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True or False(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用T表示,不符合的用F表示)
        Not everyone working in a big company is an important worker. But the important workers are the best you can find in a company. Sometimes the company cannot run without those important workers. They are called the key players.
        Through a study of the key players, we find that there are three important qualities in a key player. First, a key player knows how to work with other workers selflessly. He understands the importance of teamwork: only by working together can we work faster and better. Secondly, a key player always makes the best use of his time. What he thinks should be done today will never be put to tomorrow’s list. Business happens every minute. If we don’t hurry, we will never catch a chance. Last but not least, a key player is willing to take risks. If you want to achieve success that others have never got, you have to take risks. You should never be afraid to fail. If you fail, try again; but if you succeed, you are the only winner!
        The three qualities are necessary if we want to do better in our jobs. Always remember, the biggest prizes are only for the key players.
【小题1】According to the passage, the most important players in the ball game are key players.
【小题2】There are more than four important qualities we can usually find on a key player.
【小题3】A key player seldom works together with other people.
【小题4】A key player makes a good use of time.
【小题5】A key player always plays safe. He never takes risks.
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Some people believe that colours can influence our moods. You may wonder whether it is true. In fact, colours can change our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. 【小题1】

●Calm colours

Have you ever walked into a room and felt relaxed? It could be because the walls were painted blue. Blue is a calm colour. It brings peace to our mind and body. Blue can also represent sadness, so you may say “I’m feeling blue” when you are feeling sad. 【小题2】 It is also the colour of purity. Many women like to wear white on their wedding day.

●Warm colours

Some colours, such as orange and yellow, can make you feel warm. People in cold areas prefer warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling. Orange represents joy. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm sunny day. 【小题3】 Some people prefer this colour when they hope for success.

●Energetic colours

When you feel tired or weak, you should wear energetic colours like green. Green can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and represents new life. 【小题4】

●Strong colours

If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you. Red is the colour of heat. It represents power and strong feelings. 【小题5】 This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.

A.White is another calm colour.
B.Yellow is also the colour of wisdom.
C.Wearing red can also make it easier to take action.
D.This article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent.
E.However, it is also the colour of envy, so we may say someone is “green with envy”.

Students attended (参加) a live (现场直播的) class given by the Shenzhou-13 members, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu, at the China Science and Technology Museum in Beijing, Dec. 9, 2021. It was a special course. It came from 400 km above the earth in China’s space station.

Wang first talked about their life and work in the space station. Wang said the water they drink is recycled (可循环的). There is no difference in taste between everyday and recycled water.

Next Zhai introduced the special clothes they were wearing in the space station. According to Zhai, it has many elastic bands (松紧带) inside to help them keep their bodies healthy.

Then Wang asked both the students on the ground and Ye to do the turn-around movement. The students were surprised to see that Ye could not do it. He finally made it with specific motions (特定动作), like moving a single arm in a circle.

At the end of the class, the three astronauts tried to answer students’ questions, like “Do stars still shine in space?”, “Do they have dreams while sleeping in space?”. Finally, the three astronauts ended up the class with their best wishes. The class was a big success and encouraged (鼓励) many students to study hard in order to get into the space one day.

【小题1】The special course came from 400 kilometers above the earth in ________.
A.a schoolB.a university
C.China’s space stationD.the China Science and Technology Museum
【小题2】Astronauts in China’s space station drink ________ water.
A.coldB.everydayC.recycledD.both everyday and recycled
【小题3】The underlined word “movement” in this passage means ________.
【小题4】The three astronauts ended up the class with ________.
A.a songB.a talkC.some questionsD.their best wishes
【小题5】The purpose (目的) of the class is ________.
A.to make the students interested in the earth
B.to encourage more students to study hard
C.to help the students get good marks at school
D.to let the students know more about the three astronauts

What do you do when you want a cold drink? You probably get a drink from your icebox. But people did not have iceboxes before the early 1900s. How did they keep things cool before then?

In the past, it was difficult to keep food cold. Warm food spoils quickly. People tried many different methods to keep things cold. They used to put food in cool small rivers or in large holes under the ground near their homes. They also stored food like vegetables and fruits in rooms under their houses. These rooms stayed cooler in warm months. However, none of these methods was perfect.

What was a better way? Putting food on ice. In 1000 BCE, people in China collected ice and snow. Then they dug holes under their homes and filled them with the ice and snow. After that, they put their food in the holes. In many countries, people continued to do this for about 2, 000 years.

There are a few problems with this method. First, ice and snow are not to be found everywhere. Second, ice turns into water when heated. An American businessman named Frederick Tudor solved these problems. He wanted to carry ice to hot places, such as the Caribbean. In the early 1800s, he sent a ship full of ice from Boston, Massachusetts, to the island of Martinique. Almost all of the ice turned into water. After that happened, Tudor realized that he had to find a way to keep the ice at 0℃ or below. He spent ten years working on the problem. Finally, he tried putting sawdust-very small pieces of wood-between the pieces of ice. It worked! Sawdust keeps ice at 0℃ or below for a longer period of time.

People used to work hard to keep their food and drinks cold. Now, it’s much easier. The next time you want a cold drink, imagine your life without an icebox.

【小题1】What does the underlined word spoils in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Go bad.B.Become hotter.C.Taste delicious.D.Turn black.
【小题2】Which of the following words best describe people in China in 1000 BCE?
【小题3】What is true about Tudor?
A.Tudor was an American inventor.B.Tudor made money selling iceboxes.
C.Tudor used sawdust to solve the problem.D.Tudor tried to send ice to Martinique by train.
【小题4】Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.How did we invent iceboxes?B.How did we keep things cool?
C.How did Tudor carry ice to hot places?D.How did people in China store foods on ice?
