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Chinese scientists found Changesite-(Y)—the sixth new lunar mineral in moon samples (样品) brought back by the Chang’e 5 lunar probe (探测器) in December 2020. It has become the first lunar mineral found by Chinese scientists, making China the third nation in the world, after the United States and Russia, to have achieved such a success, reported China Daily.

Changesite-(Y) looks crystal clear like a diamond (钻石). But its chemical content (化学组成) is different from any other known mineral. It has a high level of rare earth, reported China Science Daily. Li Ziying, chief scientist of the lunar sample research, said that the finding of this new mineral will help researchers study the history and physical traits (特征) of the moon. The value of the rare earth in it will also be studied.

Besides the new mineral, scientists also measured the content of helium-3 (氦-3) from the Chang’e 5 samples. Helium-3 is a valuable fuel (燃料) that can provide safer nuclear energy (核能). It is not radioactive (放射性的) and would not produce dangerous waste. On Earth, we have only 15 to 20 tons of helium-3 that can be used. But after studying the moon’s soil, scientists said there could be at least 1 million tons of helium-3 on the moon. That’s enough for all people on Earth to have clean energy for 10,000 years!

【小题1】How many kinds of lunar minerals have scientists found so far?
【小题2】According to the article, what still waits to be studied by scientists about the moon?
A.Its shape.B.Its history.C.Its looks.D.Its size.
【小题3】What does the discovery of Helium-3 from the Chang’e 5 samples tell us?
A.Helium-3 will not produce any waste.B.Helium-3 on the moon may be radioactive.
C.The moon can provide us with enough clean energy.D.There is enough nuclear energy on the moon for humans.
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For thousands of years, humans have explored (探索) the Earth. Nowadays, we are exploring space. Astronomers (天文学家) are the modern day explorers. Now, many astronomers are looking for new planets and new places for humans to live in the future. But where do astronomers start looking?

First of all, astronomers look for a star. That's because our own Earth moves around a star (the Sun).More importantly, it is the correct distance (距离) from the Sun for heat and light. So when astronomers have found the star, they look at the planets around it. In recent years, astronomers have found nearly 400 new planets with stars. However, many of these planets are either too near the star or too far away.

However, if the planet is in a good position, astronomers look for three key things: water, air and rock. Water is important because all life needs water. Humans can drink it and also grow plants with water. And plants produce air for humans to breathe and food to eat. Rock on a planet is also important. That’s because there is often water under the rock.

After many years of scrutinizing, astronomers have found a planet that is similar to the Earth. It’s Gliese 581g and it’s near a star. The astronomers think it has water and rock and the average (平均) temperature is between-31°C and-12°C. That’s cold, but not colder than Antarctica or the Arctic Circle, for example. Gliese 581g is bigger than the Earth. A year on Gliese 581g is only 37 Earth days instead of 365.But astronomers do not think these are big differences and some of them think Gliese 581g will be a new Earth. However, Gliese 581g is twenty light years from the Earth.

【小题1】What do astronomers have to find first before starting to look for a new place for humans to live?
A.A new star.B.A new planet.C.Some heat.D.Some light.
【小题2】What does the rock on a planet tell us?
A.The star is in a right position.
B.We may discover water under it.
C.The planet is too near to the Sun.
D.There can be air around the rock.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “scrutinizing” mean in the last paragraph?
【小题4】What’s the main idea of the text?
A.Gliese 581g is already a new Earth.
B.There are planets similar to our Earth.
C.Water, air and rock are important.
D.Astronomers are looking for a new Earth.
【小题5】Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A storybook.B.A travel guide.C.A film poster.D.A science magazine.

Thousands of miles from the Earth, in outer space, is a small planet, far from the Sun, behind a much bigger planet. Little green aliens live there. They use torches to see.

One day, a young alien, Neila, put the wrong batteries in her torch.

Suddenly, there was bright light. It went up into the sky, around the Sun and reached the Earth.

The light hit a boy called Billy and his dog. Neila quickly turned the torch off, but the pair were caught by the light. They flew through space and landed near Neila.

“ Hello,” said Billy. Neila smiled.

“ Wow!” said Billy, “Everything’s made of ice cream!”

“The ice cream never melts (融化), and nobody eats it. It’s too cold here,” said Neila.

Neila looked sad. “Can you help us?” she said, “We need sunshine to make things grow.”

“No problem,” said Billy, “Can you get us home? I have an idea.”

“Wait there!” said Neila.

She got her torch, put the wrong batteries in again—ZOOM! Billy and his dog flew back to the Earth.

Billy pointed his bedroom mirror between the Sun and Fliptune. The sunlight bounced off the mirror and up onto Neila’s planet.

Thanks to Billy, Fliptune is not cold any more. Billy moves the mirror every day to keep the sun shining there. Now Neila and her friends sit in the sun and enjoy all the free ice cream.

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase “the pair”   refer to in paragraph 4?
A.The batteries.B.Billy and his dog.C.Billy and Neila.D.The torch and the batteries.
【小题2】How did Neila help Billy and his dog go back to the Earth?
A.By moving the mirror.B.By turning off the torch.
C.By pointing the bedroom mirror.D.By putting the wrong batteries in the torch.
【小题3】In what order did the following happen in this passage?
a. Neila asked Billy for help.
b. Billy and his dog flew to Fliptune.
c. Neila helped Billy and his dog back to the Earth.
d. Billy moved the mirror every day to warm Fliptune.
【小题4】Which picture best shows the underlined sentence in paragraph 12?
【小题5】Which of the following best describes Billy?
A.Clever and kind.B.Brave but forgetful.C.Kind and strong.D.Clever but careless.
