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There are many volunteers (志愿者) who help to take care of others. They ________ books to the people in hospitals. Sometimes they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their ________.

Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or ________. They paint, clean up, ________ their houses or do their shopping.

For boys who no longer have ________, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students and other men take these boys to baseball games or fishing places and help them to get to know things that boys ________ learn from their fathers.

Each city has a number of clubs ________ boys and girls can go to play games or learn crafts (工艺). Some of these clubs organize short trips to the mountains, beaches, or other places of interest ________. Most of these clubs use high school and college students as volunteers because they are young enough to ________ the names of boys and girls.

Volunteers believe that the happiest people in the world are those who help to ________ happiness to others.

A.nearbyB.far awayC.abroad
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It seems that whenever I have car trouble on the road, no one stops to see if I’m okay. I often ______ spending hours on the side of the road. But one time, someone ______ to help me. And the words of the man who helped me have made a great ______ to my life.

One of my tires(轮胎)was broken. I had another tire, but no jack(千斤顶)to lift up the car. When I wanted to _____, a van(货车)stopped behind my car and someone jumped out. It was an old Mexican man, driving with his ______.

He didn’t speak much English, ______ his daughter helped to interpret(翻译)between us. It was hard work, but he tried to help me put the ______ tire on. I wanted to give him some money for his help, but he kept shaking his head “no” and ______ my money. I secretly gave it to his wife instead.

After chatting for a few minutes, we went our ______ ways. But when I got back in my car, I saw my money sitting in the passenger seat.

I drove back to the man, insisting on(坚持)giving him the money. He refused one last time, and said to me:“Today you, tomorrow me.”

These simple words have encouraged me to ______ others when I can—because you never know when you’re going to be the one who needs help.

A.wake upB.turn upC.end up
A.look upB.give upC.put up

Two-year-old Nancy is deaf. But that hasn’t stopped her from being an active little girl and trying to “chat” to ______ she meets. She starts signing in the hope that the person she is talking ______ knows sign language, too.

Normally, hearing loss is difficulty for those who don’t know how to use sign language. Anyone Nancy tried to talk to realise this and felt so ______ that they couldn’t reply. They wished they could understand her and say something back. ______ they found themselves completely at a loss.

Then, something amazing happened. Neighbors decided to learn sign language so that they could talk to Nancy. They neighbors hired(聘请) a ______ on their own, and now they take classes together. The teacher says that is really remarkable(引人注目的) because, quite often, even the deaf children’s parents don’t ______ time learning the language. But here Nancy has a full community that is singing and communicating with her. She says that it’s a ______ story.

It’s certain that Nancy will be a happier and more active girl in the future. Nancy’s parents are already noticing a ______ about their daughter. They have no words to ______ how thankful they are to their neighbors.

With a little girl and a lot of love, the neighbors ______ make the neighborhood a community.


The old woman used to sleep on the sidewalk(人行道) of the street. I could ______ her before I came close. She wore dirty clothes and her mouth was nearly toothless. I ______ saw her talk with others. If she was not asleep, she talked to ______. What a poor old lady!

One Thanksgiving, we had lots of food left over. I thought of the old lady. She might be still hungry. So I ______ the food up and drove over to the street.

Though it was cold, I knew she would stay at the same place and I would find her ______. There she was, sat against the wall near the post office. I went over and said, “I’ve brought you some food. Would you like some turkey and apple pie?”

However, the old woman didn’t seem to be very ______ this. She looked at me and said, “Oh, thank you very much, but ______ has given me food earlier and I’m quite ______ now. Why don’t you take it to someone who needs it?”

Her words were clear and her manners were kind. Soon her head sank into her arms again. I was the only person who didn’t know ______ to say. An old lady who was clearly falling on hard times still ______ about others. Why don’t more of us do that?

A.worried aboutB.busy withC.excited aboutD.angry with
A.someoneB.no oneC.anyoneD.everyone
