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When Chongqing Hotpot, a Chinese movie came out in 2016, it drew attention to a less noticed part of the city—a former bomb shelter (防空洞). Today, the places serve for a different use—for businesses.

In the movie, the hotpot restaurant is located in one shelter. According to the government, more than 200 shelters have been rented out for other uses, including as gas stations, restaurants, museums and book stores. Dongting Hotpot has been operating for 32 years out of a bomb shelter in Yuzhong district (渝中区). Deng Hong, the restaurant’s owner, said that although he has two other restaurants nearby, many customers still line up for hours to eat at the shelter one.

Deng took over the business from his aunt, who first rented the shelter and changed it into a restaurant in 1986. The rent was lower than other places and the structure was good to store pickles (泡菜). “We never expected the restaurant would be this successful. The flavors and the chef, who is almost 60, are just the same as they were on day one,” Deng Hong said.

【小题1】Why does the writer mentioned the movie Chongqing Hotpot in the 1st paragraph?
A.To show how popular the hotpot is.B.To lead to the topic of this passage.
C.To arouse readers’ interests.D.To introduce a kind of hotpot—Chongqing Hotpot.
【小题2】What are the former bomb shelters used for today?
【小题3】Why did Deng Hong’s aunt rent the shelter as a restaurant in 1986?
A.Because it was located in a busy street.
B.Because it was cheaper to rent a shelter.
C.Because people liked to line up for hours to eat in the shelter.
D.Because the government asked them to do so.
【小题4】The passage may come from ________.
A.a story bookB.a science fictionC.a culture magazineD.a health care website
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Many people believe hot pot can really tell how much Chinese like to get together to enjoy happiness. A new documentary, Pot of Fire allows Internet users to “enjoy” hot pot together online. If you want to look for a nutritious meal to share with your family, you should choose hot pot. Hot pot has a history of more than 1,700 years in China. To keep out the cold, people pull lamb chops in the boiling pot and ate them. Ingredients in Hot pot should be selected carefully. Only five parts of a lamb should be used and cut into sheets for cooking. The sauce is composed of more than ten seasonings. The ingredients of the sauce are the commercial secret of hot pot. There are various styles of it. Vegetables and meat can be boiled in hot pot. Sharing hot pot meals of meat and vegetables boiled in savoury both with your family is a great experience in the depth of winter.

Some people think hot pot can bring warmth to our body in winter and help cool the body in summer. But eating hot pot is much more than enjoyment for our mouth and health. It’s also a connection of life and friendship. For most Chinese people, eating hot pot is usually a social event. A survey showed that 40.2 percent of Chinese usually eat hot pot with friends, while 17.6 percent with family.

When a group of people sit around a table to eat, chat and drink, it’s a good time. So if you feel hungry or lonely, why not cook hot pot to fill your stomach and heart as well? Or at least you can watch Pot of Fire. (Update (更新) at 21:00 every Friday from February 14th on Tencent (腾讯)).

【小题1】__________ Pot of Fire is a cartoon for people who have missed hot pot served in restaurants.
【小题2】__________ You can watch the latest videos at 9 p.m. every Friday on Aiqiyi.
【小题3】__________ People believe eating hot pot has lots of advantages,such as increasing friendship.
【小题4】__________ Chinese people eat hot pot with friends more than with family.
【小题5】 __________ The writer suggests we watch Pot of fire first of all when we feel hungry.

Flying was once man’s dream. When man saw a bird fly, he wanted to fly, too. To be up in the sky, people studied the wings of birds. They tried many other ways, but nothing worked.

The great artist, Leonardo da Vinci, made designs for flying equipments, However, his try wasn’t successful. 800 years ago, a man in England made a pair of wings from chicken feathers (羽毛). Then he fixed them to his body and jumped from a tall building. He didn’t fly far. He fell heavily and broke his bones.

Things changed in September in 1783. Two brothers from France made a very large balloon

(气球) with paper and cloth. They knew hot air rises, so they built a fire inside a basket and hung it below the balloon. Hot air from the fire pushed the balloon up. The “hot air balloon” carried the first passengers—a sheep and a chicken. It traveled about 2 miles for eight minutes. The animals landed safely.

Two months later, they did it again. They had two people in the basket. That was really man’s first time in the sky.

【小题1】Why did people study birds’ wings?
A.Because people wanted to fly like birds.
B.Because people liked dreaming.
C.Because people wanted to do experiments.
D.Because people liked designing flying equipments.
【小题2】What did an English man make wings with?
A.Paper.B.Baskets.C.Chicken feathers.D.Cloth.
【小题3】What happened to the English man at last?
A.He flew very far.B.He broke his bones.
C.He jumped to death.D.He fell safe.
【小题4】Who were the first passengers in the sky?
A.A sheep.B.A chicken.C.Two people.D.Both A and B.
【小题5】How many times did two French brothers fly the hot air balloon?
A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.D.Four times.

Over thirty thousand years ago people from northern Asia went to America. Today, we call these people Indians.

The Indians went to America because the weather began to change. Northern Asia became very cold. Everything froze. They had to move or die. How did the first Indians go to America? They walked!

Later Columbus found the New World in 1492. At first, only a few Europeans followed. They traveled to America in boats. For the next three hundred years, about 500,000 people went there. Then the number grew very quickly. From 1815 to 1915, over thirty-two million Europeans left their countries and went to the United States. The biggest groups were from Germany and Italy. These Europeans spoke many different languages. Most of them took almost no money. They went to America so that they could find a better life.

【小题1】_______ went to America first.
A.People from northern AsiaB.People from Europe
C.People from GermanyD.Columbus
【小题2】Why did the Indians go to America? Because __________.
A.northern Asia became very hotB.northern Asia became very cold
C.they were interested in AmericaD.they liked travelling
【小题3】The New World was __________.
A.ItalyB.northern AsiaC.GermanyD.America
【小题4】These Europeans ___________.
A.didn’t speak the same languageB.spoke English only
C.spoke German onlyD.spoke both English and German
【小题5】The Europeans went to America in order to __________.
A.find the New WorldB.find a better life
C.build more boatsD.learn English
