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You must have attended many different courses at school.Do you still remember the space lesson hosted by Wang Yaping?

On the afternoon of March 23, 2022, Chinese astronauts on board China’s Tiangong space station gave a science lesson 400 kilometers above Earth. It was a great success. Do you still remember the first space lesson hosted by Wang Yaping in 2013? Helped by the other two astronauts, she gave the lesson to more than 60 million school children all over the country.

While watching the science lesson from theTiangong-1 on the morning of June 20, 2013, Wang Lutian, a 10-year-old disabled student at a special school in downtown Beijing, was drawing a colorful rocket with crayons in his classroom. “Moon...stars...a rocket to the sky,” Wang explained his work in a cheerful voice. At that time, he and more than 100 other disabled students were enjoying the lesson given by Wang Yaping, who talked about movements in micro-gravity(微重力)environments. “Zerogravity!” Qian Shaohong, another student at the school, shouted when he saw astronaut Nie Haisheng making a show of crossing his legs in mid-air. “Scientific knowledge has helped open a window for the children to know about the world,” said Zhang Yini, a teacher at the school.

The lesson also increased interest in space science among teenagers living on the “roof(屋脊)of the world”. “I was most interested in the presentation of the ‘water ball’ in a gravity-free environment. It’s really amazing,” said Rigzin Jigme Doje, a high school student in Lhasa, Tibet. Describing himself as a lover of physics, Doje said the lesson helped him stay true to his dream of becoming a physicist.

The lesson also encouraged other Tibetan school children to relate the mysterious world of outer space to their hometown.

【小题1】The space lesson in 2013 was for ________.
A.Chinese astronautsB.Chinese teachers
C.school children in ChinaD.scientists all over China
【小题2】Which picture shows Nie Haisheng’s body movement according to the text?
【小题3】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.Wang Yaping’s talk on micro-gravity environments.
B.The influence of the space lesson on the disabled students.
C.The efforts of the disabled students in a special school.
D.A 10-year-old student’s dream of sending a rocket to the sky.
【小题4】After watching the space lesson, the Tibetan students ________.
A.had a new view of their high schools
B.got an amazing “water ball” in space
C.increased an understanding of the roof of the world
D.developed a deep interest in the world of outer space
知识点:科普知识记叙文航天与航空 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, close to 50 percent of people are shy. Almost 80 percent of people feel shy at some point in their lives. These days, shyness is becoming more and more common. Now, scientists are trying to understand shyness. They have some interesting ideas about why people are shy.
Is it possible to be born shy? Many scientists say yes. They say 15 to 20 percent of babies behave shyly. These babies are a little quieter and more watchful than other babies. Interestingly, these shy babies usually have shy parents. As a result, scientists think that some shyness is genetic.
Family size might cause people to be shy as well. Scientists at Harvard University studied shy children. They found that 66 percent of them had older brothers and sisters. As a result, they became shy. At the same time, children with no brothers and sisters may be shy as well. Growing up alone, they often play by themselves. They are not able to learn the same social skills as children from big families.
You may also be shy because of where you were born. When scientists studied shyness in different countries. They found surprising differences. In Japan, most people said they were shy. But in Israel, only one of three people said so. What explains the difference? One scientist says the Japanese and Israelis have different opinions of failure. In Japan, when people do not succeed, they feel bad about themselves. They blame(责备)themselves for their failure. In Israel, the opposite is true. Israelis often blame failure on outside reasons, such as family, teachers, friends, or bad luck. In Israel, freedom of opinion and risk taking are strongly supported. This may be why Israelis worry less about failure and are less shy.
For shy people, it can be difficult to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can get over your shyness. They suggest trying new things and practicing conversation. And don’t forget---if you are shy, you are not the only one.
【小题1】What does the underlined word “genetic”in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Passed down from parents.B.Learned from friends.
C.Taught by teachers.D.Made up by brothers.
【小题2】What can be learned from the passage?
A.Most little babies are born shy and quiet.
B.If you are shy now, you will be shy forever.
C.Many shy children have older brothers and sisters.
D.Most Israeli people are shy of expressing opinions.
【小题3】We can learn from the passage that _______ may cause shyness.
A.genetics, grown--ups and birthplaceB.genetics, family size and birthplace
C.family size, grown--ups and failureD.genetics, family size and freedom
【小题4】Scientists suggest that shy people can get over their shyness by______.
A.blaming their failure on outside reasons
B.trying new things and practicing conversation
C.getting themselves away from their shy parents
D.trying to understand reasons for their shyness

Have you ever wondered why some people live long, but others don’t? Many scientists have studied the secret of a long life for years.

