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We know the mosquito very well. Mosquitoes fly everywhere. They can be found almost all over the world, and there are more than 2,500 kinds of them.
No one likes the mosquito. But the mosquito may decide that she loves you. She? Yes, she. It’s true that male mosquito doesn’t bite(咬) and only the female(雌性的) mosquito bites because she needs blood to lay eggs. She is always looking for things or people she wants to bite. If she likes what she finds, she bites. But if she doesn’t like your blood, she will turn to someone else for more delicious blood. Next time a mosquito bites you, just remember you are chosen. You’re different from the others!
If the mosquito likes you, she lands on your body without letting you know. She bites you so quickly and quietly that you may not feel anything different. After she bites, you will have an itch(痒) on your body because she puts something from her mouth together with your blood. By the time the itching begins, and she has flown away.
And then what happens? Well, after her delicious dinner, the mosquito feels tired. She just wants to find a place to have a good rest. There, on a leaf or a wall, she begins to lay eggs, hundreds of eggs.
【小题1】“Mosquito” means ______ in Chinese.
【小题2】If the mosquito doesn’t bite you, it will ________.
A.get angry with youB.be afraid of you
C.make a lot of noiseD.choose another one
【小题3】The mosquito bites you _________.
A.when you’re asleepB.because you have chosen it
C.too quickly to let you knowD.but doesn’t like you
知识点:常见动物科普知识说明文细节理解推理判断 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
A. Choose the best answer.

If you're planning on buying a small pet for your kids or family or are looking for a pet that is cute, friendly and fun, then you should consider a sugar glider (蜜袋鼯). It lives in Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea and Tasmania.

Sugar gliders are known by this name because they are fond of sweet food. Sugar gliders are also known as “pocket pets” because they're small in size and they like being carried in pockets. That is why many sugar glider owners keep these animals in their pockets to carry them wherever they go.

Sugar gliders are covered with the patagium (翼膜),which looks like a parachute (降落伞) when they spread out their hands and feet, making them move in the air. Another attractive feature of sugar gliders is that they have big toes (脚趾) on their back which help make them stay on the tree.

It's known that sugar gliders are extremely lovable and social. This is why these pets get along well with their owners and their families. If you don't spend much time at home, the best idea is to keep another sugar glider pet. Sugar gliders aren't like other pets that can get used to anywhere in the house. They need a special and large area to live. So, you should get a comfortable and big space for your special pet.

The average lifespan(寿命)of sugar gliders is around 12 to 15 years. They' reactive pets that love to jump and glide. But the owner has to give enough care and love to them in order to keep them healthy. Sugar gliders are wonderful pets to keep. They're fun to watch and play with.

【小题1】According to the passage, sugar gliders are named after      .
A.their favorite foodB.their appearance
C.their living placeD.their body size
【小题2】If a sugar glider is carried outside, the best place for it is the .
C.bagD.owner's pocket
【小题3】Sugar gliders patagium works just like       .
A.a small raincoatB.a bird's wings
C.a man's clothesD.a tree branch
【小题4】If you can't spend much time with your sugar glider, you'd better .
A.make some toys for itB.prepare more food for it
C.buy another sugar gliderD.keep a bird to play with it
【小题5】Which of the following about sugar gliders is TRUE?
A.They can live for 20 years.B.They can be found in America.
C.They love to stay with others.D.They like to live in a small area.
【小题6】The passage probably comes from a ________.
A.news reportB.pet magazineC.travel guideD.personal diary

The ocean waters rise and fall along the coast. This movement is called the tide (潮汐). When the tide comes in, the ocean rises. The rocks along the coast are covered in water. When the tide goes out, some of the salt water stays behind in large holes in the rocks. This causes tide pools. The animals that live in tide pools, such as crabs, sea stars, and mussels (淡菜), have to get used to changes in the water. They must face large waves, the hot sun, and hungry meat-eating animals.

When the tide is high, animals in tide pools are covered with water. This protects them from the strong sun. ________ And the tide can also wash the meat-eating animals away.

When the tide is low, the animals in tide pools have to move to another world. Many of them are no longer covered by water. They are not safe because of the sun’s heat or hungry animals. There is less food for animals such as mussels in the tide pools. Mussels are protected by hard shells (壳). When food passes by, a mussel opens its shell to eat. It closes its shell when danger comes around the corner. Hungry sea stars will hit a mussel, hoping to find a way into its shell. Crabs search for dead plants and animals while keeping away from sea gulls.

In fact, life in a tide pool is also an adventure like humans.

【小题1】Which of the following sentences can be put in the blank “________”?
A.The tide can also bring in food for the animals.
B.They sometimes face hungry meat-eating animals.
C.They even have less food to feed on.
D.The danger may come around the corner.
【小题2】What may a mussel do when food passes by?
A.Find a way to run.B.Keep its shell closed.
C.Open its shell to eat.D.Search for dead plants.
【小题3】When a sea star meets the mussels, what may happen next?
A.A crab would find a way into mussels’ shells.B.Sea gulls would search for the mussels.
C.The sea star would eat the mussels.D.The mussels would open their shells.
【小题4】What’s the best structure of the passage? (1=paragraph (段落) 1,   2=paragraph 2.)
【小题5】What can we infer (推断) from the last paragraph?
A.Only animals may face adventure in life.
B.The animals in tide pools can’t live without water.
C.Humans needn’t face an adventure in life.
D.Life is always full of adventure.

Birding, which actually started in the 19th century, is the practice of carefully watching and studying the appearance and behaviour of wild birds. It is a hobby for many and a sport for a few that gained a lot of popularity in the 20th century.

Learning to correctly identify birds is one of the hardest things when it comes to bird-watching. However, there are several methods and technologies that can be used to help you.

When it comes to birding, the first thing to learn is to reduce the range of the bird toa group by judging the shape of is body and head.if you can reduce the range of a bird down to at least its grouping, then you're already half way there. Next, pay attention to the shape of its mouth and tail. Almost no two species have the same shape, so this can really help you.

Keeping in mind that the habitat you're in will also help you out a lot.For instance, you might see a Red-eyed Vireo in a treetop but chances are that if you see one on the ground then it might just be a Horned Lark. These are just a few ways of identifying a bird.

If you are still having problems or want to take the easy way out, then this is where birding technology comes in. There is a very popular app called Merlin Bird ID. It will come up with a list of possible matches after you answer a few simple questions about the bird. You can also take a picture of the bird with the app and it will offer you some matches, including its appearance, colour, habit and habitat. It's been proved to be very easy to pick up with a list of possible matches most of the time.

While bird-watching is fun, it can be challenging, but if you remain focused on what you are doing, nothing can stop you from enjoying the experience to the fullest.

【小题1】Birding is an activity to watch and find out ________.
A.when birds became popularB.how birds behave in the wild
C.why bird lovers protect birdsD.what the wild birds eat and drink
【小题2】Merlin Bird ID is an app that can ________ if we take a photo of a bird.
A.show the living area of the bird
B.judge the correct species of the bird
C.match the right sound with the very bird
D.give matches by answering your questions
【小题3】In the author's opinion, bird-watching is ________.
A.boring but meaningfulB.interesting but surprising
C.challenging but worthyD.exciting but time-wasting
【小题4】The passage mainly tells us ________.
A.a new app to watch birdsB.a tool to use while birding
C.some ways to identify birdsD.some places to watch birds
