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When you spend three weeks reading a book, and a month later somebody asks you about it and you can’t remember anything you read. What’s your feeling? It makes you wonder why you wasted time on it.

There are some effective (有效的) ways to learn. And when I say “to learn effectively”, what I mean is to not just build up knowledge, but to be able to use that knowledge effectively. So I say, most of the courses people spend money on is not learning. Something is not truly learned until it changes you in some way.

●Memory is based on (基于) connections

One of my favorite online book clubs is Mentor Box. The club will send you books to read and study materials related (联系) to them. The materials can help you put what you’ve learnt into good use and make you remember things quickly.

You can do this on your own. When you read something useful, write down its connections with something in your life—how you can use the idea, how it can help with your problems, etc.

●Read in a right way

People believe they have to read everything, line by line, one after another. This is not true. When you buy a book, you’re not buying the words, you’re buying the useful ideas. The point of a book is the information that is important to you. What matters is the key idea. Once you’ve received that idea, there’s no reason to feel obligated to sit there and read the rest.

●Ask the right questions

Everything you read should be questioned. You can question the writer’s ideas, whether they’re explaining information correctly. When reading something you agree with, you can ask yourself, “Is it possible that this could be wrong?” Asking the right questions will decide the depth of your knowledge and understanding, not the ability to remember a lot of facts and numbers.

【小题1】According to the writer, effective learning ________.
A.is spending a long time reading a book
B.helps you get a good feeling after reading
C.happens when knowledge changes you in some way
D.is the main purpose of the courses people spend money on
【小题2】What does the writer suggest when we want to remember something?
A.Joining our favorite online book club.B.Always writing down somethings useful.
C.Studying the reading materials carefully.D.Building connections between books and our life.
【小题3】The last paragraph tells us that the readers should ________.
A.have critical spiritB.remember the details well
C.find the information quicklyD.use the knowledge effectively
【小题4】What does the underlined word “obligated” mean?
【小题5】Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Become A Better LearnerB.How to Remember Things Effectively
C.Ways of Building Connections in Your LifeD.The Importance of Asking the Right Questions
知识点:方法/策略阅读说明文细节理解推理判断词句猜测最佳标题 答案解析 【答案】很抱歉,登录后才可免费查看答案和解析!

Many people find it difficult to improve their reading skills when they learn English. In fact, it’s not so difficult if you know the following things.

Reading should be interesting, so be sure you are reading the right book. The book should be not too difficult for you. You can start by reading an easy one.

Find some books of your favourite writers’ and read them all. By doing this you will get used to the writing style of the writer, and you can also learn the vocabulary and grammar from the books.

Try reading the same book again and again. You can improve your reading in this way. Every time you read the book, you will find something new.

Try to talk about a book with other people. There are lots of online book clubs and you can even write your ideas about the book you read.

Don’t try to read “the classics (经典)” at once. Just start with short stories. I started learning English by reading! It was really easy and interesting!

【小题1】What do many people think of improve their reading skills?
【小题2】If the book you are reading is really difficult, ________.
A.try to find an easy oneB.ask your teacher for help
C.look up every word in a dictionaryD.read it with your friends together
【小题3】Why does the writer ask us to read the same book again and again?
A.Because we can’t understand the book at all by reading once.
B.Because the writer likes reading in this way.
C.Because we can find something new each time.
D.Because there are not many new books.
【小题4】The underlined phrase “get used to” means “________” in Chinese.
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT the writer’s idea?
A.Starting your reading with the classics.
B.Talking about a book with others.
C.Choosing something easy and interesting to read.
D.Try reading the same book again and again.

How do you encourage kindness in your classroom?

We cheer “G-double O-D J-O-B, good job, good job” each time a student works out a math problem on the board. The kids really love it—they do it every time a classmate does something good.


We make Kindness Cards for one another every Friday. I put the students’ names in a box. Then, I walk around the room and each student draws a name—they have to write a card to the student whose name they draw.


Every child gets a “praise party” on his or her birthday. They receive praise from the other children in the class at the party.


By setting a good example. If I point out the small things that are good and give some kids a high five, the other kids will finally start doing it to one another.


I pick a time each week to have the students draw a name out of my cup. They write a nice note to that person.


【小题1】What will Hannah’s students do if somebody does something good in her class?________
【小题2】How many people’s ways are similar to Matt’s?________
【小题3】Where will the students in Linda’s class get praise?________
A.In class meetings.B.In parent meetings.C.In dance parties.D.In birthday parties.
【小题4】Who encourages others to be kind by setting good examples?________
【小题5】Where may you probably read this test?________
A.From a magazine for kids.B.From a magazine for teachers.C.From a guidebook for tourists.D.From a newspaper for parents.
Every day in China, about 200 million children go to school. Many of them take school buses to school and back home. Most of the time, the school buses are very safe for them. But sometimes they are also dangerous.
Several years ago, a serious accident happened to a nine – seat minibus in November in Gansu. There were 62 children inside, and 21 of them died.
What should we do to keep us safe on the road? First, we should wait for the school bus on time at the right place when we are going to school or coming back home. Second, we shouldn’t run or fight on the bus when it is going. Third, we mustn’t try to get off when it is noving. Last, don’t get on the bus if it is overloaded(超载).
Our govemment(政府)also makes rules for school buses. Under the new rules, school buses have a speed limit of 80km per(每)hour on highways and 60km per hour on normal roads. While on the road, other cars must let school buses go first.
【小题1】About children go to school every day in China.
A.200 thousandB.200 millionC.800 thousandD.800 million
【小题2】How many children were in the nice – seat minibus when the accident happened?
【小题3】What does the underlined word “limit” mean in Chinese?
【小题4】Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.School buses are always safe.
B.We can wait for the school bus at any places.
C.It’s dangerous to get off a but when it is moving.
D.School buses have a speed limit of 80km per hour on normal roads.
【小题5】This passage mainly tells us .
A.other cars must let school buses go first
B.we can’t get on the bus if it is overloaded
C.twenty – one children died in the sccident
D.what we should do to keep safe on the road
