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During the two sessions(两会), Lei Jun, who started China’s tech company Xiaomi, called for more e-waste (电子垃圾) recycling plans in China.

“China should make plans to make full use of those unwanted phones and computers. It can reduce the country’s carbon emissions (碳排放),” Lei told CCTV News.

According to a 2020 UN report, the world’s e-waste will reach 74.7 million tons by 2030. That means it will increase by 100% in 16 years. This makes e-waste the world’s fastest-growing domestic (家用的) waste.

The report found that only 17.4 % of the world’s e-waste was collected and recycled in 2019. This means that gold, silver and other high-value materials were mostly burned or thrown away instead of being reused. It’s a waste of 57 billion dollars. E-waste can also be bad for the environment and people’s health. For example, one phone battery can pollute 600,000 liters of water.

China is now the world’s largest producer of e-waste, followed by the US, India and Japan, according to the UN report. However, tech companies are looking for different ways to solve the problem. For example, US company Apple built a robot called Daisy. It can take 200 iPhones apart within an hour and took the useful materials out. With Daisy, valuable materials can be pulled out more easily.

Xiaomi is also setting up e-waste recycling platforms, where people can give away or sell their old electronics.

【小题1】Lei Jun called for more e-waste recycling plans to ________.
A.make Xiaomi more popularB.sell more Xiaomi products
C.set up a new tech companyD.cut down carbon emissions
【小题2】What does “This” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Little e-waste has been reused and recycled by human beings.
B.E-waste hasn’t been a serious environmental problem nowadays.
C.People are likely to throw gold, silver and other materials away.
D.E-waste is bad for the environment but good for human beings.
【小题3】How does the writer explain the harm of e-waste to the environment and people’s health?
A.By making a comparison.B.By telling a story.
C.By giving an example.D.By asking questions.
【小题4】From the passage, we can infer that ________.
A.Xiaomi is sure to solve the e-waste problem by itself
B.e-waste has become the world’s fastest-growing waste
C.Xiaomi will set up platforms to invent robots like Daisy
D.there will be less and less e-waste in China in the future
【小题5】Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A.Carbon EmissionB.E-waste Recycling
C.E-waste Recycling RobotsD.Fast-growing Domestic Waste
知识点:环境保护环境污染说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

We all love giant pandas. In the 1970s there were just 1,114 of these animals in China. Now there are 1,864 giant pandas living in 52 protection areas that have been built in recent decades. In fact, several species(物种)that were endangered have seen a surprising comeback in recent decades, thanks to major protection efforts.

Besides the giant panda, Yunnan’s snub-nosed monkey(金丝猴)and the crested ibis(朱鹮)are also among these success stories. The crested ibis, for example, was once widespread in east China, Japan, Russia and South Korea, but was later thought to die out. In 1981, seven crested ibises were found in Shanxi Province. Since then, breeding programs have helped its population reach 2,000. China has sent crested ibises to Japan and South Korea in recent years to help the species regenerate(发展壮大).

China has more than 11,800 nature reserves. They account for 18% of China’s total land area. The reserves cover 35 million hectares of forest and 20 million hectares of wetland, and include 85% of the country’s wildlife.

【小题1】The population of pandas is larger than before with the help of _______.
A.the living areasB.main protection efforts
C.the species rebirthD.breeding programme
【小题2】How many kinds of endangered species are mentioned in the text?
【小题3】The underlined word “widespread” means _______ in Chinese.
【小题4】What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.We should thank our country for protecting plants.
B.We should try to protect the endangered animals.
C.Our country has the most nature reserves at present.
D.Our country has made a difference to the wildlife.

Upcycling is the process of changing old materials into something useful and often beautiful.

So, is it the same as recycling? No. Recycling takes materials-paper or glass-and breaks them down so their base materials can be remade into a new product. When you upcycle an item(物品), you are not breaking down the material,

you are simply refashioning it. For example, you might make shoes out of old tyres. Also, the upcycled item is typically of the same, or even better, quality(质量) than the original.

