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Stand up and make a whole room laugh

If you go to a club and pay (付钱) to hear someone tell funny stories, it’s called “stand-up”.

Stand-up comedy (单口喜剧) started in Britain and the US more than 150 years ago. Men, women and even children performed (表演) in front of people. The famous actor Charlie Chaplin started to do this at the age of 5.

When radio and cinema became more popular (受欢迎的), stand-up clubs closed. But in Britain, some performers became famous on TV. One Christmas, half the population (人口) of the UK – about 28 million (百万) people – watched a stand-up comedy show.

Today there are stand-up clubs around the world. So why is it still (仍然) so popular? Perhaps it’s because it is simple and fun. All you need is one person to stand up and make the whole room laugh.

Did you know?

In Chinese, many stand-up comedy shows such as 80’s Talk Show (《今晚80后脱口秀》) and Rock & Roast (《脱口秀大会》) are called tuokouxiu, or “talk show”. But Western talk shows are a bit different, in fact. On talk shows, there is a host (主持人). The host will have guests to interview (采访). Stand-up comedy is more like crosstalk (相声) in China.

【小题1】Where did stand-up comedy start?
【小题2】When did Chaplin start doing stand-up comedy?
【小题3】Paragraph 3 shows that some people started to do stand-up comedy ________.
A.on the radioB.in clubsC.on TVD.at Christmas parties
【小题4】Why is stand-up comedy still popular around the world?
【小题5】Would you like to do stand-up? Why or why not?
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Beidou is China’s first global navigation satellite system (全球卫星导航系统). China is the third country in the world to have its own navigation satellite system. With Beidou, China no longer has to depend on foreign systems. This is very important for national safety.

The research and development of Beidou began in 1994. It started its full-scale (全面的) work on July 31 2020. More than 120 countries and regions are using the Beidou system. With as many as 59 satellites, Beidou has “bright eyes”. These satellites fly around the earth. They can “see” rivers, forests and mountains. They can “see” houses and schools oh the earth. Of course, they can “see” you, too! From space, they can tell where you are on the ground, with a difference of no more than 10 meters.

Beidou can help people find the way, even when it’s on the dark sea. It can look for mines (矿产) in deep mountains. It can give orders to driverless cars. Last summer, when Chinese people fought the flood (洪水) in the South, Beidou helped measure (测量) the rise and fall of the flood water.

What’s more, when people are in danger and there is no mobile phone signal, they can use Beidou to send a 1,200-word message to ask for help.

All in all, Beidou is there to keep us safe and make our life convenient.

Beidou navigation satellite system

Beidou is our Chinese own navigation satellite system and it is very important for 【小题1】.

The research and development of Beidou began in 1994. It started its full-scale work on 【小题2】.

Beidou has 59 satellites, these satellites fly around the earth. They can tell where you are on the ground with a difference of 【小题3】 10 meters.

Beidou can keep us safe and make our life 【小题4】. It can help people find the way and look for mines, it can also help people fight the floods.

If your mobile phone has no signal, you can use Beidou to 【小题5】 to ask for help.

The folk art form, kuaiban, which has a long history, can be performed by a group or a single person. With one or two pairs of bamboo clappers—a kind of traditional Chinese musical instrument in their hands, the performers tell stories in the local dialect(方言). These stories are usually folk tales or about social life.

Recently, Liu Jiming and Wan Yifu made and shared three short videos by using kuaiban which were viewed about 4 million times. As a result, Liu and Wan have gained more than 1million followers on the Internet. They’ve created many new works to raise people’s awareness. Some of their works are about the danger of drunken driving and food safety. They also write stories to show respect to people who make contributions, such as traffic policemen.

According to Liu and Wan, people can understand kuaiban pieces without difficulty. The stories told in kuaiban pieces are close to people’s daily lives. Thus, they consider that it is a fun way to introduce the Chinese folk culture through kuaiban. And what matters to them is that both young people and old people begin to know the charm of the art form, kuaiban, which may not be paid much attention to, compared to other traditional art forms.

Folk art forms, like xiangsheng, pingshu and kuaiban, share something in common. These traditional art forms show the beauty and value of traditional Chinese culture so they should be known by more people and get to more areas. Luckily, through the Internet, new performers who go on sharing kuaiban pieces, like Liu and Wan are playing an active role. Hopefully these Chinese folk art forms will be alive with the times.


Chinese folk art forms never 【小题1】

The introduction to kuaiban·It has a long history and is performed by a group or a single person.
·It is performed in the local dialect by using a special musical instrument made of bamboo.       
·The content is about folk tales or what’s happening in 【小题2】.
The stories of Liu and Wan with kuanban·More than 1 million viewers were attracted by Liu and Wan’s kuaiban videos.       
·They believe that kuaiban pieces can be 【小题3】 understood.
·They use kuaiban pieces to attract people’s attention to Chinese folk culture.
Reasons for the wide 【小题4】 of the Chinese folk art·The beauty and value of traditional Chinese culture will be learned through Chinese folk art forms.
·The new performers 【小题5】 sharing kuaiban pieces actively.

Parents of children away at college often worry about how their children are dealing with their life. Are they eating properly? Are they getting enough exercise? According to a new study, these worries may not be completely wrong. Meg Small, a researcher, says that only one third of college students have a healthy diet.

Fortunately, according to the research, students seem to be healthier on the days when they communicate with their parents. Students at a large USA university were asked to complete some surveys. The surveys included questions about how much time students spent talking to their parents and questions about their eating habits and activity levels.

During the two-week survey, it was found that they ate 14% more fruit and vegetables, and were 50% more likely to take part in at least 30 minutes of sports or activities on the days when they communicated with their parents for 30 minutes or more.

Meg Small believes that some parents may directly remind their children to eat better foods and take part in activities, but it is also suggested that even if healthy living was not discussed, the very act of having communicated with their parents can be enough to encourage them to make healthier choices and take better care of themselves.

This study suggests that the more parents communicate with their children, the healthier lifestyles their children will lead. However, it is equally important to get a balance. By calling too often, parents may quite easily appear to distrust their children, while calling too little, or not at all, sends the message that they do not care.

ProblemMost college students eat unhealthily at school.
About the study●Students at a USA university were asked to complete some surveys, which 【小题1】 two weeks.
●The students were asked about the time they 【小题2】 on chatting with their parents, their eating habits and activity levels.
Finding of the studyCommunicating with parents increases the 【小题3】 of students’ eating more healthily and exercising more often.
【小题4】Communicating with the children in a balanced way:
●Don’t call too often to prevent the children feeling not being trusted.
●Don’t call too little to make the children feel not being 【小题5】 about.
