阅读理解-单选 适中0.65 引用1 组卷57

Sending flowers is popular. More and more young people love to send flowers as a present for others. But there are some taboos on sending flowers. You cannot copy others without thinking. You should know how to choose flowers wisely. Here are some useful ideas about sending flowers.

Every flower has a certain meaning. If you want to congratulate your elders on their birthdays, you can send the jonquil or the Chinese evergreen. The former(前者)means “health and long life”, and the latter means “never growing old”.

Every flower has its silent language. Let’s take roses for example. When a man and a woman are in love with each other, the man usually sends roses to the woman. The roses are very beautiful. The most important thing is that their silent language is “love”.

When you send flowers, you should also choose flowers according to the receivers’ conditions. When you visit a sick person, you shouldn’t send a potted(盆栽的)flower. The sick person may mistake your meaning. Some people might think getting a potted flower means they would be ill for a long time. If the receiver has had an operation(手术), you shouldn’t choose flowers which have a strong smell. They may make him or her cough.

Don’t forget to choose the right number of flowers. For example, don’t send four flowers because “four” sounds like “death” in Chinese. Which numbers are good choices? Well, you can choose to send six, eight, nine or ten flowers. Chinese people agree that these numbers are good choices.

【小题1】The underlined word “taboos” in Paragraph 1 means “________” in Chinese.
【小题2】What is the meaning of the Chinese evergreen?
A.Health and long life.B.Never growing old.
C.Love for mothers and teachers.D.Long and true friendship.
【小题3】If a sick person does not want to get a potted flower, it may be because ________.
A.the smell of the flower is bad for himB.it means death in Chinese
C.its silent language is “love”D.he thinks it means he would be ill for a long time
【小题4】If you want to send flowers to your friend in China, you’d better send him ________ flowers.
【小题5】The main idea of the passage is to ________.
A.tell us different meanings of flowersB.describe the most beautiful flowers
C.share some wise ideas about sending flowersD.tell us why to send flowers as a gift
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Just like a detective following clues that lead to the perpetrator (罪犯) of a crime, you as a reader must use context (语境) clues within a text passage to tell the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary.Context clues are simply hints (提示) or additional information the author provides that can help you understand the meaning of a difficult word or phrase.These clues can be found in the same sentence as the vocabulary word or elsewhere in the passage, so be on the lookout whenever a new term presents itself.

With reading comprehension (理解) being as important to all aspects of life as it is today, it’s no wonder that language skills such as vocabulary are emphasized (强调). You will most definitely meet vocabulary questions in the reading parts of tests, and you’re going to have to use some skills to get you through.

Understanding how various types of context clues work can help you to understand difficult vocabulary words, even those brand new to you.There may be some words you can’t completely understand in a text, but you shouldn’t let that discourage you.Inside the passage, where all the interesting clues of vocabulary lie, you can figure challenging words out.

Context clues are also helpful when you’re trying to work out the main idea of a passage or struggling to make inferences (推断) about meaning because unknown words can help connect the dots in useful ways.

Every author writes differently, so a number of different types of context clues can be found in reading passages.Some authors offer very little explanation for difficult words, throwing difficult vocabulary into their writing wherever they can with little or no help, other authors carefully create their passages to make sure readers follow every step of the way, and most are somewhere in the middle.No matter what degree of help you’re given, context clues are your friend.

Generally, context clues can be grouped into four types:

•Definitions (定义) or restatements

•Synonyms (同义词)

•Antonyms or opposites

•Examples or explanations

After examining the context of a passage for clues, you should have at least a vague (模糊的) idea of what an unknown vocabulary word means.Use your estimate (估计) to come up with synonyms for the new word, then try these out in the sentence to see if it still makes sense. If not, keep searching for hints until you’ve found something that works.

【小题1】According to the passage, context clues are ________.
A.the skills of guessing new words
B.the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary words
C.additional information that explains the meanings of unknown words
D.the hints that help you understand the meaning of a difficult passage
【小题2】What are Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.What context clues mean.B.Where context clues come from.
C.How we benefit from context clues.D.Why we are discouraged by context clues.
【小题3】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Reading is more important than language skills.
B.You will never meet vocabulary questions in the reading tests.
C.Different types of context clues can be found because of different writing styles.
D.Context clues are only used for working out unfamiliar words.
【小题4】What is the writer’s main purpose in writing the passage?
A.To tell the importance of reading comprehension.
B.To help us know the context clues and use them to solve vocabulary problems.
C.To compare different ways to find out context clues in a text passage.
D.To discuss the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary words.
Do you know how to play a game called "Musical Chairs"? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some ways of making music. You may use a piano or any other musical instrument if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.
Put the chairs in a line. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.
The game is easy. When the music starts, the players walk around the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walk slowly.
The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out. Then, before the music starts again, one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out.
At last, there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.
【小题1】If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with _______.
A.ten chairsB.nine chairs
C.eleven chairsD.one chair
【小题2】Which of the following is not suitable for playing musical chairs? _______.
A.A pianoB.A radio
C.A telephoneD.A tape recorder
【小题3】The chairs should be put _______.
A.with the desksB.before the winner
C.in a lineD.all over the room
【小题4】When the music starts, the players must _______.
A.walk around the chairsB.run about the room
C.sit on the chairsD.jump around the chairs
【小题5】Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The game “Musical Chairs” is not difficult to learn.
B.The game “Musical Chairs” needs some chairs, some people and some music.
C.The winner sits on the last chair when the music stops.
D.If the person plays music, he can see the people in the game.
