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Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happy? If so, you will find “Being a Happy Teenager(青少年)”written by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews useful.

In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers.

The book says we should stop being angry. The book also tells us about some useful skills. For example, if you want to make your memory better, you can put what you’ve learned into pictures of your mind. Many teenagers think that happiness comes from good grades of praise from other people. But you can still be happy when there are no such “good” things.

Success comes from a good attitude(态度). If you learn from problems, you will have success in the future. Some school boys have problems, such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that happiness comes from thinking about things in a positive(积极地)way.

If you are tall, you can get a better view(视线) at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes take less room in your bedroom! This is Matthew’s most important lesson: You choose to be happy!

【小题1】What does the book advice you to do if you want to have a better memory?
A.To stop being angry.B.To have good attitude.
C.To get praise from other people.D.To put what you’ve learned into pictures of your mind.
【小题2】After reading the book, you’ll learn ________ comes from a good attitude.
【小题3】Andrew Matthews is a ________.
【小题4】The passage mainly tells us how to ________.
A.read a useful bookB.learn from problems
C.have a happy lifeD.get a better view at the movie
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Burns from fire or other sources of heat are common in our daily life. Some burns can be treated at home, while others need special medical treat.

What to do if you get burned? First, check and decide if you can take care of the burn by yourself. Go to the hospital at once if the burn is serious. If you can’t get to a hospital right away or you must wait for an ambulance(救护车), follow these steps:

◆ Remove clothing from the burning area. Don’t remove clothing that is stuck to the skin and don’t break any blisters(水泡).
◆ Run cool (not cold) water over the burn until you don’t feel too painful. Don’t put butter, oil, or ice on burns.
◆ Lightly apply a bandage(绷带) over the burn.
◆ Remove the valuable thing that’s close to the burn.
Find special medical care if:
◆ The burn is serious.
◆ The burned area is large (cover the area with a clean, soft cloth or towel).
◆ The burn comes from a fire, electric wire or chemicals.
◆ The burn doesn’t recover after a long time.
Take preventive(预防性的) measures

Be careful when using candles, heaters(加热器) or cooking. Don’t allow children to play in the kitchen while someone is cooking. Children can easily get burned in kitchens.

【小题1】You should ________ first if you get burned.
A.go to the hospitalB.call the police
C.check the burnD.clean the burned area
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT True?
A.Do not cover clothing on the burn.
B.Lightly put a bandage and tie it to the burn.
C.Place the burned area under cool running water.
D.Break up the blisters on the burn and apply medicine to the burn.
【小题3】If the burn is serious and doesn’t recover for a long time, you need to ________.
A.leave the hospitalB.put ice on it
C.call an ambulance at onceD.find special medical care
【小题4】Children will get burned easily in the ________ according to the passage.
A.kitchenB.living roomC.bathroomD.bedroom
【小题5】You may find this passage on a ________.
A.book reviewB.first aid handbook
C.fashion magazineD.local newspaper

There is probably nothing more terrible than fighting an enemy that you cannot see. The novel coronavirus is one of these invisible enemies, and it has caused quite a bit of death. Ever since it was first found in Wuhan, Hubei in December, more than 44,000 people have been ill in China and other places in the world. As of Feb 11 this year, 1,113 people were reported killed within 31 provinces in China.

But even if we cannot see the virus, we know how it behaves and spreads around, which is just like most other viruses. The first thing you can do to prevent any illness like this is to keep yourself clean, including wearing a mask and washing hands. By wearing a mask, you keep yourself away from the droplets coughed and sneezed by sick people. These droplets can spread the virus—as far as two meters!

These droplets don’t stay in the air for long and then they can fall and land on surfaces, like tables or smartphones. They can also travel to buttons and doors by our hands. According to Jiang Rongmeng, a member of China’s National Health Commission expert group, the novel coronavirus can stay alive for quite a long time on smooth surfaces. And that’s why washing hands becomes so necessary. They might even stay alive for up to five days in proper conditions.

According to People’s Daily, it’s reported that you might become ill even though patients look very healthy. There are no public health ways to tell who are danger because they don’t even know that they’re ill yet.

In fact, the diseases can be terrible but it helps us develop better habits. After all, washing our hands is actually what we should be doing every day.

【小题1】How many people died of the virus as of February 11 this year?
【小题2】Which of the following statements is NOT RIGHT?
A.Keeping clean is a good way to prevent the illness.
B.The droplets can spread the virus about 2 meters.
C.Even though you don’t cough or sneeze, you still need be afraid of illness.
D.The virus can stay alive for about 5 days at any time anywhere.
【小题3】What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “droplets” in the passage?
【小题4】The passage is probably from ________.
A.a magazineB.a storybookC.a newspaperD.a guidebook

Sometimes you might feel it impossible to get on with your parents. But in fact, it isn’t as difficult as you think. Follow these ways, and then you’ll improve your relationship with them.

Spend more time with your parents. Your parents won’t always be around, so try to spend more time with them. This doesn’t mean just sitting in front of the TV together. Instead, you should do more activities with your parents together. By doing them, all of you will feel happy and relaxed.

Talk with your parents more often. In order to understand them better, you should talk with them more often. Try to learn more about them. For example, you could ask them about their own childhood. In this way, you will understand them better.

Always listen to your parents. This may seem simple, but it’s often harder than you think. Look at your parents when they are talking. Don’t interrupt (打断) them, and then speak clearly when replying to them.

Share your feelings with your parents. Sometimes your parents also want to learn more about you. Just do your best to open your heart to them. When possible, talk to them about something at school or what you really want to be in the future.

【小题1】Who is the passage written for?
A.Parents.B.Children.C.Old people.D.Teachers.
【小题2】How can you get on with your parents according to Paragraph 2?
A.By watching TV with them all the time.B.By helping them to do chores.
C.By making up stories about them.D.By spending more time with them.
【小题3】What should you do when your parents are talking?
A.Listen carefully.B.Interrupt them.
C.Reply aloud.D.Think about something.
