阅读理解-单选 适中0.65 引用1 组卷63

Three Taiwanese fishermen were saved yesterday from a small island in the South Pacific. The men had disappeared for more than three months.

They had left Taiwan in a small fishing boat and had planned a week-long trip. On their fifth day, however, they met a typhoon, and it badly broke the boats.

Luckily, none of the men was hurt. After the typhoon had passed, they discovered that the engine (发动机) wouldn’t start, so their boat just drifted (漂流) at sea for over a month. During this time, the fishmen caught fish to eat and drank rain water to stay alive.

Finally, the boat drifted toward a small island. When it got close enough, the men jumped out and swam to the island. On the island, they found fresh fruit and vegetables, and they continued to catch fish to eat.

The fishmen had lived on the island for two months when a passing ship saved them. Although the three men had lost a lot of weight, they were still in good health. Their family were surprised and happy when they returned.

【小题1】What happened to the three fishmen after they had left Taiwan?
A.A whale attacked their boat.B.A heavy rain stopped them from tripping.
C.Their boat was broken by a typhoon.D.They had planned a week-long trip.
【小题2】How did the three fishmen live during the time of drifting at sea?
A.With difficulty and pleasure.B.By looking for some help.
C.By having fish and rain water.D.By repairing the engine.
【小题3】Why were fishmen’s family surprised and happy when the fishermen returned?
a. They didn’t lose their weight.        b. They were still safe and healthy
b. They found fresh fruit and vegetables.        d. They had disappeared for over three months.
A.a, bB.b, dC.b, cD.a, c
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As a mountain, 1,642-foot squad Peak isn’t that impressive (给人深刻印象的). But its views attract many hikers (远足者). Hear Grant, a college student at Ithaca College, was one of them.

While waiting for his mother one day in August 2019, Grant watched other hikers enjoy the view. One hiker, dressed in pink, was looking over the lip of the cliff (悬崖) with her husband.

When Grant’s mother rejoined (与……再会合) him, the two continued on their way. Suddenly, he heard something scaring. “Paula! Paula!” a man shouted crazily. Grant turned around quickly.

Several hikers immediately started looking for her, but their view was screened by trees. Uncertain they could help, Grant and his mother headed down the trail (小路). But when he saw some hikers still searching, he decided to lend a hand. After promising his mother that he would be safe, he went on alone.

After 15 minutes of climbing over large rocks, pushing past bushes, and slipping (滑) down loose earth, Grant found a pink figure. The woman had fallen about 75 feet. Luckily, she was alive (活着的).

“Paula! Paula!” Grant shouted. The woman didn’t reply. She was badly hurt. Grant called the police to report her location (位置). She kept trying to move, and every time she moved, she slipped a little more. Afraid that in her unclear state of mind she might fall off the rock to her death, Grant climbed on all fours up a tight and narrow path by digging into the earth with his fingers and feet until he reached Paula.

Paula was moaning (呻吟), almost senseless. Grant gently put her hand in his, trying to keep her mind off the pain by keeping asking her questions: “Where are you from? Do you have kids?” Soon, they were joined on their perch (歇脚处) by another hiker named Simon.

About 45 minutes later, the first rescuers (救援者) arrived. Paula and her husband were flown to a hospital. Five hours after the woman in pink had fallen, Grant was back on top of squad Peak.

【小题1】Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 3?
A.He ran as fast as possible to save Paula.B.His mother turned around at the same time.
C.The woman in pink was nowhere to be seen.D.Other hikers were scared by the terrible shout.
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Grant had no difficulty in reaching Paula.
B.Simon and Grant’s mother joined in saving Paula.
C.Paula and her husband were both badly wounded and saved.
D.Grant asked Paula questions to keep her mind off the pain.
【小题3】Choose the right order according to the passage.
① Grant found Paula and Paula was hurt badly.       ② Paula fell off the cliff.
③ Grant called the police for help.                         ④ Paula was saved by rescuers.
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.How a woman fell 75 feet form a mountain cliff.
B.How a young man tried his best to save a stranger.
C.How a woman managed to survive a terrible accident.
D.How a young man made a decision in the face of danger.

Prince Philip got into a car accident. He hit another car with a passenger and a baby onboard. Days after the accident, the victim complained that she still hadn’t heard any sort of apology from the Royals (英国王室成员). Finally, Prince Philip did his part to make things right. He sent the woman, Emma Fairweather, a letter of apology:

Dear Mrs. Fairweather,

I would like you to know how very sorry I am for my part in the accident at the Babingley cross-roads.

I have been across that crossing any number of times and I know very well the amount of traffic that uses that main road. It was a bright sunny day and at about three in the afternoon, the sun was low over the Wash. In other words, the sun was shining low over the main road. In normal conditions, I would have no difficulty in seeing traffic coming from the Dersingham direction, but I can only imagine that I failed to see the car coming and I am very sorry about the consequences (结果).

I was somewhat shaken after the accident, but I was greatly relieved that none of you were seriously injured. As a crowd was beginning to gather, I was advised to return to Sandringham House by a local Police Officer. I have since learned that you suffered a broken arm. I am deeply sorry about this injury.

I wish you a speedy recovery from a very terrible experience.

Yours sincerely,


【小题1】Who was the victim in the car accident?
A.The Royals.B.Emma Fairweather.
C.Prince Philip.D.Mr. Fairweather.
【小题2】According to Philip, the accident was caused by _______.
A.his poor driving skills
B.the changeable weather
C.his failure to notice the car coming
D.too much traffic from the Dersingham direction
【小题3】By writing this letter, Philip mainly wanted to _________.
A.express his apology about what he did
B.show his worries about the terrible injury
C.explain the cause of accident to the media
D.share an unpleasant experience he recently had
Barbara was driving her six-year-old son, Benjamin, to his piano lesson. They were late. There was always so much to do, and Barbara, a night-duty nurse at the local hospital, had recently worked extra hours. She was tired.
“Mom!” Ben cried. “Look!” Just ahead, a car had lost control (控制) on the icy road and wildly rolled over, and then crashed (撞) into a telephone pole. Barbara went over. Thank goodness she was a nurse — she might be able to help these unfortunate passengers. Then she stopped. What about Ben? She couldn’t take him with her. Little boys shouldn’t see scenes (场面) like this one. But was it safe to leave him alone?
For a little moment Barbara thought of going on her way. Someone else was sure to come along. No! “Ben, honey, promise me you’ll stay in the car!” “I will, Mommy,” he said as she ran.
Two girls of high school age were in the car. One was dead and the driver was still breathing. But if help came soon, the girl would live.
A trucker had pulled up and was calling for help on his cell phone. Soon Barbara heard the ambulance sirens (救护车汽笛).
Later, Barbara was able to meet the families of the victims (受害人). They expressed their gratitude (感谢) for the help she had provided.
【小题1】What did Barbara do? _________
A.A doctor.B.A nurse.
C.A piano teacher.D.A bus driver.
【小题2】What was the weather probably like that day? _________
【小题3】How many people were killed in the car accident? _________
【小题4】What’s the best title of the passage? _________
A.An unforgettable experience.
B.Be careful when you drive.
C.Young girls shouldn’t drive alone.
D.Little children should help others.
