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Can dolphins(海豚) talk? Maybe they cannot talk with words, but they can talk with sounds. They show their feelings with sounds. Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “school”. They do not study, but they travel together. Dolphins are mammals(哺乳动物), not fish, but they swim together like fish in a school. Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information to the others. They talk when they are happy, sad or afraid. They say “welcome” when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play.

They make some sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People cannot hear these sounds because they are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them. Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium(水族宫). People can watch dolphins in a show. Dolphins do not like to be away from their school in an aquarium. They are sad and lonely. There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes they save somebody’s life. Dolphins’ meat is good, but people do not like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people believe this.

【小题1】The word “school” in this passage means “________” .
A.a place for students to studyB.a group of fish travelling together
C.a special kind of animalD.a place for training dolphins
【小题2】According to the passage, dolphins in the school.
A.don’t tell other dolphins when they are afraidB.talk when they sleep
C.say “sorry” when a dolphin comes backD.give information to the other dolphins
【小题3】What’s the best title(题目) for this passage?
A.Dolphins’ TalkB.Schools of DolphinsC.The DolphinsD.Man’s Friends
知识点:常见动物科普知识说明文 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Two cats were walking through a forest. Suddenly, they found a loaf(条)of bread lying under a tree. Both pounced(猛扑)on it and caught the bread at the same time. Neither would give up and after having fought for a while, they decided to divide it into two pieces and take one piece each. “But how do we divide it?” one cat said.

A monkey sitting on a branch of a tree saw what had happened between the two cats. He got an idea. He came down from the tree and walked up to the confused(迷惑的)cats.

“Hi, my dear friends! Can I help you?” the monkey asked. The cats told the monkey what the problem was and asked, “Can you divide the bread for us?” The monkey agreed.

The monkey broke the bread into two pieces. But one piece was a little bigger than the other. “Oh no! I will take a little bite(咬一口)of this bigger piece to make both equal(大小相等的),” the monkey said. He took a bite from the bigger piece. “Uh oh!” But the bite he took was too big.” Now it has become smaller than the other piece. I will just have to take a little bite from this piece now,” the monkey said.

The monkey took another bite. The two cats sat in front of the monkey, seeing the loaf of bread get smaller and smaller. When the whole bread was finally gone, the monkey said, “I am sorry. It was really difficult to divide that bread. I must be going now.” He jumped back into his tree and was gone.

“If only we had not fought against each other, we could have stuck together(团结在一起) and kept our bread,” the two cats said.

Judge the following statements true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.
【小题1】The minute they found the bread, the two cats decided to divide the bread into two pieces.
【小题2】When the monkey took the first bite, he made the two pieces equal.
【小题3】From the story we can tell that the monkey came down just in order to eat the bread.
【小题4】The two cats regretted after seeing that the bread was gone.
【小题5】The writer wants to tell us that it is important to stick together.

Humans have many ways to communicate like making phone calls, writing messages, or talking face to face. 【小题1】 So how do they communicate?

Just like humans, some insects use sound to communicate. Male crickets (蟋蟀) can “sing” by rubbing their legs on their wings. The sound is an invitation to female crickets, which says, “I’m here! Come on over!”

【小题2】 Ants produce special smells called pheromones (信息素). They use pheromones to mark paths to food after they find it. When they follow the path back home, they make more pheromones along the way. The pheromones can invite more ants.

Bees use their sense of smell to communicate, too. 【小题3】 It smells like bananas. If you smell bananas near a hive (蜂房), you should move away as fast as you can. Or you’ll be attacked as an enemy.

Bees also communicate in another way. After a bee finds food, it goes back to its hive and does a dance. Other bees around it can feel the dance moves. 【小题4】

Insects also use touch to communicate, such as ants. When an ant is following a leader, it will tap (轻拍) the leader’s legs with its antennae (触须). 【小题5】 That way, no one gets left behind.

A.Insects don’t have these choices.
B.The dance’s pattern gives them directions to the food.
C.Other insects use their sense of smell to communicate.
D.That tells the leader that the other ants are keeping up.
E.Ants use their antennae to communicate with their leaders.
F.If a bee sees an enemy, it produces a pheromone that tells the other bees to attack.
People sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much. They think that dogs much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows and animals in their homes.
One of my good friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes these walks very much. One Sunday afternoon, I go to my friend's home. I stay there for a long time. My friend and I have much more to talk with each other than ever before. Soon it is time for us to take a walk in the park. We forget that. Jack become worried about it. He walks around the room many times and then sits down in front of me and looks at me. But I still pay no attention(注意) to him. I go on talking with my friend. At last, Jack can't wait any longer. He goes out of the room and comes back a few minutes later. He sits down in front of me again. But this time, he takes my hat in his mouth. Suddenly, I understand what Jack means and so does my friend.
【小题1】From this passage, we know that_____________.
A.Jack is a good friend of mine
B.Jack enjoys walking in the park every Sunday afternoon
C.Jack has many good friends
D.Jack enjoys walking in the room
【小题2】Jack is worried because____________.
A.he wants to eat something
B.it is Sunday afternoon again
C.he is not feeling well
D.he wants his master(主人) to take him for a walk
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.When Jack and I are talking, my friend doesn't pay any attention to us.
B.When I am talking to my friend, Jack doesn't pay attention to us.
C.When my friend and I are talking, we don't pay any attention to Jack.
D.When my friend is talking to Jack, I pay attention to them.
【小题4】Jack takes my hat in his mouth to show that_____________.
A.I should leave the house at onceB.he likes my hat very much
C.he is hungry and tries to eat itD.he wants to have a rest
【小题5】Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Dogs---- Men's Best FriendsB.Dogs----The Cleverest Animals
C.Jack---- My Best FriendD.Jack----- A Clever Dog
