任务型阅读-多任务混合 较易0.85 引用1 组卷23

Sharing means using what we have with others. One small action of sharing may change someone’s world. When we were children, we were too young to understand the true meaning of sharing. We thought only the rich were able to share. As time goes by, we get to know every person is unique (独一无二的). We all have something special. We can share not only our pocket money but also our personal feeling. For instance, we can share our positive altitude with those who are negative or upset. Encourage them to keep going by describing a bright future for them. Once we decide to share with others, we should take action at once. By doing this, we will get more and more pleasure.

【小题1】s________ being different from common things, unusual
【小题2】d________ to say what somebody or something is like
When we were children, we were too young to understand the true meaning of sharing.
When we were children, we ________ ________ enough to understand the true meaning of sharing.
【小题4】What does sharing mean?
【小题5】How can we encourage people who are negative or upset to keep going?
【小题6】May sharing change someone’s world?
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The Harry Potter series (系列丛书) by J.K. Rowling is considered to be one of the most beloved stories of all time. There are plenty of life lessons that can be learned from the series. Here are four of my favorites:

Friends will always try their best to help you.

Whenever Harry finds himself in trouble, Ron and Hermione face it with him together. Harry, Ron and Hermione complete each other with their own talents. With the support of friends, anything is possible.

It is great to be smart, but sometimes, it isn’t the most important thing.

There are more important things than smartness — friendship and courage. As Hermione points out, sometimes knowing the right answer is not enough. Harry would never have been successful without the help of Hermione, but his courage makes him able to fight for what he believes in.

You control your future through the choices that you make.

Sometimes it may seem everything is out of your hands. However, with the right mindset (心态), you can control your life. For teenagers, everything seems to be controlled by pressure from parents, teachers and friends. But your thoughts and actions can make everything change.

Love is the most powerful weapon (武器) you can have.

Love saves Harry many times throughout the stories. Harry understands that he is more powerful than Voldemort, not because he is a better wizard (男巫) but because Voldemort never knows love. Harry’s love for his friends allows him to put them before himself. It is just love that makes Harry Potter go through hard times.

It’s hard not to fall in love with the characters, the stories and the writing of the Harry Potter series. Not only are they interesting, they also teach us many valuable life lessons.

【小题1】Who always help(s) Harry when he is in trouble?
【小题2】What makes Harry successful besides his friends’ help?
【小题3】What can make everything change?
【小题4】Why is Harry more powerful than Voldemort?
【小题5】What does the writer think of Harry Potter series?