Thousands of studies support the idea that a long life is influenced by two major things.

It’s no surprise that the gene (基因) is a major influence. Some people’s bodies simply have special advantages. They have parents and grandparents who lived long lives. Their parents have passed on these positive genes to them. Howard Friedman is a health scientist. With his research partner, he wrote a book about living a long life. He says genes explain about 1/3 of why people live to an old age.

The other major influence is basic health care. Good food, clean water and medical care all help a lot. For example, a person getting vaccines (疫苗) has a better chance of avoiding many serious diseases and staying healthy.

People cannot change their genes. And it’s difficult to improve a whole community's health care system. However, the new research results show there are things each of us can do to help improve how long we live.

Many studies show that having a sense of purpose is important. For example, in Okinawa, Japan, plenty of people are over the age of 100. They have an idea called ikigai or life purpose. Scientists believe it’s one of the reasons why Okinawa has so many long - lived people.

Staying active is the second important personal quality (品质). It’s not the same as doing difficult exercise. Instead, it’s the most important to remain active in a natural way, doing something you enjoy.

Another quality is helping people. When researching the effects of love, scientists expected to find that people who felt loved would live longer. But this wasn't what they found. Feeling loved made people feel better. However, loving and caring for others did make people live longer.

The final one is conscientiousness (尽责). Conscientious people plan for things and think about details. Of all the personal qualities, conscientiousness shows the strongest link (联系) to a long life. Some people believe being conscientious means living a boring life. However, the opposite is true. Scientists say that being conscientious and hard-working makes many wonderful chances.

【小题1】Why does the writer mention Howard Friedman’s book in Paragraph 3?
A.To introduce a really great health scientist to us
B.To encourage us to read his book about living a long life
C.To describe how parents pass on positive genes to children
D.To show genes influence how long a person lives greatly
【小题2】According to the passage, people can live longer by _________.
a. being active        b. feeling loved   c. getting vaccines   d. giving others a hand       e. having their life purpose
A.a c d eB.a b c eC.a b c dD.a b d e
【小题3】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.One third of the Japanese live over 100 years
B.One can avoid all diseases if he gets vaccines
C.Conscientious people live an interesting life
D.Doing difficult exercise can help people live a longer life
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The meaning of lifeB.The keys to a long life
C.The importance of a long lifeD.The influence of health care on life

If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation, you are wrong. Haven’t you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?

According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power. Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter. This is the area of the brain which processes information. It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles(肌肉).

The study also found the effect(效果) is greater when the younger people learn a second language. A team led by Dr. Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of “early bilinguals” who had learnt a second language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners. Scans showed that grey matter density(密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language. But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller the difference. “Our findings suggest that the structure(结构) of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language,” said the scientists.

It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn. Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales, has researched the link between bilingualism and math skills. “Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible(灵活的),” he said. “You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas.”

The findings had the same result in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second language between the ages of two and thirty-four. Reading, writing, and comprehension were all tested. The results showed that the younger they started to learn, the better. “Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world,” explained the scientists.

【小题1】From Paragraph 1 and 2, we can learn that ________.
A.learning a second language can make you smarter
B.grammar is not very important in learning English
C.you can start to learn another language if you are smart
D.it is best to learn a second language in a British university
【小题2】The underlined word “bilinguals” in Paragraph 3 most probably means ________.
A.people who study language learningB.people who can speak two languages
C.languages spoken by British peopleD.languages children learn before five
【小题3】Dr. Andrea Mechelli and his team have found that ________.
A.it is not very good to start learning a language too early
B.it usually takes quite a long time to master a new language
C.learning a second language changes the structure of the brain
D.people who don’t learn a second language have no grey matter
【小题4】What’s this passage mainly about?
A.Language learning and math skills.B.How to learn a second language well.
C.The importance of learning English.D.The good effect of learning a language.
