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Imagine a world where air pollution is no longer a problem. Clean air is all around us. People don’t have to worry about polluting the air 164 every time they drive their cars. They no longer need to face the problem of not having enough fuel either.

Although scientists have been trying for many years to develop a new kind of car that does not need gasoline (汽油), they have been unsuccessful. Recently, however, car engineers have succeeded in creating a new kind of car that runs on gasoline and electricity. This is the famous hybrid car. This car gets its name from the fact that it has a gasoline engine (引擎) and an electric motor inside. Hybrid cars do not pollute the environment as much as the cars that are commonly used today. They also cost drivers less money because they need less fuel than ordinary cars.

Hybrid cars are becoming widely popular in the United States. They are soon expected to become widely used around the world. If scientists and engineers continue to work on car development, perhaps the world with clean air that we imagined earlier just might become real in the future.

【小题1】The underlined word “they” in Paragraph (段落) 2 means ________.
【小题2】Hybrid cars ________.
A.increase air pollutionB.run only on electricity
C.have no engines inside 165D.need less fuel than ordinary cars
【小题3】The passage tells us that with the development of cars, we may ________.
A.like electric carsB.drive cars easily
C.live in the world with clean airD.understand how hybrid cars work
【小题4】The passage above is probably________.
A.a science reportB.a travel guide
C.an advertisementD.a piece of news
【小题5】The best title for the passage would be ________.
A.The Car of the FutureB.The Meaning of Hybrid
C.The Use of Hybrid CarsD.The Invention of the Car
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You pick up your phone and stare at it. The screen unlocks at once. But it won't do that for anyone else. The phone knows who you are. It recognizes(识别)the shape of your face. Welcome to the world of the latest iPhone. It comes with a feature called Face ID.

Your face isn't the only characteristic you can use as a password. Many smartphones already accept fingerprint recognition. Other safely systems check the shape of the ear, patterns in the eye, or the way a person walks. All of these characteristics, called biometrics(生物识别技术), are unusual enough to identify someone.

People like using biometrics for safely because they're easy. You can't misplace or forget your own face. They're also usually very safe. It's hard to copy another person's body parts. But it's not impossible!

And the face may be one of the easiest body parts to copy. Most teens post plenty of photos online. These could probably help someone hack into(入侵)a safety system. In 2016, researchers at the University of North Carolina collected available Facebook photos. They used them to build 3D models of faces. Then they showed these fake faces to five different facial recognition systems. Four out of five let the cheater(骗子)in. (Face ID wasn't part of the test.)

Once a biometric password has been stolen, you can't easily change it. You can't get a new face! There's one more thing of Face ID that worries experts. It would be easy for someone else to hold your phone in front of your face to unlock it. For example, an angry sister or brother might do this to hack into your accounts.

Some people won't worry about all that. It's just so cool to use Face ID. As for me, I am always glad to use the new technology as long as it can make our lives easier and better. What do you think? Is it a good thing to you?

【小题1】___________ of the following body parts can be used as biometrics.
①hair       ②eye       ③mouth             ④ear            ⑤face               ⑥fingerprint
【小题2】The writer shows the face is easy to be copied by ___________ in paragraph 4.
A.giving examplesB.showing pictures
C.using numbersD.answering questions
【小题3】According to the passage, we can know ___________.
A.your phone can recognize anyone's face
B.Face ID of smartphones may cause some trouble
C.you can easily change the stolen biometric password
D.all the people worry about the safety of recognition system
【小题4】What's the writer's opinion about Face ID?
A.It's cool to use Face ID.B.It's dangerous to use Face ID.
C.It's safe and easy to use Face ID.D.It's a new technology if it can improve our lives.

Every now and then you may see news of satellites (卫星) sent into space. On Feb 21st, 2022, for example, US company SpaceX took 46 satellites into space. On Feb 27th, 2022, China sent 22 satellites into space. Why do we need so many satellites? What do they do out there?

Until now, there are more than 4,000 active satellites moving around the earth. Satellites can do a lot of work.

Before satellites, TV signals (信号) didn’t go very far because mountains or tall buildings would stop them. Phone calls to faraway places were also a big problem. But with satellites, TV signals and phone calls can be sent to a satellite and then back down to different places on the earth. SpaceX’s Starlink Project is trying to go further. It plans to use satellites to provide Internet in the future.

Satellites can also provide information about clouds, sea, land and ice. They help scientists do research such as knowing about changes in weather. Satellites help people find natural disasters like wild fires by closely watching them. Farmers can use satellite pictures to decide the best time to water their fields.

Some satellites fly near other planets. They may look for water on Mars or take close-up (特写) pictures of other planets. In 2020, the video website (网站) Bilibili sent a satellite into space. Its job is to look at other planets and share the pictures and videos with Bilibili’s users.

Like any other machines, satellites do not last forever. When they die, they burn up (烧毁) or become space rubbish. The rubbish in space will hit each other or other satellites and cause more serious problems. So rubbish trucks (卡车) may help. In fact, scientists have invented rubbish trucks. Clear Space-l is one of them. Dr. Luc Piguet, the manager of the company Clear Space, will tell you how it works.

【小题1】Which of the following is NOT the way to start the passage?
A.Listing numbers.B.Giving examples.C.Telling stories.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “disasters” mean?
【小题3】What can satellites do now according to the passage?
①Help scientists do research.                       ②Send TV and telephone signals.
③Provide Internet for other planets.               ④Take pictures of other planets closely.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.In February this year, two countries sent 68 satellites into space.
B.Farmers can decide when to water fields with the satellite pictures.
C.The video website Bilibili sent a satellite in order to discover a new planet.
【小题5】What will the writer most probably write next?
A.How space rubbish causes serious problems.
B.How the old satellites become space rubbish.
C.How the rubbish trucks tidy up space rubbish.

It’s the weekend, and you decide to visit your grandma who lives alone. When you arrive, however, you realize that she has another visitor, and you hear through the door the two of them laughing. You walk in and find that the visitor, sitting across the dining table from your grandma, is a laughing robot. It’s laughing at your grandma’s joke.

Such a robot is something that a team of scientists at Kyoto University in Japan are working toward. They are teaching a robot named Erica how to laugh while talking to a human.

“We think that one of the important abilities of robots is empathy (共鸣),” said Dr. KojiInoue, the leader of the team. “So we decided that one way a robot can empathize with users is to share their laughter.”

Erica’s development began with recording different human laughter. The scientists recorded more than 80 conversations. Then they studied the conversations and put the laughter in these conversations into different groups. Next, they trained Erica to learn the characteristics of each group of laughter in order to show them correctly in different situations.

Although the scientists have made some encouraging progress, they said that we are not able to have a natural talk with Erica as we have with a friend now. But then wait a few years, and you may find your own self at that dining table, telling jokes to a robot named Erica.

【小题1】How does the writer introduce the topic of the passage?
A.By giving an example.B.By listing numbers.
C.By asking a question.D.By making a comparison.
【小题2】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.The writer thinks we can have a natural talk with a robot in a few years.
B.The laughing robot is invented by a team of scientists in Japan.
C.The scientists have recorded only 80 conversations in the robot called Erica.
D.Scientists think one of the most important abilities of robots is empathy.
【小题3】Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.A Visitor of My GrandmaB.Laughing Robot
C.Scientists of JapanD.Sharing Laughter
