVID-19 vaccine’s best partner?
B. 书面表达
【小题6】根据要求完成短文写作, 请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置。
参考词汇:mask 口罩   during the COVID-19 pandemic 疫情期间 take a nucleic acid test 做核酸
要求: (1)文中不能出现真实的校名和姓名等;

An Unforgettable Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to stay at home.

知识点:说明文叙事忆旧新型冠状病毒 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

To be thankful is a powerful way to turn around your thinking. Being thankful will always allow a person to see what is good or even great about their situation instead of feeling upset and sad. Therefore, it is important to teach children about the power of being thankful. First, help your children to notice and be thankful for all the fun things that life has offered. Point out the beauty of the nature from the birdsong and the trees to the high mountains and rivers of their country. Second, thank your children when they do the something kind or other good. Parents should be a model by showing their thanks for small kindness. Thank your friends, husband, wife or other people in front of your children. That will make them keep doing good things. Third, tell your children that they have the power to turn bad things into happiness simply by paying attention to the bright side. When they complain about the windy or rainy days, help them to be thankful for what they have. They are in a safe and comfortable environment away from the rain. They are able to do many fun things such as reading books, watching a movie, drawing pictures, playing with friends. Last but not least, tell them often that money doesn’t buy happiness, but their thankful attitude (态度) does. They will be happy if they choose to be thankful.

Information Card

The readers that the passage is written for【小题1】.
The things that children should be taught about【小题2】.
The way that children can turn bad things into happiness【小题3】.
The thing that buys children happiness【小题4】.
The number of suggestions given by the writer【小题5】.

你身边一定充满着爱,如父母的爱、老师的爱以及同学的爱等,假设某英文报刊正在举办主题为“因为爱,所以感恩”的征文活动,请你根据下面提供的信息,以“Love around me”为题写一篇英语短文。

1. 举例描述父母的爱、老师的爱或同学的爱;
2. 表达对这些“爱”的回报和感恩;
3. 表达对“世界充满爱”的憧憬。
1. 不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现真实名称;
2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。标题已经给出,不计入总词数。

In recent days, people are focusing on 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Freestyle skier(自由式滑雪运动员)Gu Ailing, 18, won the gold medal with a 1620 performance she had never done before on Feb. 8th, 2022. At the same time, this is also China’s third gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics.

Born to an American father and a Chinese mother, Gu decided to compete for China at the 2022 Winter Olympics in June 2019. Just two months later, she won her first gold medal for China at the New Zealand Winter Games and Australia Cup. Her strength continued to grow as she won one bronze(铜牌)and two gold medals at the Freestyle Skiing World Championships in March.

People say she is talented(有天赋的). But Gu says that talent takes up “only 1 percent” of her success. Her hard work is what really matters. While going to school in San Francisco, Gu could only practice on weekends. She spent eight hours going to the ski hill and back, doing homework on the way and making full use of her time at the hill to practice skiing.

Gu said she wants to encourage more girls in China to try skiing. She said skiing brings her freedom and satisfaction, especially when she perfectly controls her body and does skills that others cannot do. She really takes pride in this sport.

【小题1】When did China win the third gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics?
【小题2】What did Gu decide to do in June 2019?
【小题3】What do people think of Gu?
【小题4】What does Gu think is the most important for her success?
【小题5】What does skiing bring to Gu?

“世上无难事,只怕有心人。” 在生活中我们总会遇到困难也总会靠自己的努力解决困难。请用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己迎难而上,不肯放弃的经历。


Nothing is difficult if we put our hearts into it. We always meet different kinds of difficulties. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


The Mid-Autumn Festival has a history of more than 2,000 years. During these 2,000 years, lots of Mid-Autumn traditions have been thought up by Chinese people. All the celebrations show the happiness and excitement of people. The main celebrations during the Mid-Autumn Festival are enjoying the full moon, eating moon cakes together and making lanterns. These three celebrations have been passed from generation(一代) to generation. Chinese people may think the Mid-Autumn Festival is not coming if they don’t do these three things.

In some places in China, people celebrate the festival in different ways. In Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, people eat taros(芋头) to celebrate the festival, because the taro harvest occurs at the same time as the festival. They eat taros and hope the harvest is good next year. In Nanjing, people cook duck with sweet-scented osmanthus(桂花), because they think sweet-scented osmanthus is a symbol of peace. In some places, people make fires inside towers to celebrate the festival, because they think the fire is a symbol of good business(生意).

In the literary history of China, many poets(诗人) wrote poems to praise(赞美) the pure moon of Mid-Autumn night and express their feelings. The following is one of the best poems.

Thoughts in the Silent Night

—Li Bai

The moonlight is shinning through the window.

And it makes me wonder if it is the frost on the ground.

Looking up to see the moon.

Looking down I miss so much about my hometown.

Li Bai used his poem to express his homesickness at the Mid-Autumn Festival.

【小题1】How long is the history of the Mid-Autumn Festival?
【小题2】What do the Mid-Autumn celebrations show according to the passage?
【小题3】How many ways of celebrations are mentioned in Paragraph 2?
【小题4】Why do people make fires inside towers to celebrate the festival in some places?
【小题5】Who wrote Thoughts in the Silent Night?
参考词汇:lunar 农历的;worship ancestors祭拜祖先;the Double Ninth Festival 重阳节

My favourite Chinese traditional festival