Upcycling isn’t a new idea. Some of the best examples of modern-day upcycling come from the 1930s to 1940s when families didn’t have enough materials. In those days, things were repurposed over and over until there were no longer useful. For example, an old door can be made into a new dining table. Economising(节约) is still a trend(趋势) today and a big reason why more and more people upcycle. But an even bigger reason for the rebirth of upcycling is its good influence on the environment.

Upcycling is green. The plain and simple fact of the matter is that upcycling is much better for the planet than throwing things away. When you upcycle, that's one item less that ends upon the waste mountain. Upcycling is also considerably more environmentally friendly than recycling, which needs energy or water to break down materials. Upcycling just needs your own creativity and effort.

Grace Robinson, from the UK, takes used tea bags and turns them into dresses, shoes and even hats. Every day she drinks some tea, and then dries out the tea bags with the tea still in them. When they are dry, she takes the tea out and sews the bags together to make clothes. This can take a long time- maybe months for a single dress -so Grace gets friends to help her by drinking tea too and passing their tea bags on to her.

There are two ways to support the upcycling movement. Sort(分类)through your wardrobe or recycling bin and create items yourself, or buy ready-made items from upcycled materials. Both ways benefit the environment and in return, you get something that’s both attractive and practical.

【小题1】We can learn from the passage that upcycling ___________.
A.can improve the quality of items
B.needs more energy than recycling
C.needs to break down base materials
D.produces more waste than recycling
【小题2】The underlined word"refashioning"in Paragraph 2 probably means “___________”.
A.giving a new formB.giving a simple name
C.making a perfect copyD.making a different model
【小题3】The writer probably agrees that ___________.
A.it is better to make clothes with used tea bags
B.upcycling is much greener than recycling
C.it is necessary to help others to upcycle
D.people need to be more creative
【小题4】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Get started to recycle today
B.A modern trend: upcycling
C.Is it the same as recycling?
D.To recycle or to upcycle?
Earth Day is April 22 and we’ll tell you some Earth Day activities for your kids.
Show how plants drink water
Fill a glass with water and add a bright colour of food colouring(食物色素). Then place a long stemmed(长茎的)white carnation(康乃馨) in the coloured glass of water. Each day. Watch as the white carnation changes into the same colour as the food colouring. Children can see that plants drink water and where the water goes, and this is a favourite Earth Day activity for kids.
Leaf collection
This Earth Day project is fun and easy to do. First, take a walk in the field and children can collect lots of leaves. When collection is complete, kids can place the leaves in between two pages of white paper and then put them together to make a leaf book.
Feed the birds
Here you will find an exciting Earth Day activity that helps animals, especially birds. Find or purchase a large pinecone(松果). Cover the pinecone with butter and bread. Hang the homemade bird feeder on a tree near a window and watch the birds come to have their dinner.
Clean the park
There are many organized events in towns and cities for clean-up activities on Earth Day. But if one is not offered in your town or city, you can do some clean-up just by yourself in the local park. A huge clean-up is not necessary; a little help goes a long way and the idea is to show kids that keeping public areas clean is everyone’s business.
【小题1】Earth Day is_______ .
A.on 2nd, AprilB.on 22nd, April
C.on 22nd, MarchD.on 2nd, March
【小题2】If your children show much interest in the growth of plants, you may show them __________ .
A.how plants drink waterB.how to make a leaf book
C.How to feed the birdD.how to clean the park
【小题3】Your children can use a pinecone with butter and bread to ____.
A.Know how to protect the plant
B.Help feed the birds
C.learn more about the plant.
D.share things with other people
【小题4】The passage is mainly written for _______.
A.The studentsB.The teachers
C.The childrenD.The parents
【小题5】What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Some Earth Day activities for children.
B.Some knowledge children should know.
C.How to protect our nature.
D.How to learn with our children.
