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【小题1】 My favorite sport is basketball. I have two basketballs. One is blue, and the other is brown. I often play it with Bill, my best friend after school.
【小题2】 I’m Gina. I always eat well in the morning. For breakfast I like bread and milk. I don’t like burgers. I think they’re not healthy. I have breakfast at home.
【小题3】 My brother is Jerry. He can’t find his English notebook. He lost it in the school library. If you find it, please call him at 84985748. Thank you.
【小题4】 My sister’s room is very tidy. Her schoolbag is under the desk. Some books are on the desk. Next to the desk, there is a bed. A toy bear is on it.
【小题5】 Please look at the photo. Those are my grandparents. These are my father and my mother. This is me. My dog is in the picture, too.
A. A tidy room.
B. An English notebook.
C. A good eating habit.
D. A basketball lover.
E. A photo of a family.

知识点:家人和亲人居室爱好健康饮食健康与运动其他语篇 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!
