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Mark Hoffman and his wife own a bed-and-breakfast guesthouse in rural Kempton, Illinois. They often serve their guests fresh products from the garden.

The Hoffmans have been growing food and flowers for twenty-five years. For almost ten of those years, Mr. Hoffman has been experimenting(做实验) and working with shade plantings. He says, “The bottom line here is that most plants will produce more in full sun. But if you do not have full sun, there are other choices.”

For example, he grows tomatoes near oak trees. Oak trees(橡树) can produce a lot of shade. But Mr. Hoffman says his tomato plants grow as long as they get five hours’ direct sunshine a day, especially morning sun. Not only does this go against the traditional advice that tomatoes need six, eight, even twelve hours’ full sun a day, it also shows how plants and tree roots(树根) can share nutrients(养分) and water. Mr. Hoffman also planted asparagus(芦笋) around a tree. When it rains, all the rain from the leaves of the tree drops down right on the asparagus.

Mr. Hoffman says plants with wider leaves seem to do better in shady environments. He also found that his potatoes did better partly in shade than in full sun.

Moving them out of the sun helped control an insect problem with leaf hoppers. Mr. Hoffman does not use pesticide(杀虫剂). Instead, he planted the potatoes in the shade, especially on the east side of the tree. The potatoes get morning sun, but they are shaded during the hottest part of the day. Leaf hoppers dislike shade, and the hottest part day is when they do the worst of their damage(破坏).

Time of day, brightness of the sun, shadows from trees, walls and buildings all influence how much sunlight falls or does not fall on plants. People who are interested in shade planting should also consider different conditions which planting vegetables in the shade.

【小题1】What can we infer from the second paragraph?
A.Food and flowers produce more in the shade.
B.Food and flowers can’t grow without full sun.
C.Planting food in the shade is the best choice.
D.Sun can influence the production of some plant.
【小题2】By using asparagus as an example, the writer wants to explain that ________.
A.how plants and trees share waterB.vegetables grow better in the shade
C.how leaves get sunshine under the treeD.asparagus prefers to grow in the shade
【小题3】The underlined words “leaf hoppers” in Paragraph 5 may be a kind of ________.
【小题4】What’s the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To introduce Mark Hoffman and his family.
B.To recommend a method of managing a website.
C.To show vegetables can be planted in the shade.
D.To show vegetable must be planted in the shade.
【小题5】We may read the passage on a website in the section of ________.
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On March 14, math and science lovers around the world celebrated a special day: Pi Day.

Pi is equal (平等的) to about 3.14, but the number is endless. It is sometimes written in Greek. With the help of computers, mathematicians have been able to work pi out to over a trillion (万亿) decimal (小数的) places, but there is still no end to the number. This makes pi confusing, even for the most famous scientists and mathematicians.

Pi Day is celebrated around the world on March 14, since how we write this date, 3/14, looks just like the number pi.

For some people, the attraction of Pi Day goes far beyond math and science. Pi shows up throughout popular culture. You can see it in movies, comics, music and more. “In modern movies, any time the filmmaker wants to evoke (唤起) a sense of mystery, often the symbol pi is used,” said David Blatner, a Jewish-American writer of The Joy of Pi.

People also love trying to memorize the digits (数字) of pi and competing against others to see who can remember the most. Many teachers hold class contests to see how many numbers their students can memorize. The Guinness World Record for reciting (背诵) the most digits of pi is held by Lyu Chao of China, who successfully recited pi out to nearly 67,890 decimal places.

Above all, Pi Day is about having fun with the number. People celebrate Pi Day by eating or throwing pie and with fun pi-related games and activities. In 2016, Princeton, New Jersey, held a birthday party for Albert Einstein whose birthday also falls on March 14. There was also a “Walk a Pi Event” where people walked 3.14 miles together. Just like the number itself, the possibilities for Pi Day are truly endless.

