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Have you ever been a volunteer? How do you become a good volunteer? The following tips may help you to be an excellent volunteer.

Teamwork makes the dream work. Good volunteers know how to get along with others. They don’t care about their personal situations. They try to discuss and solve problems with their companies. When they have different ideas, they may actively ask others for advice.

An excellent volunteer should have patience. To be a good volunteer, patience is the most important. Patience is especially important for volunteers who will be working for children, older adults or community members with special needs.

Openminded and creative volunteers will bring fun to the whole volunteer group. They will try out some new ways to help the people in need. Sometimes they can think of ideas that are different from the common ones. Good volunteers lie to learn new skills and face new challenges. They may learn in different ways. When they meet difficulties, they never give up trying. They are sure to face them correctly and find ways to solve them as quickly as possible.

To volunteers, keeping strong and healthy is also important. They must have healthy bodies and minds, because some volunteer work needs physical strength. Only being healthy and strong, are they bale to do better at their volunteer work?

【小题1】Good volunteers try to _______________ with their companies.
【小题2】What is the most important to be a good volunteer?
【小题3】Why must volunteers have healthy bodies and minds?
知识点:志愿服务说明文意见/建议 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Do you often do volunteer work? Volunteer work is to make a contribution (贡献) to the society (社会) without asking for any money. Volunteers spend their free time helping do all kinds of things. We can see them everywhere. They offer help in hospitals, train stations, streets, old people’s homes... They help cheer up sick people, they help the old cross the street safely, they help the poor and the disabled live a good life...

Some people in China may have never done any volunteer work. They say they are always busy with work and study. However, volunteer work is an important part of life in Australia. The following two graphs (图表) are from a research in Australia. Graph l shows the participation rate (参与率) of different age groups. Graph 2 shows how many hours volunteers spent in different areas.

【小题1】Can you make money doing volunteer work?
【小题2】In the passage, the underlined word “they” refers to (指) ________.
【小题3】Why don’t some people in China do any volunteer work?
【小题4】Which age group had the highest participation rate according to Graph 1?
【小题5】In which area did volunteers spend the least time according to Graph 2?
【小题6】Have you ever done volunteer work? Why or why not?

I own a small restaurant providing hot meals for my customers (顾客). One day, I felt uncomfortable and closed my door early. When I walked outside, an old lady sat near my door.

I invited her to come in and provided her with a hot meal. She was happy and she told me it was her birthday. I wished her a happy birthday and asked what she had gotten for her birthday. She told me that a hot meal was already enough.

I asked her how old she was and she told me about it. I felt so worried about her as she told me she had no family. Then I reached into my pocket (口袋) and pulled out all the money and asked her to help me count (数数) it. She was happy to do so. After counting the money, she was surprised and she said she hadn’t seen that much money for a very long time. I told her to count out 83 dollars and that was her birthday gift — one dollar for every year. She was so excited that it brought her to tears (眼泪). She told me it was the best gift she had ever received. As for me, it was also my best day I had ever spent. When we help others, we will make ourselves feel happy as well.

Answer the questions according to the passage.
【小题1】Why did the writer close the door early on that day?
【小题2】What did the writer provide for the old lady after inviting her to come in?
【小题3】Why did the writer feel worried about the old lady?
【小题4】How old was the old lady?
【小题5】What does the writer try to tell us at the end of the story?
