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Garbage collector (垃圾回收员) Jose Gutierrez is 53 years old. When he was young, his family was too poor to keep him in school. Jose left school when he was in Grade Two. But that did not stop him having a love of reading.

Jose said he got the love of reading from his mother. She always read to him, “She read me stories every night.” said Jose. He hopes that every poor child in his city can have books to read.

Jose started saving books from garbage 20 years ago. Every day he drives the garbage truck through the city’s rich neighborhoods to get old books. Now there are about 20,000 books in Jose’s small house. It is already a famous library in his neighborhood.

Books are rare things for boys and girls in poor neighborhoods. New books are too expensive. There are 19 libraries in Bogota, the city where Jose lives, but they are all far from poor neighborhoods.

Now Jose is famous in Bogota. Many people give old books to him. Jose plans to make more libraries to help more children.

【小题1】Why did Jose leave school?
【小题2】How did Jose save old books?
【小题3】将Books are rare things for boys and girls in poor neighborhoods. (翻译为汉语)。

Jose Gutierrez is a ________. When he was young, his family was so poor that he couldn’t go to school. However, he still loves reading and he wishes every poor child ________. He drives the garbage truck ________ from the city’s rich neighborhoods. Now he has a small library with ________ at his home.

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Roberta Smoughton’s birthday is less common than others’. She was born (出生) over 24 years ago but she has only had six “real” birthdays. Roberta is a leaper-someone born on February 29th. This date (日期) only appears every four years. “At eight, I started to understand why my birthday was different. My mom told me to choose a day to celebrate: February 28th or March 1st. Of course, I decided to celebrate on the earlier date because I wanted my birthday gift earlier,” she laughed.

Rod Marsden is another leaper. “When it isn’t a leap year, I start to celebrate on February 28th and finish on March 1st. I love being a leaper!” he said.

Graham Gartside is not quite as optimistic (乐观的) as Rod. “It sometimes makes me angry,” he said. “For example, two years ago, a teacher wouldn’t let me bring a cake to school because she said I didn’t have a birthday that year.”

Alexis Doyle is different. “Every leap year I rent (租) a restaurant for the evening, have a big party and invite everyone I know,” Alexis said.

Alexis didn’t want to tell me her real age but she gave me a clue (提示). “At my next party there will be ten candles on the cake,” she said.

【小题1】Why did Roberta decide to celebrate her birthday on February 28th?
【小题2】How long does Rod celebrate his birthday when it’s not a leap year?
【小题3】What does Graham think of being a leaper?
【小题4】How old will Alexis be when she celebrates her next birthday?

A ship was sailing on the sea. A black boy who worked at the end of the ship fell into the sea. He shouted for help, ①但是风是如此的大以致于船上的人听不到他说话

The ship sailed farther and farther and he felt he was going to sink (下沉). “Maybe I need to give up?” he said to himself. At this time, he thought of the kind and friendly old captain. “No! The captain must be searching for me!” he thought. Then he was full of power and began to swim. Finally the captain found the black boy was missing. So he ordered his ship to return to look for the boy. But someone told the captain, “② Such a long time has passed and he must have been eaten by the shark.” The captain shouted, “Shut up!” Finally, the ship arrived and the captain saved the kid. At the moment of drowning(溺水), the ship arrived and the captain saved the kid.

When the boy woke up, the captain asked, “How can you insist (坚持) for such a long time?” The boy answered, “I knew you would save me! I was very sure. ”

It is a lucky thing to believe a person. Nowadays maybe we wouldn’t like to believe many things in this world. I still believe that there are more kind people than indifferent (冷漠) people. Believe it or not, it depends on you!

【小题1】请在文中找出和 “At last the captain didn’t find the black boy everywhere.” 意思相近的句子。
【小题2】The boy was lucky to be saved because he ________ the captain.(仅限一词)
【小题3】What do you think of the captain?

Jerry is a world-famous mountain climber. He has climbed many high mountains in the world. Starting in 2015, (A)他和他的朋友们花了两年的时间 on an adventure in South America, covering 7,800 miles. He was even named Adventure of the Year by a famous geography magazine in 2018. ①

Although Jerry had achieved great success, he didn’t feel satisfied. He asked himself, “Is it enough to climb the highest mountains? ②How can I turn my adventures into something that can help the world?”

Jerry learned that scientists need plants, rocks and water samples(样本) from the places far away to do research. (B) ________ scientists can’t get there themselves as such places are hard to reach—only the bravest adventurers can make it. Jerry thought he could do something to help. He then came up with an idea. He set up a team of top adventures to collect samples for scientists. (C) ________ studying the samples, scientists could know more about the earth and find ways to protect it.

For Jerry, this kind of adventure is most satisfying. “Such adventures had made us see life in a different way. (D) Now, being the best climber isn’t important for me. What matters is doing something helpful while climbing the mountains. ③There is still much more I can do,” Jerry said to a newspaper.

【小题2】在文中(B)和(C)的空白处分别填入一个适当的单词:________;   ________
【小题3】将文中画线部分(D)改写为:Now ________ not important for me ________ be the best climber.
【小题4】在文中①②③选出能够填入“Am I doing something helpful?”的位置:________
【小题5】从文中找出科学家们做研究需要的两种样本:________;   ________