【小题1】With the help of the computers, pi can be worked out with an end to the number.
【小题2】Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th because the date 3/14 looks like the number pi.
【小题3】If the filmmakers want to create a sense of mystery, they often use the symbol pi in the movies.
【小题4】The Guinness World Record for reciting the most digits of pi is held by a Chinese named Lyu Chao.
【小题5】Pi Day is strictly a mathematical celebration without any fun or games about it.

Dr. Chip Taylor teaches biology at a university in the United States. He studies one kind of North American butterfly. During the late summer or autumn, this butterfly travels from Northern USA and Southern Canada to Mexico, covering thousands of miles. Fantastic facts about the butterfly have been drawing Dr. Taylor’s attention.

In Mexico, the butterflies always return to the same small piece of forest, which is only 20 kilometers wide. Here, as many as 230 million butterflies spend the winter. They cover some trees almost completely. The butterflies that return to the south are the great-great grandchildren of the butteries that left for the north. When they begin to travel north in spring, the females lay eggs. They lay eggs on only one plant: milkweed.

But in Mexico, people cut down the trees that the butterflies need to rest on because they want more land for farming. In the United States and Canada, farmers use chemicals that kill milkweed. This worries Dr. Taylor a lot.

Now things are improving. Mexico has begun to protect parts of its forests. The United States and Canada have encouraged farmers to use fewer chemicals.

Scientists still don’t understand how the butterflies know when to fly south. If they are even a few days late, they will freeze (冻僵). And how do all the great-great grandchildren find the same forest in Mexico every year? This is both puzzling and interesting for many scientists.

There are many mysteries yet to be discovered by those interested in science. Would you like to study biology?

【小题1】When do the butterflies lay eggs?
A.In spring.B.In summer.C.In autumn.D.In winter.
【小题2】What’s Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Fantastic facts about the butterflies.
B.The plant that the butterflies rest on.
C.The troubling living environment of the butterflies.
D.Scientists’ puzzle about the butterflies’ living habits.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “mysteries” in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.Clear facts.B.Interesting things.
C.Awful things.D.Unknown facts.
【小题4】Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.The butterflies know when to fly south.
B.The butterflies will freeze when they fly to south.
C.The butterflies cover most of the forests in Mexico.
D.The butterflies travel about 20 kilometers from north to south.
【小题5】In which section of a newspaper can you probably read the text?
A.Life and Health.B.Science World.
C.Language and Culture.D.Famous People.

Are you bored with your daily life? Here are some things you should try before you are 18, because after that it’s too late.

Learn to swim

Seriously, this is so important that it can save your life. lf you can’t swim well, you won’t be able to do water sports like water skiing, surfing and diving. Even taking a boat trip will be dangerous for you. Make sure you do it.

Try at least one kind of team sports

Being a good team player is an important skill in life. You can’t just think of yourself, but have to work well with other people. Other advantages of team sports like basketball, football and baseball are that they keep you fit and healthy, and they are also great fun. Teams usually have a good social life too—you’ll go to lots of parties and make many friends.

Collect something

One of the best hobbies for under-18s is collecting things. You can collect different kinds of stamps, or you can collect things that make you remember what you have done, just like cinema tickets for films you have seen or emails from friends. The best way to collect is to have a special album to put your collection in and to write what each thing means to you. That way you won’t forget.

【小题1】The most important reason for learning to swim is that ________.
A.it can save your lifeB.it can make you healthy
C.you might easily do lots of thingsD.it can make you happy
【小题2】The underlined words “a good social life” in the passage mean ________.
A.you’ll study in groupsB.you’ll go to parties and make many friends
C.you’ll take part in many matchesD.you’ll learn to swim
【小题3】The writer tells us that one of the best hobbies is to ________.
A.collect somethingB.do some water sports
C.send emails to your friendsD.go to lots of parties
【小题4】What kind of collection is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Stamps.B.Cinema tickets.C.Snow balls.D.Emails from friends.
【小题5】The passage is mainly about ________ before you are l8.
A.good habits to keepB.skills to have
C.things to doD.team sports to try
